Stop Putting out Fires: Breaking the Cycle of Operational Chaos

Tony Reijm
8 min readJan 29, 2024


In the land of startups, balancing the scales between product development and operational demands poses a significant challenge. Many startups, like the case of an employee wellness company we will explore, face the dilemma of their development teams being overwhelmed with operational tasks and minor fixes, detracting from their capacity to innovate and develop better products.

Understanding the Vicious Cycle

Startups often find themselves in a vicious cycle: focusing too much on putting out fires which inhibits forward-looking development. This tech stagnation impacts business significantly — leading to customer service complaints, sales challenges, and a loss of competitive edge in the market. Conversely, when business demands overburden the tech team without adequate resources and constantly shifting priorities, it results in mounting technical debt, demotivating work conditions, and escalated overhead costs. This creates an organisation that is seemingly busy but fundamentally stagnant.

The Path to Breaking the Cycle

To break free from this cycle, startups need to pivot from immediate, reactive solutions to long-term strategic planning. Incremental architecture changes are crucial for product development stabilisation. It’s about finding a balance: managing day-to-day operational needs while making small but significant strides towards overall product stabilisation.

Case Study — Three Phases of Transformation

Phase 1: From MVP to a Flexible Foundation

The first step involves transitioning from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to establishing a flexible data architecture. This includes implementing new designs to elevate user experience and bolstering security measures for efficient internal management.

The concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is central to the ethos of early-stage startups. An MVP is the most basic version of a product that can be released to test a new business idea with minimal resources. It aims to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. This approach allows startups to test their hypotheses, understand customer needs, and pivot quickly based on feedback. However, MVPs have inherent limitations. Primarily designed for initial market entry, they typically lack the features and robustness required for long-term growth. MVPs are often not scalable, secure, or flexible enough to meet evolving market demands, leading to the need for significant rework as the business grows.

As the market evolves, customer expectations and the competitive landscape evolve alongside it. Customers begin to expect more refined, reliable, and feature-rich products. In such a scenario, an MVP may no longer suffice. Scalability becomes a crucial concern. Startups need to build systems that can grow with the company, accommodating more users, data, and complex operations without necessitating frequent overhauls. Additionally, as a business grows, the demand for robust security measures and reliable systems becomes critical. Data breaches or system failures can be catastrophic for a growing company, emphasizing the need to transition from an MVP to a more comprehensive, robust solution.

One of the primary strategies for transitioning from an MVP is developing a scalable data architecture. This involves designing a system that can handle increasing volumes of data and a growing number of users without performance degradation. Approaches like cloud services and modular design can offer scalability and flexibility, allowing startups to expand and modify their systems with minimal disruption. Another essential strategy is enhancing user experience through thoughtful design and functionality. The success and retention of a product are significantly influenced by how users interact with it. Implementing iterative design improvements based on user feedback and usability testing helps in refining the product to meet user needs effectively.

Transitioning from an MVP to a more stable and scalable product involves navigating several challenges. Balancing innovation with stability is crucial. While introducing new features is important, maintaining a stable and reliable product is paramount. Efficient resource allocation is another challenge. Startups must judiciously manage their limited resources to support both the maintenance of the MVP and the development of new architecture. Additionally, overcoming technical debt — a common issue where quick fixes during the MVP stage lead to a buildup of issues that need addressing later — is critical. Addressing these challenges requires a strategic approach, careful planning, and a focus on long-term goals rather than short-term fixes.

Phase 2: Branding and Functionality Evolution

The next phase focuses on rebranding for better market presence, enhancing functionalities based on user feedback, and adapting through experimentation to refine the product.

This phase emerges as a critical juncture in their journey towards success. It’s a phase where startups shift gears from survival mode to thriving in a competitive market. As their products mature beyond the minimum viable form, this phase becomes indispensable for driving sustainable growth and fostering innovation.

At the heart of Phase 2 lies the need for evolution. Startups recognize that to stay relevant and competitive, they must evolve their product offerings and market presence. The initial stages of a startup may have been about finding their footing, but Phase 2 is about taking a bold step forward. It signifies a transition from uncertainty to strategic clarity, where startups aim to redefine their identity, messaging, and market positioning.

Rebranding is one of the central elements of Phase 2. It’s not just a superficial makeover; it’s a strategic reevaluation of a startup’s essence. This involves a multifaceted approach, starting with identity reinvention. Startups redefine who they are, what they stand for, and their long-term vision. Crafting a compelling identity forms the foundation for creating a strong brand image. Moreover, messaging refinement becomes pivotal. Effective communication with the target audience becomes paramount. Startups must craft narratives that not only reflect their values but also directly address the pain points of their users. Furthermore, market positioning is reassessed. Startups ask themselves, “Are we disruptors? Innovators? Cost leaders?” Defining a unique selling proposition (USP) helps them carve out a niche in the competitive landscape. In essence, rebranding is a holistic approach to positioning the startup for success in the market.

