Some Things I Read Dec 18- Jan 31

Alexandria Sage
3 min readFeb 9, 2017


Wooo-weeee. The end of the year is massively crazy. A massive “Best-of” round-up before continuing with the regularly scheduled weekly lists. During the holiday season, I completed a few long form books.

Here’s a round-up of the best of what I read in the last month and a half.

Top 3 Things I Read

#1. The 100-Year-Old Man who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson

A little over two-and-a-half years ago, my friend came to visit me. She is a voracious reader with great taste in books. She was reading this book with a long-winded title.

At the end of her stay, she gave it to me. I began reading it then… two-and-a-half years ago. It’s not a hard read. It’s actually hilarious. How could it not be with maximum hi-jinks, drama and a sprite 100-year-old man who’s done it all?

So why did it take me so long to complete? Living abroad, moving 6x (twice across the country and twice internationally) and general ‘figuring out’ how to be an adult got in the way of finishing this book.

When I went home over the holidays, I picked up this book and cranked through it. Alan is what I hope to be at age 100- sprite, sarcastic, and adventurous.

You should click the link above and get yourself a copy.


#2. WTF? I Just Spent $1207.40 on Books?

Books are a gateway into another world, someone else’s life and all the lessons they learned. In this article, Shane Parrish, covers why he spent $1,200+ on books. It’s something I envy and applaud him for doing.

Books are invaluable investments that expand your horizons to the nth degree. I even went so far as to write a response about when I was a young teen and spent $400 dollars on books.

This was a definitely a ‘rabbit-hole’ article where I clicked on almost everything he referenced.

#3. Overcoming Sexual Assault By Wearing Clothes Made Only With Love

The story of a woman who heals through creating her own clothes from scratch after sexual assault. This story is inspiring. Check it out.

“ It may sound crazy but it made sense to me that if I could reclaim my body being stripped bare, I would be able to redress myself with a new set of healing armour. I wanted to make my entire wardrobe from scratch; because I thought if I can do that, then I don’t need to be afraid any more. I would have skills and strength which I can always rely on.”

Other Notable Interesting Reads

There is nothing quite as permanent as a tattoo. When looking at 1,000’s of data points what stories do prison tattoos tell?

Growing up, I read voraciously. If a world captured my imagination, I would then read said world’s fanfiction. I found Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter to be absolutely delightful. It was the best-sort-of well-edited, well-written, fanfiction.

After being told about ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ over-and-over-and-over again. I finally read it. It did not disappoint.

