Telos Network — Weekly Report — September 27, 2018

Keeping Promises

Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog
7 min readSep 28, 2018


Is it possible that we are really just hours from our first go/no-go vote meeting on launching Telos? Though it seems hard to believe, this is really the case. Friday at 16:00 UTC we will livestream our meeting where we look at where we are as a project — have we delivered on all the promises we’ve made? If we have, then the network will launch. If not, then we will keep working until we all agree that we have.

Of course, we want the network to come to life. We want this desperately, in fact, but we also want it to be a true expression of the ideals that brought the Telos contributors together. For this, we need to deliver code and nodes that work without fail. We need to keep our promises because the first ideals we hold are honesty and dependability.

We have accomplished a lot this week. Again. I often think that the Telos weekly reports read like monthly reports for many other blockchain projects. This makes me enormously proud to be a part of such an effective group. But it’s also a reminder of just how much work there is to be done. Even now we are racing to advance the state of the launch checklist.

Tomorrow’s meeting will likely be short, either way. I predict it will also be undramatic — sorry drama fans. If we have all checkmarks, we will launch. If not, we will discuss when to meet again. Either way, as long as we stick to our ideals, this first meeting will be a success for Telos. I can’t wait!

— Douglas Horn

Here’s what we’ve accomplished this week:

  1. First go/no-go vote on September 28
  2. Network monitor and block explorer launched
  3. How to Upgrade Telos Guide
  4. Telos Improvement Proposal 009: Telos “Original” Snapshot
  5. Telos Improvement Proposal 010: Telos Chain Activation Process
  6. Telos Improvement Proposal 011: TLOS Exchange Token Reserve
  7. Telos Foundation first board nominations
  8. Telos will be compatible with Scatter desktop
  9. Key replacement process is receiving key request changes
  10. Telos staging testnet is initiating with EOSIO 1.3.0 merge test
  11. Seattle Blockchain Summit

Checklist Updates at a Glance

In-Progress → Functional/In Testing

  • Rewrite regproducer to include BP json format
  • Include snapshot accounts
  • Two testnets up, public and private staging testnet
  • Define final TLOS token balance (EOS snapshot + Rewards +/- lost/compromised keys)

Functional/In Testing → Complete & Tested

  • Block Explorer
  • Launch group rewards system

1. First go/no-go vote on September 28

September 28 16:00 UTC is the call for the first go/no-go vote for the Telos Network. The Telos Foundation will post a livestream link on social media before the call begins, allowing blockchain community members from around the world to participate in this transparent organizational process. The sole standard for whether to launch at this time or not will be whether all required checklist items have been completed.

Review the Launch Checklist here:

2. Network monitor and block explorer launched

Amplified Telos launched an enhanced network monitor and full block explorer this week. The browser tracks live block production data and provides account information of block producers on the Telos Blockchain Network. This joins the TelosTracker monitor built by Telos Madrid but adds a full block explorer. Additionally, the monitor features a sleek redesign and new account features such as account creation, block producer registration, and coming very soon, a revised testnet faucet.

Check out the network monitor and block explorer here:

3. How to Upgrade Telos Guide

Telos is committed to providing block producers and developers up-to-date documentation to ensure a functional network. Mark Cohen of Telos Vancouver has written a guide on the best practices for upgrading a Telos block producing node, which is available on Github:

4. Telos Improvement Proposal 009: Telos “Original” Snapshot

Fairly compensating early contributors to the Telos Blockchain Network — especially those who were not part of the EOS ERC-20 snapshot — is essential to establishing a truly decentralised network. In order to accomplish this, Telos core developer and white paper author Douglas Horn has proposed using a Telos “original” snapshot at block 6,000,000 (approximately 29 days after activation) instead of a “genesis” snapshot for all Telos account holders who have engaged with the system by that time (such as by voting, staking, transactions etc.). This distribution system would reward all early adopters of Telos by providing a snapshot for future airdrops. This is designed to work with TIP-3 proposed by Jesse Schulman of CalEOS, which proposes storing snapshots on-chain for the benefit of Dapp developers.

Read the full proposal here:

5. Telos Improvement Proposal 010: Telos Chain Activation Process

The Telos white paper envisioned using the same activation voting process used by EOS at its network launch. However, for reasons fully described in the proposal, this form of activation is unnecessary and not appropriate for Telos. In short, EOS tokens were sold to many people by Block.One, which would not be a party to the launch. Therefore, it was necessary to find a way to determine which of many possible EOS candidate chains would have the greatest claim to legitimacy in the EOS name. None of this applies to Telos and it would only serve as an impediment to the proper functioning of the network. Instead, this document proposes that Telos activate its network at block 1,000,000, 5.8 days after launch, which will provide ample time to vote for block producers and other functions. This more definitive launch time is beneficial for exchanges and DApps seeking to deploy on the network, as well as users.

Read the full proposal here:

6. Telos Improvement Proposal 011: TLOS Exchange Token Reserve

The initial terms for minting TLOS tokens in the Telos white paper make it difficult to accurately report the initial money supply to exchanges who are considering listing TLOS. Minting new tokens each time an exchange agrees to distribute TLOS tokens to their EOS token owners will be disruptive to the token mechanics. This proposal offers the solution of minting all the tokens at network launch and allowing future block producers to disburse these tokens rather than newly mint them.

Read the full proposal here:

7. Telos Foundation first board nominations

The Telos Foundation is partially governed by an elected board. We seeking nominations for the first 12 executive board members of The Telos Foundation. To expedite this election, it is important to have strong candidates stand for election prior to network. Board members may be nominated by anyone in the Telos Contributors Group and do not need to be members of that group or TFVT holders in order to serve. In fact, it is preferred if there are some outside directors.

Any board member nominations may be made by emailing

Read the first Telos Foundation Board member nominations from the Goodblock team here:

8. Telos will be compatible with Scatter Desktop

As previously announced, Scatter is supporting Telos through their new releases. The first of these, Scatter Desktop, was officially released v9.1.0 as downloadable executable files on September 27. Scatter, an open source and multi-blockchain desktop application, will support all blockchain ecosystems. Because the Telos Blockchain Network is built on EOSIO, account holders on Scatter will be able to receive airdropped TLOS tokens at launch.

Learn more about Scatter here:

9. Key replacement process is receiving key request changes

Last week we introduced the Telos Lost and Compromised Account Key-swap Process for EOS token holders whose keys have been compromised. We are working hard to ensure that all EOS account holders at the time of the ERC-20 snapshot will receive airdropped TLOS tokens and have already received numerous requests so far. Multiple language versions of the key recovery portal are being launched.

Learn how to recover your lost account keys here:

Telos Key Recovery portal:

10. Telos staging testnet is initiating with EOSIO 1.3.0 merge test

The Telos development team is currently merging with the new release of EOSIO v1.3.0, which requires Telos to also update the EOSIO system contracts with changes from the Block.One update. This EOSIO update introduces performance enhancements like trusted producer light validation, web assembly tool wabt, and the EOSIO contract development toolkit. This update will also be the first implementation of the Telos “Staging” testnet used to verify new releases prior to use on the main network.

11. Seattle Blockchain Summit

At this week’s Seattle Blockchain Summit, business and government leaders gathered to discuss the potential for blockchain technology to transform financial and organizational operations. Douglas Horn gave a presentation about the process of designing a sustainable and decentralized blockchain network as part of the Telos launch group. He also outlined how Telos addresses governance and token distribution issues that currently affect EOSIO.

Learn more about the Summit here:

Join the Telos conversation and get more info!










Telos Foundation
The Telos Network Blog

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