How I Increase My Redbubble Sales

simple Redbubble tricks for you

Greece Aberdeen
2 min readApr 2, 2024
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

If you are still thinking about whether to start a Redbubble store or not then do check out this article — Is it Worth it to Sell on Redbubble?

I know that you need a quick reply to this question. So I’ll be as quick as possible.

Opening a Redbubble store is easy.

Making your first sale is even easier.

But the problem arises when your sales stats get stuck at one point. Mine was stuck around $150. And moved up only in the Holiday times. You must have experienced this too.

So let’s see what I did to increase my sales in my 3 Redbubble stores —

  1. Do SEO — 60% of my sales are from SEO. Pay attention to what your customers will type if they need to find the product. “Tiger” and “White Tiger” will give you different results.
  2. Promotion — 100% from Instagram. I used to promote it on Pinterest as well. But stopped doing it. I am into Instagram more. Pick one and stick to it. Convincing your audience is not easy, believe me.
  3. Be in the niche community — I found an Instagram community in this niche-specific category. And believe me, people in the community always support one another. We all support and make money at the same time. Never neglect this!
  4. Never neglect the power of small niches — My first Redbubble store is very niche-specific. I have only 225 designs. But it makes me the most money!
  5. Be nice — Doens’t matter if someone will buy your product or not but always be nice. I try my best to talk nicely on Instagram and everywhere else. Writing simple honest comments on Instagram posts has helped me a lot!

Making sales on Redbubble is similar to making sales on Zazzle or even doing affiliate marketing.

Write good posts, and make good reels about the product. Pick the best product. And be consistent while doing this.

There is actually no other way!

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