Customer Success Story: Security firm enhances popular security audit product with Termaxia storage solution

3 min readJul 21, 2018


“Security compliance requires maintaining large volumes of system logs gathered from all kinds of IT equipment, ranging from routers, databases, to web servers. The amount of data that we are collecting basis on behalf of our customer is in the hundreds of petabytes range,” said Safetybase CEO Chen Gan, “Not only do we need to store them in real-time, we also need the ability to do fast retrieval during forensic analysis, particularly when debugging time-sensitive security intrusions on behalf of our customers. Termaxia storage’s unmatched price/performance ratio allows us not only to store large volumes of data for fast retrieval, but also replicate them aggressively for fault tolerance.”

Courtesy: Safetybase website (

Termaxia is excited to be offering our storage solution as the storage backend for SafetyBase’s flagship LogBase security audit product. Safetybase is a leading security audit company in China, providing operation security management services, sales and service network covering Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hunan, and other major provinces and cities. The company has over 200 employees and its popular LogBase security audit system is now used in many top Chinese companies such as China Telecom, China Unicom, Sinopec, PetroChina, Ctrip, Geely, YumChina, and People’s Bank of China. The LogBase security audit product captures the operational behavior of servers, network equipment, and databases, in order to realize comprehensive control of IT operations and maintenance.

“Security auditing is all about storing and analyzing data efficiently, be it in government, enterprises, medical, finance, Internet, energy, and any other industries. All companies need to show security compliance, and central to any audit infrastructures is the ability to store and retrieve large volumes of data in real-time.”, said Dr. Changbin Liu, CEO and Co-founder of Termaxia. “Today, companies would put historical log data in cold storage, but with Termaxia’s storage solution, these logs are made retrieval at low-cost for our customers. Moreover, Termaxia guarantees that the data is secure and reliably stored and can withstand a wide-range of failures.”

Beyond the initial use case of log storage and backup, SafetyBase sees tremendous opportunities for future use of Termaxia’s storage solution, in its big analytics and security simulation products. The security audit storage and the enterprise backup storage markets are both multi-billion dollar markets. Termaxia’s engagement with SafetyBase is in line with our goal of capturing the large Asian enterprise data storage market.

About Termaxia: Termaxia is a US-based company offering low-power high-performance software-defined enterprise storage solutions targeting the exabyte-scale storage market. The company is co-founded by leading researchers and engineers in the cloud and storage space. Additional information about Termaxia can be obtained by visiting our website

About Safetybase: Established in 2005, Safetybase is the leading security audit company in China, providing operation security management services, sales and service network covering Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hunan, Chongqing, Gansu and other major provinces and cities. For more information, visit




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