November challenge: Being a Polyglot Programmer

23 min readDec 2, 2019


This post is part of accelerated learning project, Outpacing the fast-paced world.

How I learnt 4 Programming languages/Technologies in a single month?

Challenge for the November month was to ‘Be a polyglot programmer’ where I wanted to learn 4 languages/technologies Golang, Node.js, React.js and R. However later R was replaced with Vue.js. Also, the goal was to start contributing to open source and raise at-least 20 merge requests in any of these technologies. At the end of the month, I was able to raise only 5 merge requests in Mattermost. However, I have made 19 contributions in total on GitHub.

Posts are arranged by the day of writing, which usually speak of the day before.

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November 2: Being a Polyglot Programmer

Having completed 2 challenges, Mastering Data structures and Algorithms and Mastering System Design, I was left wondering what should I pick up next. Unlike Max Deutsch, I didn’t plan my challenges well in advance and that’s a big mistake.

Memorizing a deck of card is in the back of my mind since a long time but I don’t think I’m up for it right away as I know my memory sucks. But I’ll be doing rudimentary preparation for the memory challenge this month and will take that challenge next.

For November, I am gonna focus on being a Polyglot Programmer and I’ll write new story everyday instead of editing a single story whole month.

November 3: How should I measure it?

Goal: Being proficient in Go, node.js, R and react.js

Why the hell do I want to learn all these?
Until almost a year ago, I used to be good at a single programming language, ‘the same old Java’. I’m discounting the fact that I’ve read both C and C++ in college and can read code in those. There was a time when I could code in those; which I’m skeptical of right now.

So one year ago I thought being limited to a single language didn’t feel great and I decided to add Python to my repertoire. Now I can code well in Python and it feels great, trust me.

Then one month ago, A friend of mine talked about another a guy who has become official GitHub sponsor and he can code in multiple languages. Well, why not? Many a times, I think and talk about Java or Python be it multithreading or service oriented architecture (SoA) or horizontal scalability. Having three more programming languages (Go, node.js and R) under my belt will broaden my perspective for certain.

About react.js, well I suck at front-end. I know basic HTML, JS and archaic JSPs. Having knowledge of atleast one popular Front-end framework was in the back of my mind for some time now. Also, react is being used in my team as we speak, I need to learn it anyhow sooner or later. So, why wait?

November 4: Golang; done and dusted

Yesterday, I had decided to learn 4 languages in next four weeks. However there’s one real question. How do I measure my success?

A language read without practice is of no real use because you will forget it within a week. Been there, done that.
First, I thought of doing some assignment in each of these languages viz. GoLang, node.js, R and react.js. But I’ve got a better idea.

Right since my college days (it’s been more than 5 years btw), I wanted to contribute to open source. And what have I been waiting for all these years? A miracle perhaps. Now that miracle is here and my goal this month will be

Goal: Submit at-least 20 Merge Request in open source libraries on GitHub.

Good thing is I’ll be using R for my Data Science practice and react.js is used at my work, so I can decide to not practice them. They will be practiced as a by product of going to office daily ;)

So my goal will be to to focus on Go and node.js specifically.

November 5: Kubernetes over

You read it right, I’ve already finished learning Go and it’s 11:44 PM I am writing this and yes Go is a thing of past. On average, I have one week to spend on each of the languages and that’s what I intended to be honest.

I wanted to learn each language extensively. After getting up at 9:04 AM today, I spent 2 hours researching about various text books to learn Go. Somehow I’m a fan of learning using books instead of tutorials and videos. ‘Head first Go’ and ‘The Go programming language’ topped the list. Head First series has always been my favorite so I was inclined to use it.

But the old flame didn’t work out anymore. The problem with the books is that they treat you like a dumb programmer dreamed of being next Zuckerberg last night and got up and bought the book as first thing after getting up in the morning. These books start with very basic stuff that you have known since ages.

And once again I headed for my not-so-favorite Tutorialspoint. It’s not that bad but not that good either. I finished all the lessons somehow after taking a few brief naps. But the real breakthrough came when I had finished these tutorials and wanted to read some great concepts like Concurrency, Goroutines and select in detail. Golang Bot stole the show for being the best tutorial for Go I came across over internet. I ended up re-reading all important stuff again on Golang bot. In fact, I liked the quality of tutorials so much that I am considering donating to the guy who wrote those.

