Getting started with hello

hello network
3 min readJul 26, 2016


Now that you’ve joined the hello, you may be wondering how to use the app to meet fun, new people who share your interests. If you haven’t gotten the low-down from a friend on what to do — don’t worry!

Here’s everything you need to know to get started on hello.

1 — explore your feed

discover people who share your interests

One of the unique features of hello is called the folio. The folio is your home feed and it is populated with content shared by people who belong to the same personas as you. Easily explore what people are sharing, follow cool and likeminded people to get to know them, and stay in touch with friends you know. Your hello folio is a one-stop shop for meeting cool new people and keeping up with awesome people you know!

2 — join communities

discover groups of people with specific interests

hello communities are the perfect way to find a group of people who share a specific interest. Whether it’s your favorite band, beloved soccer team, college alumni, or number one fashion designer — hello communities provide a home for any interest no matter how big or how small.

Want to create a community? Click here to find out how!

3 — start a conversation

join a group chat or leave a comment

Just like meeting people in real life — the best way to meet people is by starting a conversation. Join a group chat in a community and contribute to an ongoing discussion, or leave a comment on a jot you find interesting. Interacting with hello members let’s others know you’re up for casual conversation over shared interests.

4 — share something

introduce yourself to others by sharing something you love

Had a fun vacation? Creating something new in the studio? Discover a great piece of fashion in your neighborhood? Or worked on a cool project for work? Share something you love so that other people can get to know you. The more original your content is, the more likely you are to build authentic connections and friendships.

hello tip: Be original and avoid stealing content or spamming. Share things you created, so that people can get to know you. Sharing stolen content or spamming can harm your reputation on hello.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about hello! We are excited to create a global community full of extraordinary people and we’re so glad you’ve joined us!

Have suggestions for us? Please email

Haven’t joined hello, yet? Learn more about hello or download the app for your iOS or Android device at



hello network

hello is an app that helps you meet people who share your interests. Make new friends and explore what likeminded people are sharing —