Why your sales funnel became empty and dried up after a certain period.

4 min readJul 6, 2024


Let's discuss why your sales funnel has been drying up after a certain period, leading to a loss of sales and conversions.

This can be frustrating, but several reasons contribute to this problem. Today, I will be discussing these issues and their solutions with you.

After you're done reading this guide, you will be able to understand clearly where your problem comes from.

Reasons and Solutions Regarding The Drying Up Of Your Sales Funnel

Below are the possible reasons and some immediate solutions to why your sales funnel is drying up.

1. Reduction in Generating New Traffic and Only Focusing on Existing Traffic

Possibly, you stopped focusing on generating new traffic for your sales funnel and are focused on your existing traffic.

This is common when you're carried away and too emotional about retaining hot leads.

It's not bad to retain hot leads, but try not to forget about where you're getting them from and don't stop bringing new people into your sales funnel.

2. Needing to Use Different Tools for Your Sales Funnel Rather Than an All-In-One Solution

Many people have quit sales funnels because they hop from one tool to another trying to run a marketing business.

It can be tiring moving from email autoresponders to page builders to video hosting and several other tools.

This was what I was doing, and aside from costing me a lot of money, it wasted much of my time.

That was why, when I was introduced to an all-in-one sales funnel tool like systeme.io, I was so delighted. For over three years, I have been using it and have never looked back.

I started with the free plan, and today, I am at the highest paid plan because it saves me a lot of cost and time.

So, try using a tool like systeme.io where you can have all your email marketing, page building, analytics, and everything you need for a successful funnel under one dashboard.

3. Normal Long Sales Cycle

This happens when there's less sales during certain periods. It can occur, especially after a festive period like January, when people have made many purchases during December and Christmas.

So, you might not want to take it as a big deal but try to keep pushing out more means to drive traffic to your funnel.

4. Not Being Consistent with New Marketing Trends

If you're too complacent with your marketing skills, then you're sitting on the fence ignorantly.

Try to stay up-to-date with new marketing trends, which will help you remain informed.

The best places to get these are forums like Reddit or Quora. You can also join private Facebook communities where valuable insights are shared.

I like the systeme.io Facebook community because I learn outstanding marketing techniques from people who are even lower than my marketing level.

In this game, nobody knows it all, so you need to drop your ego and learn.

5. Inexperience as a New Salesperson

Being inexperienced as a new marketer can lead to this, but fear not, because with time, things will get better.

It's just part of the process, and possibly you have done something that you shouldn't have done.

However, with time, you will understand better. Also, don't forget to use a good sales funnel tool like systeme.io that is always there for newbies to get immense results.

6. Sales Cycles

Sometimes, sales cycles can lead to strong periods followed by weak ones, influenced by end-of-quarter pushes.

During these periods, there are many sales cycles, which can be a problem for marketers trying to get good conversions with sales funnels.

7. Non-Usage of Targeted Email Campaigns

Using targeted email campaigns and automated sequences can help maintain a steady pipeline.

Some newbie marketers don't embark on this. If you're one of them, your sales funnel will likely dry up.

Always make sure to use targeted email campaigns. This works by segmenting your leads based on their interests and sending relevant content to them.

Don't send passive income emails to an audience that prefers side hustles. It won't work well, and your deliverability will slow down, just as your sales funnel will dry up.

So, use a good autoresponder to segment your emails. That's why I like systeme.io because, right from the page builder, I can immediately segment my email leads based on their interests since everything is under a single dashboard with just a button press.

8. Expiration of Your Sales Funnel Tools

Have you checked if one of your sales funnel tools has expired?

It happened to me before where the plan for one of my email autoresponders expired, and I didn't know.

So, all the email automation I had scheduled wasn't going out, and I kept wondering what was wrong.

The problem was that I was using different tools because I hadn't heard about systeme.io back then.

It's not easy subscribing to different software just to launch a sales funnel.

But the moment I registered with systeme.io, which combines all the features of over ten sales funnel software, it became easier for me to renew because everything is under a single platform.

Final Thought

Now that you have read everything and know the reasons why your sales funnel is drying up, you now know the right actions to take, which will help you start getting results with your sales funnel.

Also, don't forget the all-in-one solution that combines all the features of over ten other sales funnel tools.

That is systeme.io, which has been helping me and thousands of other newbie marketers to make consistent money from our sales funnels with less money invested.

It even comes with a free plan for those who can’t afford a few dollars yet. You can check it out here.





Let's talk Internet Marketing | It's part of the air I breathe and stuff I think 24/7. I'm here to help. Call me "Maverick" 😘