Now that I’ve finished Go lang officially. It’s time to practice and contribute to open source and good thing is I have almost a week left to do so. I plan to overshoot my goal. Also, while I was taking break from my incessant Go time (I spent the whole sunday in my room studying Go), I re-installed WhatsApp and someone told me Kubernetes is written in Go and of course is a good candidate for code contribution. Does that mean I’ll be studying Kubernetes too this month? Who knows! Maybe.

But it was worth it and I love my pace. Setting goals and embarking this challenge has really made me efficient well beyond my expectations.

November 6: I felt like sleeping

Yesterday, I was going through Kubernetes merge requests trying to understand code. But since I slept at 3 AM day before yesterday, I was feeling kinda sleepy and enervated.

I decided to take some rest and calling it a day so that I can hit gym after an hour.

November 7: Fooling around with Kubernetes

Yesterday I went and slept at a friend’s place and I was going through issues marked as ‘Good first issue’ at Kubernetes GitHub repository. Undoubtedly, Kubernetes is complex but first issues are relatively simple and include good context and explanations in their description. I went through a Merge Request, read it’s code and I could follow it.

But I know I’ve been slowed down by Kubernetes, so I am thinking of starting react.js next and postpone the Merge Requests for some time. Also, Did I tell I have to take a react session in my office?

I better start preparing.

November 8 & 9: Maintaining the status quo

On Friday, I decided to stay late at office and complete the work that had been pending since long. It was some hybrid code written in Closure soy templates and React+Redux and warranted my undivided attention for some two digit hours. But it’s impossible to not get distracted during regular work hours and not lose your train of thought.

I worked till 2 in the night and finished a major chunk of work. Next weekend I’m going to Himachal Pradesh and then home. So, I will be taking the whole weekend off; maybe work for a couple of days from home.

Working on React+Redux part reminds me of my next assignment. Better I read react and redux first because it’s going to help me in my work and I’d get a good practice at the same time.

Did I tell you we are planning to embark upon a business or two. Yesterday we were roaming around Hyderabad finding suitable places for that and cold calling people.

Also, I’m planning to sprint for at-least twice a week, so I went to explore Botanical garden running track in the evening. It’s shameful that I’ve been living in Hyderabad since a year now and I didn’t even visit the garden once.

So, now you know what I’m going to read on Sunday; yeah that’s going to be React.js.

November 10: I want to finish React, I mean I wanted to ;)

Yes I wanted to finish react.js and yesterday I did. Since theory wasn’t much useful last time I read react; as I forgot most of it; so building a tic-tac-toe game seemed like a perfect recipe. For those interested, this is a nice tutorial I found on official react site.

It didn’t take more than 4–5 hours, given the fact that I was distracted thorough out the day. Although I’ve learnt two languages within 10 days giving an illusion of being on track, when in fact I’m not. I had implicitly assumed I’d learn redux as a part of learning react which I haven’t.

But that’s not the principle cause of me not being on track, it’s due to the fact that I haven’t raised a single merge request on kubernetes yet. Was contributing to kubernetes in short span was a bad idea? Maybe I cursorily looked at other popular open source tools implemented in Golang; HashCorp consul is one of them and it’s also being used as a service discovery tool in my organization; sounds like a good candidate for contribution.

But I’m not giving up just yet, while Kubernetes doesn’t seem to have much issues marked as ‘Good first issue’ I am not good at losing hope early. Next week I’ll be taking off from work to travel to Himachal Pradesh. I’ll be spending at-least 2–3 days after that at home and then weekend. I can focus on raising merge requests that time.

This week I’d be little busy at work so sort out the things before taking leave, but I’d be able to finish at-least React and Redux I guess and also do some hands on in my project.

November 11: Is learning so easy or I am so fast?

After taking this challenge, I’ve finished a couple of languages within a single day each. Be it Golang or React, only half weekend was enough to complete those. Yesterday I was done with React+Redux by 1 in the night, of course I went to office and then gym.

I am wondering whether the learning is so easy or these languages have short learning curve or I have become so efficient and fast? Or maybe all of them. Redux library is merely 2KB, shouldn’t take much to learn it either, Right? Golang is a simple language which doesn’t have much complex things like classes in Java, It’s not even object oriented, so maybe. But at the same time, I’ve spent enough years programming in Java and I’m good at it. Essentially that means all I need to learn is syntax of the languages, as I’m familiar with concepts already. If you know Java, Golang shouldn’t be much different. Right?
If you can code in Javascript and jQuery, React shouldn’t be a different beast altogether. Anyway, one thing that I am certain of is the fact that I’d have never discovered this efficiency if it wasn’t for this challenge. Once in an interview, the interviewer asked me which new thing have you learnt in last 6 months; Honestly, I didn’t have an answer, not an impressive one anyway. It’s only been 70 days since this challenge was started and I can count a couple of things already. Last time I spent days watching React and Redux tutorials and I forgot them instantly. This time I spent single day and I did hands-on exercise and I already feel comfortable with React and Redux.

