Different Ways on How to Obtain Terra UST

3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Are you wondering how to obtain $UST?

Do you want to trade on Terraformer? Planning to participate in IDOs on Terraformer’s Launchpad? Or getting your first NFT on Terraformer Marketplace? It could also be that you just want to stake your $UST and earn rewards, or perhaps all of these?

Well, first thing first, you have to make sure that you have a Terra wallet ready. If not, please read this article on how to create your Terra wallet using Terra Station: https://medium.com/@tfm.com/how-to-create-a-terra-wallet-e7d5f3ca06f5

You’ve got your wallet? That’s great, and here are a few different methods how to obtain $UST:


$UST can be bought directly from exchange platforms such as Kucoin.

Step 1: Go to KuCoin website here.

Step 2: Proceed and buy $UST.

Step 3: Transfer the $UST you purchased into your Terra Station Wallet.


$LUNA can be bought from any exchanges such as Binance, Kucoin, or Crypto.com. You can transfer them to your TerraStation Wallet, and then exchange it for $UST

Step 1: Go to the exchange platform you prefer.

$LUNA on Binance

$LUNA on KuCoin

$LUNA on Crypto.com

Step 2: Proceed and buy $LUNA

Step 3: Transfer your $LUNA bought on exchange and transfer it to your TerraStation Wallet.

Step 4: In the Terra Station Wallet, swap your bought $LUNA into $UST (if you’re using a web version of the Terra Station Wallet, you have to connect your wallet to terraswap.io and do the swap). There are also other popular websites where you can do the swap, for example, astroport.fi


Wrapped $UST can be bought directly in exchange platforms like PancakeSwap and UniSwap, and can then be bridged to your Terra Wallet.

Step 1: Go to the exchange platform that you prefer.

For PancakeSwap

For UniSwap

Step 2: Buy $UST in PancakeSwap with $BNB or in Uniswap with $ETH

Step 3: Go to https://bridge.terra.money

Step 4: Choose $UST as the token to be bridged

Step 5: Copy your Terra wallet address to the destination

Step 6: Input the amount of $UST you want to be transferred

Step 7: Connect your BSC or ETH wallet (e.g. Metamask)

Step 8: Click ‘NEXT’

Step 9: Authorize the transaction and wait for the confirmation to appear

Note that it usually takes around 5–20 minutes before the $UST appears in your Terra wallet.


You can swap your other crypto assets into $LUNA from certain swap sites, for example simpleswap.io or changenow.io. Then, you can refer to Method 2 and exchange your $LUNA for $UST.

Step 1: Go to https://simpleswap.io/

Step 2: Choose the crypto asset you want to be converted into $LUNA

Step 3: Enter your Terra wallet address and the amount to be swapped

Step 4: Send the required amount of crypto to the website (either QR scan or paste the receiving address)

Step 5: Click ‘confirm’. The exchange usually takes 10–30 minutes

After receiving your $LUNA in your Terra wallet, refer to Method 2 and exchange your $LUNA for $UST.

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