TerraFloki Labs joins Angel Alliance

3 min readOct 30, 2021

While building the Flokiverse, the TerraFloki team also places a heavy emphasis on the immersion for players.

The Flokiverse will be beautiful and complex. It will be constantly expanding but we recognise that it is after all, a finite world. The Flokiverse is just one galaxy that is a part of the infinite Terraverse. While the Flokiverse is populated with Flokies tending to their own business of building or dominating to rebuild their once-advanced civilization, we recognise that there are links to the outer realm. Flokies may not always see it or understand it, but with the next generation going into the game-world and new technologies they will bring, these links will be more visible and Flokies will learn how to make use of it to make contact with the wider Terraverse.

At TerraFloki Labs, when we think about our future collaborations, the first thing we have in mind is always this — how do we incorporate the benefit of these partnerships directly into the Flokiverse? How can we structure our collaboration with other parties in the Terraverse such that new features, utility and entertainment may be infused for the community of the Flokiverse.

With that, we would now like to announce our very first partnership with none other than Angel Protocol.

TerraFloki Labs is proud to join the Angel Alliance — an organisation with more than 40 protocols committed to advancing charitable goals.

With the joining of Angel Alliance, we will be empowering Flokies to do good without breaking the 4th wall.

Angel Protocol — Give Once, Give Forever

Angel Protocol’s vision is to solve humanity’s greatest challenges by empowering charities with financial freedom.

Angel Protocol will democratize access to the best financial tools and put sustainable, influence-free money in the hands of charities on the frontlines of creating a more justice centered world.

To do this, Angel Protocol will harness the robust Terra ecosystem to create transparent, secure, and perpetually growing endowment accounts. The protocol has ambitious goals for the future of giving and the collective potential of engaged donors to rethink old structures of monetary power and influence. Angel protocol seeks to rewrite the narrative through equitable redistribution and better value alignment of the new collective economy, cemented in code.

Angel Cities in the Flokiverse

As you already know, Planets play a key role in the Flokiverse (Read: Planets of the Flokiverse: What are they and what do they do), obtainable through Planetary Auctions and owned by Planet Landlords. Planets will have city spaces which will be rentable by Planet Landlords to renters, who will pay taxes in the form of collected resources, among other sources.

The role of cities within the Flokiverse will be revealed in due course (stay tuned!).

Here’s a bit of alpha for those looking to enter the Flokiverse. The important thing you should know is that cities and urban development will be a key driving force for the Flokies civilization path to greatness. There will be different types of cities, each with its own specifications. With the next generation’s technological prowess, cities will be forced to expand, so the player’s decision on what type of city they want to build at the beginning will affect future generations of Flokies.

One of these city types will be the Angel City. Angel Cities will be harmonious places full of happy Flokies, satisfied with doing good for others. Renters living in Angel Cities will be paying taxes for their Planet Landlords, just like every other citizen of the Flokiverse. In this case, however, 1% of total income of any Angel City will be sent beyond the Flokiverse right into Angel Protocol — empowering the protocol to do what it does best — doing good.

Players benefit by having fun while doing good as they immerse themselves in the Flokiverse.

Now that’s what we call a match made in heaven.




Flokiverse — Emerging Strategic & Economic Play-2-Earn Metaverse on Terra Blockchain / terrafloki.io / https://twitter.com/TerraFloki 01010101 01010010 01001100