Tetu week 7 recap

3 min readSep 24, 2021


Dear Tetuans, let’s take a look at Tetu’s progress in the seventh week of the project.

Weekly AMA

At Tetu’s weekly AMA belbix the Co-founder of Tetu talked about what was to come, like Iron’s folding strategies, Diamond Vault and Tetu’s new audit with PeckShield.

You can watch the AMA from September 15th on YouTube.

Iron Folding Strategies

Tetu launched Iron’s innovative folding strategy, this strategy supply and borrows the same underlying to the limit increasing lending efficiency without providing liquidation risks.

You can read a very instructive article about the folding strategy here below.

PeckShield audit

The Tetu protocol has been growing since its official launch on the 3rd of August, the secret of Tetu’s wonderful progress is putting the user and security together in first place, so in less than 2 months of the project Tetu has already carried out the second audit , now with PeckShield, no critical weaknesses were found and all minor issues were resolved by the team.

You can read PeckShield’s full audit below.

Collaboration with Hermes Finance

In collaboration with Hermes Finance the IRIS-TETU vault is available in Hermes and the TETU-IRIS and MATIC-IRIS vaults are available for yield farming in Tetu. As of this writing IRIS-TETU is generating almost 700% APR and MATIC-IRIS 550% APR in xTETU. Very good.

Collaboration with FarmHero

Tetu has partnered with FarmHero and as a result of this collaboration it is now possible to play the Roll game with TETU, the TETU tokens are burned in the game increasing the scarcity element in the TETU ecosystem and the prizes are distributed in QUICK tokens.

Tetu Diamond Vault

The reward boosting system showed very satisfying results that inspired the builders team to build a new locking mechanic in Profit Share. With that, dxTETU was conceived this week.

Diamond Vault, dxTETU, provides additional gains to xTETU holders, but be careful when using Diamond Vault as withdrawing before the 90 day vesting period will cause losses on deposited principal. Planning and patience are required to use the dxTETU. You can read a very informative article about Diamond Vault.

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