How I Make A Micro-Niche Blog Portfolio

Greece Aberdeen
2 min readJun 5, 2024


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

If you are a blogger or want to do affiliate marketing on Medium then you’ll find this article very much useful.

I love the idea of having small blogs where I can promote affiliate programs. If you are using self-hosted websites (Wordpress) then you’ll have one more option like Google Adsense or any ads network. But I’ll skip this here because I am not a fan of making money through ads. I love the sales notifications I get every now and then from my affiliate products. :)

Now this is for Medium blogs. If you want you can use the same advice for your WordPress websites as well. But still, I would advise you to go for Medium because its really less expensive and saves a lot of our precious time.

How I Make A Micro-Niche Blog Portfolio

  1. Make a list of micro-niche ideas — I started with 3 and then expanded to 5 at the moment. I won’t say to go beyond this because writing everywhere is really time-consuming. So come up with three niches that you love dearly. Some popular niches are parenting, tech, automation, side hustles, health (weight loss), etc.
  2. Make 3 blogs for 3 niche ideas — Maybe you have more but 3 blogs are enough. If you are into affiliate marketing then you know how much important it is to stay within the niche. So if you love more than 1 idea then do make a separate blog for that but don’t go beyound 3 at this moment.
  3. Write 10 article ideas for each blog — Let’s say you have 3 blogs. So that’s 30 ideas for all. You can research for article topics. But I like to stick with 10–15 articles per month.
  4. Write small articles and publish— Shortform articles are better because it’s easy to write. Long-form articles take longer time and you need to optimize them as well. Make sure you write articles yourself.
  5. Analyze the articles — Now you need to see what’s working and what. see where readers are commenting the most. Those are the articles that readers are interested in. Research and find similar topics and make another set of article topics. This time you will have those article topics that readers are really interested in.

Making an army of blogs is not an easy thing to do. Sometimes is tiring for me too. But once it gets into habit, you’ll find it very easy.

Starting days your struggle and then…its easy road ahead!

Interested in learning affiliate business? Grab my ebook — Affiliate Marketing Course

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