So the moral of the story is that Challenges are great and you are capable of doing much more than you think you are!

November 12: Prep up for Holidays

Since I’m going on holidays next week, I wanted to wrap a couple of things at my work. Yesterday, I was back from work at 5 PM and wanted to write some code before hitting the gym. But VPN didn’t work and I ended up going back to office at 10 in the night and worked non-stop till 5 in the morning. Again I woke up at 10 and got back to work.

I ended up making decent progress on the task I was working on. Next couple of days I am not expecting any progress on the challenge but I’m unrealistically hopeful for next week when I’ll be home. I am going to cover atleast one language and some merge requests.

November 13: I skipped the gym again

Again I worked till late in the office because I desperately want to conclude the stuff I am working on at work.

36 hours in office coupled with 7k steps goal for walking and then I had to take a call from a friend at 12 to discuss about a startup, I had already postponed him for 24 hours and couldn’t push more. But that’s not the surprising part, the surprising thing was that I felt full of energy and didn’t feel like sleeping. In fact, I wanted to work on the challenge, but it was already 2’o clock, I went to sleep 😛

November 14: I feel moved

This is my third story today, I was too busy to write on Medium yesterday.

Tomorrow I am going on vacation and I have made good progress at work as well. Even though I didn’t work on challenge on these 3 days, but the code I was working on to in office was in react and redux; I did a decent amount of practise in debugging and troubleshooting react.

It’s already 1 in the night and I am sitting at a tea stall talking to its owner. His brother has some problem in the spine and needs medical help, but he can’t afford it. I made him talk a doctor friend of mine and found some govt medical college for cheap treatment.

After that a boy of age around 10 years came to have tea. He wore dirty, torn clothes, was barefooted and seemed to be working in some factory. He came to the tea stall while the owner was busy talking to me; Boy waited patiently for a couple of minutes and then asked for tea. Since we were talking about the sickness of his brother, owner kinda ignored him until I asked him to give tea to the boy.

After taking his tea, the boy asked how much it costed, paid 10 rupees and walked away with aloofness; But something touched me deep inside my heart. He was barely 10, couldn’t even afford footwear, is working in some dilapidated condition; I doubt whether he will get any opportunities to have a better life. I should have probably offered to buy him footwear, atleast could have offered to buy tea for him, but I was to perplexed to act. I didn’t know what to do.

Even though I had humble upbringing and struggled a lot in life to be where I am right now, I was much more lucky than this guy. Or as someone told me once

“Being successful at a time means you happen to have a set of skills that are valued at that time”

What if I randomly took some decisions in life that turned out to be right ones. What if I was good at something that is valued these days. What if this is all random and by chance?

While we can blabber endlessly about how one creates his own destiny and is not constrained by the circumstances; even though it is true, it is not always prevalent. Getting opportunities is important. He could have just been born in a wealthy family and his life would turn around.

I always wonder what is the criteria success for me. Yesterday I told someone if I got a thousand crore rupees, I’d buy a Sukhoi fighter jet and a large piece of land to construct the runway. I’d buy a Ferrari and will use that to transport fodder for the cattles so that people realise that material success is not the real success.

Now, I’m reconsidering what would I do with those thousand crore rupees; Shouldn’t I do something for these kind of people who just happened to be less lucky than some of us are? Or for the old people who beg at traffic signals?

Darwin said it’s survival of the fittest and whoever adapts will be able to survive in the long run. Maybe poor people will simply vanish some day just because poor becomes poorer soon they will run out of resources necessary to live and procreate. Maybe the evolution will self-correct itself and we shouldn’t worry about others. After all, every creature is evolutionarily selfish and the biggest competiton is within it’s own species; But it’s not possible to simply overlook these kind of things and don’t get affected, not for me atleast.

November 15–20: Exploring the Himalayas

It’s been a week since I wrote the last post on Medium and I have found a good excuse for doing so. Last week, I was out there travelling and exploring the Himalayas.

