Changing Your Life Can Begin With One Powerful Thought

Thoughts Speak Volumes, And Some Should Be Amplified

Tessa Koller
3 min readJun 26, 2024
Image Courtesy of Pexels

Our thoughts speak volumes and some should be amplified— the thoughts that encourage us to be healthier, eat healthier, and enhance our well-being.

I talked in my last post about changing my diet in my forties and the thoughts I had that compelled me to see what happened when I finally started living the way I should be.

Just over a month ago, a thought I had led to the realization that I needed to save myself.

The way I lived previously was destructive as I was functioning in survival mode more often than not. I sought every quick fix I could to deal with life’s stressors.

I became aware that I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and suffering in silence behind closed doors. But I wasn’t doing anything to help myself and I was neglecting my needs in the process.

There were habits I knew I needed to break, however, I didn’t believe I had the strength to.

Granted, when I get a new diagnosis, a force washes over me that can’t be ignored or denied. In retrospect, my health has been the motivation behind every decision I have made regarding what I put into my body.

It has taken me forty years to amplify these wellness-based thoughts and seriously consider my health and well-being.

Our thoughts can catapult us to a higher sense of self where wellness exists at the core of every decision we make.

All I wanted was to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. And I do.

Finally, I feel like I’m in the driver’s seat of my many health conditions and it’s pretty darn amazing!

Sometimes, all it takes is that one shifting thought to get you to act on what you innately know to do for your health. As I have previously stated, we’re all unique and everyone has a different definition of wellness.

Visualization reshaped my relationship with myself and food and how both intertwine with how I feel.

As I’ve continued to embark on this wellness journey, I’ve stayed true to doing yoga more regularly and swimming a few days a week. Every day, I do some form of cardio exercise; a thirty-minute or longer nature walk.

Our thoughts may push us in a direction and show us another version of ourselves, a healthier version of ourselves.

I’ve discovered the importance of listening to my body and using my thoughts as a guide.

Concluding Summary

Thoughts are essential when they promote or prompt positive change.

Our thoughts have a purpose and when we focus on the ones that lead to a higher sense of self, those are worth amplifying, addressing, and acting upon.

Everything within us is interconnected and we all possess the innate abilities to change our lives.

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Tessa Koller

Writer, Motivational Public Speaker, Health/Well-being & Disability Advocate, World Traveler, and Artist