The Wahls protocol

The end of Multiple Sclerosis
4 min readJan 7, 2021

Doing the unthinkable, getting up from a wheelchair after years of debilitating pain due to a chronic illness. An illness with the prediction of only getting worse and worse, with no medication to bring it to a halt. Just bad luck and deal with it! But this is just what dr. Terry Wahls did and spoke about in her TED talk, minding your mitochrondia in 2011. She is still recovering and still taking some medications, but has made a massive improvement in her health. Unthinkable according to doctors!

It’s noticable that Wahls is a doctor herself as she substantiates all her advice with evidence based studies. Funnily enough she is challenging that same science by going beyond current views on autoimmune diseases by suggesting amongst others, food as the answer. Find me the first general hospital that would serve you a diet like she suggests instead of medicine!


So what exactly do you have to eat to get those results? Well before going there Wahls wisely puts a big emphasis on your intention. Be sure to really want this. It’s a very challenging diet, a massive change for good and it doesn’t allow for a single cheat day. State out loud your why on a video and tell loved ones as it bring accountability.

Hearts desire

Second is to bring to mind your hearts desire. What is it that is not possible right now because of your health. Why is health important for you, what would you do if you were healthy? Very important questions to remind yourself when things get tough. Many have a good reason to want to be able to see their kids grow old and be there for them. But it could also be just wanting to feel the freedom of running again or be able to go to work.

Photo by eleonora on Unsplash


Another item on the list is stress. A big issue in causing flare-ups as extra cortisol is running through the body. How can you implement stress reduction? Mindfullnes, being in nature, epsom salt baths, journaling or maybe making changes in the surroundings that are causing you much stress? Just remind yourself of what you would do if you felt a minor improvement in you symptoms?

What to eat?

Then finally the introduction of the food. What I think is a big plus for Wahls’ book is that she has levels of the diet. Same as the other diets it begins with no sugar, no dairy, no gluten. After that there is a choice in how extreme you want to take it. This way you can ease into it. Very smart choice to do it this way as lasting behavioural change can be very difficult. It is actually not so far from healing from an addiction. Without a strong intention, relapse or just getting of track is very close by. In one of her video’s Wahls explains that in winter time she does the more strict version which is a mix of paleo/keto without dairy and eggs. And then in the summer a little less strict as she adds in more colourful vegetables aswell. For everyone there is a starting point and that could be as small as introducing a vegetable a day on top of your current diet. There is even a version for vegetarians and vegans as she thinks everybody should be able to make changes, but she is not advocating it.


A few differences in comparions to other diets like Palmer Kippola’s F.I.G.H.T.S and Pam Bartha’s ‘Live disease free’ are the following.

It begins with 9 cups of vegetables a day (9 cups!!). If you’re hungry just eat more vegetables she says. Very big emphasis on eating your nutrients from actual foods instead of taking supplements. In addition, preferably you’d eat organic organ meat and not just grassfed meat. Eggs are not on her menu and Ghee is ok if tolerable. There is no mention of parasites, infections or mold as being a possible cause of disease.

Success stories

In the 5-day challenge Wahls invites participants to share their success stories. It’s inspiring as it challenges the idea that for us mere mortals it would not be possible. Yes ofcourse its possible for you with your strong determination and your TED talk but what about us simple beings, right? Very diverse people share their stories, speaking of improvements in symptoms. There is hope and a feeling of being able to do something instead of being a powerless victim. It’s unfortunately not THE answer and complete healing is not the case. More a way of managing the disease and taking good care of yourself while always having a weak spot. It seems to be forever!

Now what?

There is a book, good to read. Very possible to go about it on your own. Join a Wahls facebookgroup or start an accountabiliy appgroup. Wahls also offers support online groupcalls where you can ask her all your questions. If you are not that convinced, check out other people who claim to have healed from a severe autoimmune disease; for example Pam Bartha.

Or if you find this diet overwhelming, like me!! Check out more easy and accessible support to get you started: indigenous medicine for multiple sclerosis.

Another small step for now could be to watch and hopefully be inspired of possibilities.

I’m curious what you think, would you implement this diet if you were diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?



The end of Multiple Sclerosis

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