Last Saturday, we had to go for Hiring in IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. I took a week off from my work and roamed around Parashar Lake, Mandi, Kasol and Chhalal village which is at 30 minutes from Kasol.

After almost a week of unwinding, chilling and almost 15 hours travel back home yesterday night, I feel invigorated and enervated at the same time. I’m running behind my schedule for the challenge atleast as with the goal of raising 20 merge requests in open source repositories. Also, there are only 10 days left in challenge and I haven’t even touched node.js and R.

But next couple of days, I expect to work on challenge full time and expedite it. Right now I feel throbbing pain on side of my head as I write due to lack of sleep last night. I’m calling it a day.

November 21: node.js ain’t so hard

Although I wasn’t at my efficient best today but I managed to finish node.js. It was so easy, I didn’t even feel I was reading anything new, it was all javascript.

While I feel kinda content that one more language is finished, but I didn’t read enough today, I could have done much better. One of the excuses was since I have come home for this week, I use my mobile hotspot for internet connectivity and it works at optimum speed only when I am in open or on the first floor.

Anyway, Tomorrow my main focus will be to contribute to open source either in node.js or Golang. I think its wise to stick with something simple in Node.js because contributing to Kubernetes isn’t that simple.

November 22: Talk Talk Talk

Today I had huge plans to raise a few merge requests on open source. But my day started with more than an hour of business negotiation with friends. At noon, some guests showed up at home and next three hours vanished in thin air. At evening, I was talking to my mom and cousins. Finally I wrapped the day talking to another friend of mine about business for more than an hour.

It’s true that everybody lives in comfort zone, some more than others. Having a stable job with a good salary is also a comfort zone, in fact the most common one. One must strive to be the best version of oneself; One must challenge the world, beliefs, society, status quo and most importantly oneself. Well, I too have some plans like that and I want to execute them desperately.

Taking risk is the buzzword of today’s high paced world, while most people just talk about it, read articles and procrastinate by assuring themselves that some day they will outshine everything, some day the sun will rise from the west, someday they will swim against the tide.

SOMEDAY is a synonym for NEVER

Well, I am a firm believer in that. Do you still remember my day started with Business negotiation with two friends of mine? Yeah, that’s what I’m coming at. Even though that’s seems like an opportunity to make a dent in the universe; no that’s exaggeration.

Even though that seems like a good opportunity and it’s decently risky. But it doesn’t seem worth it. More than the risk, I’m more worried about that fact that even if things went as planned, what do I get in the end. Is our plan strong enough? Is our idea innovative enough. Is the time, effort and money that I’ll be investing worth it? I’m quite skeptical.

Tomorrow, my uncle will be coming and certainly I won’t be working that time, but I can start early in the morning and wrap some things up. This week isn’t turning to be as productive as I expected. Anyway, let’s see how it goes.

November 23: Yet another day

I feel so bad admitting that I didn’t do anything significant today. I installed Mattermost to contribute to it but couldn’t get it working. Some guests did show up at home and then I spent the rest of the day going through financials of the company I am pondering of having partnership with.

Although there wasn’t much of a progress with the challenge but I did some useful things and nevertheless Mattermost is installed on my machine where I can contribute something.

Next two days aren’t going to be much progress either. Although I feel kinda bad posting on Medium that I didn’t do anything today, but I’m honest with myself accepting my lack of progress and it will make me push harder.

November 24–26: Discussions suck

On Sunday, I went to Gurgaon since I had to catch a flight to Hyderbad on Monday morning. I stayed at my friends’ place and spent a big chunk of evening and night discussing, arguing and contradicting about the company, its valuation and percentage share I’d be getting if I joined that company as CTO and the result was zero.

On Monday, I reached Hyderabad in the afternoon and went to office straight. After coming from office, Again I talked with another friend of mine to talk about startups and whether I should go for that company or not.

Tuesday, I met another friend who will soon be joining a drone startup. We went to eat out to celebrate his new job and I can see I am making zero progress on the challenge. My workout routine suffers each time I go on leave and I haven’t joined it back this time. I need to get into fast-paced mode soon.

Hopefully, I will make some progress on the challenge tomorrow.

