Binary Search Cheat Sheet

Marisol Hernandez
7 min readJan 30, 2024

Hello! Here I am with yet another update on my journey in strengthening my CS background. So far I’ve covered Pointers, Time Complexity Analysis, and Recursion. In this blog, I am sharing my learnings on Binary Search, inspired by this comprehensive Youtube playlist.

I hope you find the following summary incredibly useful and, as always, please feel free to export the attached cheat sheet :)

What is Binary Search?

Binary Search: an algorithm used to search for an element in a sorted array. It operates by dividing the search space in half in each iteration until either the element is found or the search space is empty.

Objective: Given a sorted array, arr, does x exist?

A sorted array (arr)

Note: The property that the array is sorted is a precondition of binary search.

Why use Binary Search?

Efficiency: offers logarithmic time complexity, O(log(n)), ensuring quick searches for large datasets

Minimal Comparison: minimizes comparisons by eliminating half the search space with each iteration

Versatility: can be adapted for various tasks, including finding first or last occurrences, counting elements, etc.

Binary Search Implementation


  1. Initialize Pointers: Set low and high pointers to the start and end of the current search space
  2. Middle Element: Identify the middle element, mid, of the current search space; mid is typically found by calculating (low + high) // 2
  3. Comparison: Compare the target x with mid. If equal, search complete. If x is less than mid, narrow the search space to the left half. If x is greater than mid, narrow the search space to the right half.
  4. Repeat: Continue until x is found or the search space is empty.

Now, let’s see this in action. Using the same sorted array as previously mentioned, we’ll use binary search to find 13. Our first step involves setting low and high to the array’s start (index 0) and end (index 8) respectively. Subsequently, we calculate the midpoint, which yields mid as (low + high) // 2 = (0 + 8) // 2 = 4.

Binary Search Implementation (1)

Next, we evaluate x (13) against the value stored at the mid. Since 13 is smaller than 36, and considering the sorted nature of the array, we know that there’s a chance 13 might exist in the lower half. Consequently, this narrows our search space in half by discarding the upper half.

After eliminating the upper half, we reset low and high to the current search space’s start (index 0) and end (index 3) and recalculate mid.

Binary Search Implementation (2)

This time 13 is larger than 6, which means that there’s a chance 13 exists in the upper half. As a result, we eliminate the lower half, and repeat the process of resetting low and high and recalculating mid.

Binary Search Implementation (3)

In this final iteration, we find 13 to be at the mid which puts an end to our search :)

Binary Code Search Snippet (Python)

Below is a binary search solution written in Python,

def binary_search(arr, x):
low, high = 0, len(arr) - 1
while low <= high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if arr[mid] == x:
return mid # x is found
elif arr[mid] < x:
low = mid + 1 # Modify low to search upper half
high = mid - 1 # Modify high to search lower half
return -1 # x not found

Linear Search vs Binary Search

Linear Search: involves scanning through the array sequentially, starting from the beginning until the target x is located. In the best-case scenario, x is found at the array’s initial index, while in the worst case, x is situated at the array’s end. Some other characteristics include:

  • Applicable to unsorted arrays
  • Simple but less efficient for large datasets
  • Linear time complexity (O(n))
Linear Search

Binary Search:

  • Requires sorted array
  • More efficient for large datasets
  • Logarithmic time complexity (O(log(n)))
Binary Search

Binary Search with Recursion

A recursive solution can be written for binary search,

def binary_search(arr, x, low, high):
if low <= high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if arr[mid] == x:
return mid # x is found
elif arr[mid] < x:
return binary_search(arr,
mid + 1, # Modify low to search upper half
return binary_search(arr,
mid + 1) # Modify high to search lower half
return -1 # x not found


  • Elegant Solution: Concise and easy to understand
  • Same Time Complexity: Logarithmic (O(log(n)))

Finding First or Last Occurrence

Objective: We can modify binary search to find the first or last occurrence of target x in a sorted array.

Finding first or last occurrence


Finding first occurrence: If x found, continue searching in the lower half for an earlier occurrence.

Let’s say we want to find the first occurrence of 5. To begin, we would follow the usual steps of binary search and set low and high, and calculate mid. In this first iteration, we find that mid is equal to our target 5, but we don’t know for certain this is the first occurrence. For now, we’ll save the index in a variable called result.

Finding the first occurrence (1)

Because we want to find the first occurrence, we narrow our search space to the lower half. Again, we reset low and high and recalculate mid.

Finding the first occurrence (2)

We compare our target, 5, to the value stored at mid. Because 5 is greater than 1, we will narrow our search to the upper half and reset low and high and recalculate mid accordingly.

Finding the first occurrence (3)

We perform another comparison of our target, 5, with the value stored at mid. Because 5 is greater than 3, we will narrow our search to the upper half and reset low and high and recalculate mid accordingly.

Finding the first occurrence (4)

This time we found our target, 5, to be equal to the value stored at mid, indicating an earlier occurrence. We overwrite the value stored in result with the index, and because our search space is empty after this iteration, we can confidently say that we found the first occurrence of 5 to be at index 3 :)

Finding last occurrence: Finding the last occurrence of x is similar to the process of finding the first occurrence. Instead of continuing to search in the lower half, we search in the upper half for a later occurrence.

I won’t walk you through an example given its similarity to finding the first occurrence, hopefully you understand the full picture :)

Code Snippet (Python)

def binary_search(arr, x, search_first):
low, high, result = 0, len(arr) - 1, -1
while low <= high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if arr[mid] == x:
result = mid
if search_first:
# Modify high to search lower half for earlier occurrence
high = mid - 1
# Modify low to search upper half for later occurrence
low = mid + 1
elif arr[mid] < x:
low = mid + 1
high = mid - 1
return result

Count of an Element

Objective: We can also leverage binary search to determine the count of x in a sorted array


  1. Use binary search to find the first occurrence
  2. Use binary search to find the last occurrence
  3. Count calculation = last occurrence — first occurrence + 1

Code Snippet (Python)

def count_occurrences(arr, x):
# using search_first parameter
first_occurrence = binary_search(arr,
last_occurrence = binary_search(arr,
if first_occurrence = -1:
return 0 # x not found
return last_occurrence - first_occurrence + 1

Advanced Binary Search Implementations

There are some other advanced implementations of binary search like:

  1. Determining the number of times a sorted array has been rotated
  2. Locating x in a circularly sorted array.

I will provide in depth examples in a future blog, but for now, you can see a general overview of these use cases in the cheat sheet below.



