How to pick the best colours for your palette (part 3)

Find the colours for all case scenarios and complete the palette!

Matteo Giuzzi
5 min readFeb 6, 2018

To start getting the extended palette of 6 colours, I could have easily begun from the yellow I discarded before (which was complementary of the dark purple/almost black). That, unfortunately, was too bright and adding another strong colour to the palette, would have made it almost a joke:


I wanted to have at least one light tone to compensate all the brightness and vivacity of the other 3 + I imagined this fourth colour would have become useful for backgrounds. So I added some light to the yellow and made it as similar as possible to white/grey (to contrast well with an eventual dark text on top of it), without losing its yellow tone. This was the result:

I was happy with it, I now needed to find the last 2 colours to complete the magic 6.

At the bottom right, I needed to find something in between the teal and the purple/black, so I…

