The GOODS #67 / May 9, 2018

This is how we do it

6 min readMay 16, 2018

One little thing at a time.

Hey hey!

Happy (whichever-day-of-the-week-you’re-reading-this) day!

We’ve got a nice double dose of good stuff for you to take action this week.

Both ideas are simple AF and are proving that often times, it’s the simplest of gestures that have the greatest of impacts.

Go forth and be happy little ones 🙃

Just ask 🙋

Whether you’re waiting for the subway, in a big empty parking lot or simply walking home at night, in certain situations, being alone can leave you feeling vulnerable.

Especially for women.

Even today, with our mobile phones close by, we don’t always feel super safe — no matter how many tracking apps we might have installed.

Thankfully, there’s a pin for that 😉

Please do

It’s what Steph Colangeli wants all women around the 🌍 to do.

She’s from Calgary (Canada 🇨🇦) and she’s the founder of

The mission of her lovely nonprofit is to promote the safety of women 😍

The idea is so simple.

Women offering to help other women wear a bright red pin like in the photo above 👆

Those rocking the pin on a bag or a coat are visibly displaying the pin as a sign to other women that they are there to assist them if they’re in need.

In the words of Steph herself, “When you wear our pin, you let other women know that they could come to you if they feel unsafe.”


Maybe it’s at work.
Maybe it’s at the gym.
Maybe it’s after a blind date gone bad.

Wherever you ladies are at, remember that it’s mucho important to be there for one another.

The act of wearing a pin is not only a conversation piece, it’s a way to express to another woman that you’re there for her. No matter the place, no matter the time.

Steph’s dream is to spread this wonderful cause around the world.

And we want to encourage her to do so.

Pin Up Girl pins 🔴 are free and so far have been making appearances in the U.K., Australia and even Dubai 👏

Want a pin?

All you gotta do is send an envelope with your addy and a stamp to this address.

And if you wanna kick off your own Pin Up Girl party for you and your gal pals, write Steph here ✉️

Oh waste

We make so much of it.

Last week’s edish about the innovative idea solving the stupid amount of plastic straws we throw out everyday really got our minds working overtime in high gear.

We couldn’t stop thinking…

There have got to be some easy wins that we can all do on a daily basis to help reduce the amount of trash and waste we create.

We searched and searched, and the quickest ways you can actively have a happy 👍 impact on the world this week is by doing the following two things.


Let’s get to it.

Well ain’t that pretty?

It sure is.

In addition to looking real hip against a brick wall, a reusable cotton (organic obvi!) bag is the perfect gift to give yourself — and mama Earth.

It’s such an easy way to reduce your weekly use of plastic bags for all things fresh 🍎🌽🍋

Our buddy Max La Manna (a zero waste, plant-based chef from Brooklyn, NYC) gave us all the inspo on this simple idea, thanks dude ;)

It’s hard to explain, but simply placing a few bundles of green onions or dropping colorful grapefruits in these cloth bags just feels right.

Odds are real high that you’re gonna buy food this week, so if you can, be sure to bring your reusable bags.

You can find these beauts on Amazon, or buy them from your local health food store.

#everybagcounts #nomoreplastic


You might not see us use words like that too often, but in the fight against the world’s straight up silly amount of waste we produce, we gotta roll up hard.

These ☝️️ sustainable, fashionable and reusable mugs are made by KeepCup, a feel-good, do-good brand from Down Under 🇦🇺

They’re on a mission to make us think twice about our “convenience culture.”

Particularly, when it comes to all those disposable coffee cups we all use.

Does it really matter?

Fair question.

But once you learn that 500 billion disposable cups are discarded every year in landfills (that’s 1 million every minute 😱) you can quickly figure out that issa problem.

So yes.

The choices we make do matter big time.

Time for some knowledge

In case you didn’t know, paper cups aren’t recyclable.

This is because (according to the KeepCup website) disposable paper cups actually contain a plastic layer 😮 that doesn’t get separated in the recycling process.

The paper in those cups that we’re all guilty of grabbing (because it’s so easy) is actually coated in a polyethylene (plastic thingy) lining to make it waterproof.

And the plastic lid, well that’s polystyrene. So no good either.

Good news is, KeepCup (reusable) mugs come in some a sweet glass format 😉

They also produce a plastic version, which is the equivalent of the same amount of plastic that goes into making 15 disposable paper cups.

You do the math. That’s easily some people’s average weekly consumption.

Let’s get to it this week and save our landfills one annoying paper/plastic hybrid cup at a time ☕

As the KeepCup team reminds us, “the best reusable is the one you use.”

#reuserevolution #noexcuseforsingleuse

This week’s Reader Shout Out 📢 is to Maria B. from Romania, but also from Denmark, and from Berlin. She’s cray.

You’re awesome you little travel bug you ;)

We love your good vibes!

We hope this edition has motivated y’all to take small, easy peasy actions to make this crazy world a little bit good-er.

Keep the great story recommendations coming our way.

Have an awesome week 😎

Much love. All the love 💜

PS — It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday. Don’t you forget it.

Last week’s email

The GOODS #67 / May 9, 2018

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