November 27: Mattermost up and running

Day before yesterday, I vowed to focus again on the challenge which had been dormant since some days now; to prepare for that, I troubleshooted my local Mattermost setup and somehow got it working by changing the owner and permissions of a couple of directories like /usr/local/bin

After going through the open issues with labels ‘good first issue’ and ‘help wanted’ on Mattermost GitHub, I quickly found some tickets which I can immediately pick up and start working in contrast with Kubernetes where I dabbled for days without much luck.

Even though I haven’t started on R yet, but according to my experience with current challenge, it’s not difficult to learn a language, that’s hardly a single day business, a weekend in the worst case. Contributing to open source is a time consuming business; But I believe even that’s not true. Since this is the first time I’m trying to contribute to open source, some learning curve is natural. But once I pick pace with it, I’m certain it’s going to be just a walk in the park.

I’m confident that I’ll be able to raise at-least one merge request tomorrow, but I’ve a long way to go, since the aim is to raise 20 merge requests. So the plan is to focus on open source for now and on R later.

November 28: My first Open Source contribution

It took time, it took efforts and most of all it took patience. Yesterday I did my first open source contribution to Mattermost-Webapp. As I already told you that day before yesterday my Mattermost setup was hungry to digest new piece of code.

As I anticipated, it’s not difficult to contribute to open source, especially due to the fact that I’m quite comfortable with programming in multiple languages. But it takes time to get used to the code, the coding style and especially it takes time to understand the context of the project or issue you are working on.

I’m sure it will get easier as I keep on contributing. I’ve chosen Mattermost because a friend of mine told me it’s quite easy to start (I’m sure most of the open source projects are) and they do offer the job opportunity to work remotely. They even paid him because he raised a lot of Pull Requests in Mattermost.

Although I’m far from the goal of the challenge i.e. to raise 20 Merge Requests, for the feeling I got from my small contribution is fulfilling; liberating if you will. I’d have coded a lot faster if it was in languages I’m most familiar with i.e. Java and Python. But pushing out of comfort zone is the aim of this challenge in the first place; ain’t it?

Currently I’m contributing in JavaScript and TypeScript. I was never serious for either of these in my career until this month and trust me, it feels good :D. It feels good to quickly learn so many languages which I never thought of learning. It feels good to contribute to open source, which I dreamed of since my college days. It feels good to take JavaScript seriously :P which I never did; just like History and Civics.

Tomorrow I aim to raise another Merge Request of substantial complexity.

November 29: I’m an open source contributor 😛

Yesterday I opened 3 merge requests in Mattermost one after another and yes they weren’t trivial or tiny.

I took first issue which was about writing a UI automation test using cypress. I never thought I’d write UI automated tests in javascript and that’s the precise reason I picked that issue. Once first merge requests was raised, raising other 2 was a trivial thing. Since my brain got trained on cypress while writing first test, it worked wonders in the subsequent ones.

It was second last day of the challenge and I’ve raised 4 merge requests in total. Again, it’s merely 20% of my goal, which was to raise 20 merge requests. But it got me started.

Reflecting back, had I been not stuck on Kubernetes and started with Mattermost, I’d have made decent contributions; also, the week off that I took from my work this month in Himalayas and then at home didn’t prove much fruitful either. On the other hand, I made less progress than I would have normally done. I haven’t even started R, although I can finish it within a day, probably less than that, since R doesn’t seem to be a very complex or big language at the first sight, but appearances can be deceiving.

Let’s see!

November 30: Where am I?

There’s one problem I encountered while browsing through popular open source repositories, well at-least Mattermost and Kubernetes, that it’s difficult to find many issues for contribution. In mattermost I could find single digit number of issues with tech/Go label, i.e. related to Golang. Similarly, in Kubernetes, despite wasting a number of days, I couldn’t find a single issue with label good first issue which wasn’t picked/touched by someone. Core developers solve a major chunk of issues and usually UI related or trivial issues are left behind.

However, I found a couple of issues in Go language (which I wanted to focus desperately on) in Mattermost-plugin-jira and decided to set it up on my local. However the installation instructions weren’t clear enough and I ended up wasting nearly all saturday. Finally I decided to use trial jira version from Atlassian, even though the setup isn’t fully functional at the time of writing, but it is good enough to enable me to take a couple of issues and test the code.

Given difficulty in finding the issues to contribute and troubleshooting the mattermost jira plugin setup, I was able to raise a single merge request yesterday. But the good thing is it was in Golang. This was my first Golang contribution to open source.

