Well known scammers on Crypto Twitter

The Crypto Monk
7 min readMay 15, 2019


If you have been on Crypto Twitter (or CT) for a while, you know for a fact that this community is infested with scammers using multiple types of “get-rich-quick” schemes to lure noobs into giving them away their money.

Inexperienced “traders” opening paid groups, illegal funds promising unrealistic ROI, serial shillers… This is a non exhaustive list of the kind of frauds occurring on Twitter.

In this article, you will find a list of con artists who have already scammed or lured people into shady schemes. This list will be non-exhaustive and likely to get updated as more time passes by and more scammers enter the space.

Here we go :

MoistOffCrypto: 965694523761336321

MoistOffCrypto is a scammer who joined early 2018 and started to build a brand on Twitter impersonating a bodybuilder. After being exposed he changed his avatar to “John Staymoist”.

He managed to bring together a few thousands followers then launched an illegal fund gathering $60k which he completely lost gambling on Bitmex after just a few months.

In a desperate attempt to recoup the loss, he decided to launch a paid group.

cryptorandyy: 1064522298496073728

BitManny: 1097568962307637249

This scammer has been around since early 2018. He stole charts from many legit accounts and shared them as his own without giving credit.

He then launched a private discord charging people for stolen set ups. Once he got exposed, he shut down his discord rooms without refunding anyone.

His Twitter account was deactivated and reactivated periodically with a new branding and the same scamming scheme was started again from scratch. He was also good at luring noobs into following him with fake giveaways and edited screenshots exhibiting an outrageous wealth.

As you can see, Randyy stole one of SwenLink’s and pretended the latter stole it from him.

You can also see that he doesn’t really understand technical analysis and non ironically pretended being a time traveller. This might be crazy but plenty of people fell for this.

Here is one of his latest scams. He lured someone into giving him over 110k XRP to trade on his behalf. The thing is he disappeared and never paid back anything.

Randyy is an incredibly gross individual lacking of ethics and moral values. He insulted people numerous times. Those screenshots speak for themselves.

Bitcoin-Fund-Manager: 18873970

Bitcoin Fund Manager alias Robert Kim aka Wan QI is a long life con artist. He has been scamming people for more than 10 years in various fields.

He has been trying to evade multiple lawsuits for conning people and selling his “expertise” as a fake wedding planner, martial artist and meditation guru, fund manager, catering… And the list goes on.

A well documented article was written by someone and is available on this link.

There is no need to over extend with screenshots here since everything that needs to be said is explained by someone who made an amazing job researching and exposing this fraud.

LandM_Marius: 777319354387922945

Marius is a well known con artist pretending to sell algorithms and price forecasts to Wall Street. This is the main argument of his speech to lure people into his paid group.

He is also known for his insane 2018 price predictions of Bitcoin and especially Litecoin which led a lot of newcomers to the slaughterhouse.

Marius shamelessly uses other’s people content and retweets it as his own.

As you can see beside, the famous $1400 LTC prediction and one of his bait tweets to lure people into his paid services.

In June 2018, was also incredibly bullish as usual and kept making insane price predictions to bait more newcomers.

Marius stealing one of TheCryptoMonk’s charts, cropping it and retweeting it as his own. Just another of his shady practices.

coin_signals: 909690094033997824

Coin Signals was a Bitmex trader who used his large Twitter following to launch a fraudulent fund.

At the peak of of its ponzi scheme, he had managed to raise $5.000.000. His fund collapsed when he decided to long Bitcoin before the breakdown towards $3k in November 2018. Of course none of this was legal and he didn’t have the license required to manage people’s money on their behalf.

In December 2018, a lawsuit was filed by a lawfirm and thus further information should come very soon.

Crypto_Brahma: account deleted

Brahma is a Twitter influencer who used to make a lot of undisclosed ICO shills. Some of them were succesful and some went to nothing.

He was also the owner of a paid group and had set up a pool to raise funds for ICO’s. Brahma stole these funds and used them to gamble on Bitmex. It appeared he was a poor trader and lost everything.

After realizing there was no other way out than admiting his fraud, he wrote a message to his community, promising them to get back all the funds within 5 months. All his social media accounts got deleted in the meantime.

HonestlyCrypto: 949384296271368192

HonestlyCrypto aka The Crypto Profit was a Twitter influencer who started to appear on the CT scene early 2018.

His marketing strategy was wrapped around humility and kindness with bigger accounts. The goal was to get as many followers as he could to lure them into his paid group.

Some of the subscribers had paid for a yearly membership and in October 2018, HonestlyCrypto started to tweet about health issues. He was actually preparing his exit scam. By end of October, he had left Twitter and his discord, leaving hundreds of people on their own without any explanation.

A complete article is available here if you need further information about this case.

First tweet faking a disease
The last retweet from February 2019. Showing that he was still active despite not giving any explanation to the exit scam.

ProofofResearch: 865608398582272000

CryptoMedication is a fundamental analyst able to share interesting analysis sometimes but who is a complete maniac most of the time.

Beside being a very rude individual insulting and wishing the worst to other people, he is an arrogant egocentric person always looking for a way to make a quick buck out of his followers.

Some of his scams got listed on this article.

His latest scam attempt where he tries to raise $1 million for his non-existing brand. He promises $5 millions of profitability within a year.

ProofofResearch (when he was known as CryptoMedicated) insulting Peter’s mother.

He had to rebrand after this episode to make people forget this embarrassing argument.

BitcoinTre: 927910572427022341

If you were around in 2017, you must have heard about Trevon James. He was one of the biggest Bitconnect shillers when it was the hottest ponzi.

He led many people to financial ruin by promoting a scam which collapsed in January 2018.

Trevon was very popular at its peak on Youtube and he used his large audience to share some referral links funneling newcomers into the most shady project crypto had seen.

As you can see, those videos are still listed on his Youtube channel and those are evidences of his bonds with Bitconnect.

Those tweets summarize Trevon’s reaction after Bitconnect collapsed. He tried to save face even though everyone knew it was toast.



The Crypto Monk

Technical analyst specialized in the crypto market. Sharing knowledge and reviewing associated products.