I have a place in the dorms at 42

Mike Brave
2 min readAug 9, 2018


Edit: This is part of a series that culminated here, Next post. Previous post.

Edit2: I consolidated all the posts of the piscine daily posts here

Edit3: You can read up about what it’s like as a cadet at 42 here

Fantastic news, I got a spot in the dorm during the piscine. This saves me a little bit of my scant amount of cash but mostly it puts me close to the lab and saves me a ton of hassle. I’m so excited.

I’m allowed to show up the day before the piscine, and checkout is the day after at 6PM.

They got back to me about it in less than 5 days, which is amazing especially on such short notice, I mean I signed up just over two weeks before the start date.

Some details for anyone who follows this later on:

This means living up to academic criteria and following the general policies.

There will be roommates, between 4–6 per room. One bathroom to share between them.

No kitchen, but yes cafeteria, don’t bring cooking things, there are microwaves.

Free laundry machines.

No guests.

Bring sheets, blankets, towels, pillows and toiletries. Something to lock things up was recommended. I read somewhere to bring hangers and toilet paper as well.

Drugs not allowed. Drinking in dorms not allowed. Weapons not allowed.

There is a canteen, movie room, multipurpose room, gym, and study rooms.

Other things of note, there was a deposit, but it was affordable (less than $50). If you don’t show or something it’s not refundable. If you trash the place you lose it, if your stay goes fine you get it back. Acceptance into the dorms seems tied to your ability to show that you are allowed in country, I sent a scan of my passport and it worked fine.

I hope this is helpful to someone later on.