Additionally, enhancing functionalities based on user feedback is a cornerstone of Phase 2. User feedback is invaluable as it guides startups in identifying areas of improvement. Here, startups embrace a user-centric approach, focusing on listening to their customers and aligning product development with user needs. Prioritization of features is a crucial aspect; not all features are created equal, and startups must prioritize those that have the most significant impact on user experience and value. By adopting an iterative development approach and releasing smaller updates more frequently, startups are better equipped to gather feedback and make rapid improvements. This iterative cycle of feedback and enhancement creates a dynamic and responsive product that resonates with users.

Lastly, Phase 2 encourages adaptation through experimentation, a hallmark of innovative startups. Startups foster a culture that embraces calculated risks, understanding that not all experiments will succeed, but the ones that do can lead to significant breakthroughs. A/B testing is a common method used to experiment with variations of features or designs, enabling startups to gather data and make informed decisions. Flexibility is key, and in some cases, startups may need to pivot based on the results of their experiments. This adaptability and willingness to explore new ideas and technologies fuel innovation.

Phase 3: Solidifying and Future-Proofing

Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Not a finished product but a point of stabilisation. The process involves cleaning up unused components, choosing a cohesive technology stack for scalability, and stabilising processes through automation for increased efficiency.

Phase 3 emerges as the pivotal moment that can define its future. This phase marks the transition from the initial stages of experimentation and rapid growth to the establishment of a solid foundation for long-term success.

During this critical phase, the primary goal is to tidy up and optimize the startup’s tech infrastructure. Startups, particularly those that have experienced rapid growth, often find themselves burdened with remnants of the past — unused or redundant components that hinder efficiency. This clutter not only slows down operations but can also lead to confusion and security vulnerabilities. Phase 3 is akin to a thorough decluttering of the workspace, enhancing productivity and creating a more maintainable system.

A significant aspect of cleaning up involves eliminating unused abstractions. This sub-phase entails identifying and removing redundant code, frameworks, or features that no longer serve a purpose. By streamlining the system, startups not only reduce complexity but also make it easier to manage and maintain, setting the stage for future growth.

Another crucial element in Phase 3 is the selection of a coherent and unified technology stack. Many startups begin with a patchwork of technologies that met their initial needs but may not be suitable for long-term scalability. As the company matures, having a well-aligned technology stack becomes paramount. This ensures compatibility, reduces complexity, and fosters collaboration among development teams, laying the groundwork for future success.

A key aspect of future-proofing is the stabilisation of processes for automation. Automation is a cornerstone of efficiency and scalability. By automating routine tasks and processes, startups can free up valuable human resources for more strategic and innovative endeavors. This encompasses automating software testing, deployment, monitoring, and incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning where applicable.

As Phase 3 progresses, startups begin to experience a newfound sense of stability, which may have been elusive in the earlier stages. This newfound stability brings with it renewed confidence and motivation among team members. The demotivating conditions of the past are replaced with a sense of purpose and direction.

Practical Insights for Startup Teams

1. You can’t optimize immediately, the business needs to explore the product-market fit: It’s crucial to understand that optimisation doesn’t happen overnight, especially in the early stages of a startup. Before diving into extensive optimisation efforts, it’s essential for the business to thoroughly explore and validate its product-market fit. This means understanding the target audience, their needs, and how the product meets those needs. Rushing into optimisation without a solid understanding of the market can lead to misdirected efforts and wasted resources. Taking the time to establish a strong product-market fit provides a solid foundation for effective optimisation down the road.

2. Be prepared to throw a lot away, many things will be done differently at stabilisation: Flexibility and adaptability are key in the world of startups. During the journey towards stabilisation, it’s common to discover that certain processes, technologies, or approaches need to be discarded or completely reworked. Startups should embrace the mindset of being prepared to throw away what doesn’t work or can be improved upon. This willingness to pivot and make changes is a hallmark of successful startups. It’s important to view these adjustments as valuable learning experiences that ultimately contribute to the growth and stability of the company.

3. Pick your battles, there’s not enough resources to fix it all right away: Startups often operate with limited resources, and it’s important to recognize that not every issue or inefficiency can be addressed simultaneously. Prioritization is key. Pick your battles wisely by focusing on the most critical and impactful areas that require change. This strategic approach ensures that the available resources are allocated where they will make the most significant difference. By tackling high-priority issues first, startups can make incremental progress and gradually address other challenges as they grow and acquire more resources.


Putting out fires in a startup happens but it can lead to a vicious cycle leading to a stagnant company. To break the vicious cycle, it’s not about grand leaps but rather about small, consistent steps towards long-term objectives. Stop putting all the fires, let some burn and move towards not causing them in the first place.

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Tony Reijm

Technical Product Specialist - I navigate the intersection of people, product and technology