Major Upgrade for Cardano(ADA) — Daedalus 1.0.0 Officially Released!

The CryptoSmurf
3 min readApr 24, 2020


Why is Daedalus 1.0.0 so important and what lays ahead for Cardano.

Image extracted from the article : Cardano ADA is going to rule the decade per Charles Hoskinson

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

This wise quote is widely known by everybody in the world and it is fair to say with no exaggeration that Cardano (ADA) can be found in those words.
Today marks a very important moment for the Cardano Community. The Daedalus 1.0.0. Wallet is now officially launched! Charles Hoskinson proudly announced on his youtube channel the release of their new wallet a little over two hours ago.

Since their inception, Cardano Foundation and IOHK Foundation, together with all their allies focused on hard work, genuine development and pure dedication for their project, with the goal to be not just another cryptocurrency, but a revolution in itself as their final objective is “To become the operative financial system of the world!”.

Many took the liberty to criticise their ambition, but nevertheless they continued to do what they do best, work hard and use other people’s hate as fuel! Today, one of the most awaited products of their project is finally here and it is laying the foundation for the mainnet migration for Cardano.

Daedalus 1.0.0 is the multi-asset wallet which not only comes with massive improvements in terms of speed and reliability, but also with a built-in support for many of their future updates that are around the corner. This version of wallet will support both Byron Reboot and Shelley, so the migration will be very easy to make by anyone, with no requirement of advanced technological skills. The wallet comes with new implemented features and improvements as well due to the 6 major updates in the last 25 days!

Charles Hoskinson also mentioned that the sync speed has been massively improved. Last month, the average sync time was about 9 hours and in some cases up to 14 hours, at this moment the new Daedalus 1.0.0 comes with a sync time of approximately 1 hour. Not only that the sync time has been significantly lowered, but the wallet recovery time has dropped from 4.5 hours to only about 20 minutes. These huge improvements can only be the result of continuous evolution and genuine development, once again Cardano, reaffirms itself as the leading project in the industry through innovative solutions and high quality standards. Charles also said that in May they will start rolling out multiple updates for Shelly and other important features of their project.

The begining of a new era starts now for Cardano, as their team and community march together towards the big moment they’ve all been waiting for, a fully functional main network, completely decentralized and with a truly democratic governance system.

Many have argued that this day will never come, yet Cardano proves them wrong once again. The big day is now closer than it has ever been!

Official Daedalus 1.0.0 Installation Guide → HERE
Official Daedalus 1.0.0 (Byron Reboot) Download → HERE
Official Cardano Website → HERE

Stick around for more updates and future articles about this technological marvel, this is only the beginning!

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***Disclaimer, my articles do not represent financial advise, one should always do his personal research before investing in any project.

Thank you,
The CryptoSmurf!



The CryptoSmurf

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