In total, I’ve learnt 3 languages (Go, React.js, Node.js) and I’ve raised 5 merge requests to open source. Officially, yesterday was the last day for challenge, but being weekend, I’m gonna extend the challenge for one more day and learn one more language; so that even if I’m not able to raise 20 merge requests, I do finish at-least 4 languages.

December 1: I’m a polyglot programmer

I extended this months challenge by one day since yesterday was weekend. It’s time to reflect back and see what went good and what didn’t.

  • I learnt 4 new technologies/languages i.e. Golang, Node.js, React.js and Vue.js
  • Earlier my goal was to learn R, but then switched to Vue.js in interest of usefulness.
  • I made 19 contributions to the open source, as depicted by my GitHub.
  • Being honest, I was able to raise only 5 merge requests to open source (Mattermost) as opposed to my goal of 20.
  • Started a new open source project with a friend of mine to practice my newly-acquired vue.js skills
  • Rest 14 contributions are in the form of commits or forking of repositories.
  • My GitHub statistics boasts of 51 contributions in 2019, it was much less earlier.
  • I’ve made my debut in open source officially, which I wanted to do long ago, when in college more than 5 years ago.

Even though I won’t boast of meeting my goal, because honestly I didn’t. For that I’d have to raise at-least 20 merge request, but I could manage to raise only 5, that’s 25% of the goal.. However I made some other contributions to open source in forms of commits and forking the repositories, but hey!! commits are not merge requests. Right?

Despite not being able to hit my goal, I feel extremely happy and accomplished, especially due to the fact that I have learnt a lot in the last month. I’ve started contributing to open source which I wanted to do long ago. Even though I’m just a dabbler in Golang, Node.js, React.js and Vue.js, but these technologies are the talks of the town and all I need is more practice to be well versed in them. One can’t be master of all trades and I don’t intend to. Especially I never wanted to learn front-end tools, in fact I don’t want to work on front-end :P, hopefully I don’t offend my readers who are front-end experts. But not knowing even a single front-end framework (besides HTML, JS,jQuery and obsolete JSPs), I felt I was missing on it. If I wanted to design my own website or someone asked me about these, all I could do or suggest was to download some good looking front-end templates from internet and somehow plug them with your backend. That’s what we did for Ethreum miner, our weekend project (Don’t search for link, it’s not open source :P).

Next, I’d like to be comfortable in some of these languages especially Golang and Node.js since both of these are backend technologies :P. Since I’ve started working on ShikshaBuddy at the same time, I expect to get a solid practice with Vue.js and Django as well. Oh well, did I mention Django? I’ve some rudimentary experience on it, but yeah, practicing more won’t hurt. Especially given the fact that Django is going to be super efficient for development if I plan to start some personal project or become CTO of a startup or start my own startup, who knows. Earlier when it came to webapp Spring was my all time favorite, not because it was the best framework but because I hadn’t worked on any other :P

This month’s challenge wasn’t really a walk in the park, especially in last one week, I used to sleep at 2 everyday to get some progress done. Contributing to open source is a time-consuming process, especially in the beginning when you are looking at the code for the first time. It ‘ll get easier, I’m certain of that. Last week, I didn’t go to gym, I didn’t have time for anything else and my brain felt overwhelmed with the knowledge and information I was trying to gulp in short bursts of time. At times, I felt like a machine, overly focused on the next task, all the time. I would walk in the night briskly just to finish 7000 steps for the day and get back to work. Yesterday while learning Vue.js I felt like sleeping because I had read a lot and needed time to digest it, you know ‘Sleep over it’ saying is there for a reason. But I couldn’t sleep because I had to finish it even though my cognitive engine of my brain was overloaded and felt like about to burnout.

This month’s challenge is memorizing a deck of cards, It’s going to be horrible for sure, given the current state of my mind, which seems utterly devoid of the capacity to memorize at times. Even Max Deutsch had problem cutting down the time to 2 minutes, given the fact that he could memorize the card even on day 1, his main challenge was to time it within 2 minutes. I, on the other hand, will be starting from the scratch and honestly I trust my brain least when it comes to memorizing stuff.

Hopefully, finishing this challenge will impart some coveted thing called memory to my brain. But before that I want a little break. I haven’t watched a single movie last month, I even stopped enjoying my evening stroll :P, moreover timing the memorizing thing to 3 minutes seems a reasonable thing to do.

Read the next post. Read the previous post.

This post is part of accelerated learning project, Outpacing the fast-paced world.

If you want to follow along with my daily posts, make sure to follow this Medium account.

