The TE-FOOD ecosystem from a business viewpoint

Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2017

At first read, the product development roadmap of TE-FOOD may seem too ambitious to some people. Here, we would like to explain how the existing and planned elements are part of a deliberate plan to build a set of synergistic tools.

Existing, ready elements

At first, let’s take a quick look at the existing, ready elements:

  • Centralized transaction ledger, which stores all core traceability information.
  • Traceability tools, which consists of the physical identification tools (e.g. plastic security seals, ear tags, label stickers), the B2B mobile app, and the web based Back office for authority tools and reporting. These are the B2B and B2G tools of the system.
  • Farm management tool, which is moduls built in the B2B mobile app, and consists of basic farm management functions (inventory, feeding, vaccination). This tool enables smaller farms to digitize its — currently paper based — processes. Its provided for free, with the goal to improve the engagement of farms to use TE-FOOD.
  • Consumer tools, which is a consumer mobile app, and self service terminals to provide transparent food quality and history insights for consumers.
  • National Livestock Management System is a governmental/authority application, which consists of a mobile app, in which supply chain companies can provide data about their livestock (inventory, death, export, transports), and a web based back office for the government/authority to analyse the collected information. Since the use of such systems is usually mandatory for all farms/slaughterhouses, and the mobile app is bridged to the TE-FOOD B2B traceability app, it provides a promotional purpose to reach potential new customers.

Planned developments

As you will see, all planned developments are either extend existing ones, or implement new features to access new markets, or improve the potential in the existing customer base.

  • Decentralized transaction ledger to store all traceability transaction data on blockchain. This will provide unquestionable credibility, and the possibility of a global scale ledger.
  • Extended food categories are an extension of the Traceability tools. The goal is obvious: Beside pig, chicken, and eggs, TE-FOOD will be extended to support the processes of several other food categories (cattle, fish/seafood, fruits/vegetables). This development will open new markets to tens of thousands of new customers even in our existing market, Vietnam.
Current prototype of the food safety sensor tool
  • Food safety sensors are hardware tools which will enable TE-FOOD to collect direct information on several aspects of food transports (GPS, temperature, humidity, etc.). Its goal is to cover the food supply chain processes more deeply, and provide answers if the food was adequately stored until it reached the target. The development can solve many debates between buyers and suppliers.
  • Extended livestock management system is an extension of the previously mentioned government application to integrate environmental disaster information from other sources, and combine it with AI based forecasting and alerts. The goal is to provide authorities with intersectoral information for better insight.
    For example, if a leakage of industrial chemicals is detected in an area, the system can monitor and analyse the changes in the livestock status of the same area, and alert if any unusual pattern is detected.
  • Marketplace brings TE-FOOD to a new level. As it manages livestock and food related inventory, quality and logistics information, this can be extended to store commercial information as well to provide a peer-to-peer supply/demand system.
    Such function can be implemented only later, when traceability is more mature, because peer-to-peer approach is connected to a lot of conflicting interests from different supply chain companies.
  • Animal face recognition is described here in detail. The goal of this development to provide a non-invasive way to identify cattles, which can lead to cheaper identification, thus opening new markets even in developed countries.



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TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system.