TOCD Studio Adds $ETH Staking on Base Blockchain: A New Era of The Old Castle Defense


Hello, Great Community!

The Old Castle Defense (TOCD) has just integrated a new feature that allows players to stake $ETH on the Base blockchain. This groundbreaking update enhances the gameplay experience and brings new opportunities for earning and engaging with the TOCD ecosystem. Read on to learn how you can benefit from this new staking feature.

What is $ETH Staking on the Base Blockchain?

With the integration of $ETH staking on the Base blockchain, TOCD players can now stake their $ETH tokens to participate in sieges, earn rewards, and boost their faction’s power. This addition expands the utility of $ETH within the TOCD universe, creating a seamless bridge between DeFi and gaming.

Benefits of $ETH Staking

Staking $ETH on the Base blockchain within TOCD offers several key benefits:

  • Increased Rewards: Earn $FOMO tokens and other in-game rewards for staking $ETH;
  • Quick start: Exchanging $ETH for other tokens is unnecessary. If you have fuel, you can stake;
  • Mainstream Appeal: $ETH is widely held and used across the crypto space, making it accessible and convenient for many users;
  • Environmental Benefits: Unlike traditional proof-of-work (PoW) mechanisms, staking $ETH through proof-of-stake (PoS) is more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

How to Stake $ETH on the Base Blockchain

Staking $ETH in TOCD is a simple process. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Ensure your crypto wallet is connected to the TOCD platform to manage your $ETH tokens:

  1. Visit the TOCD Website;
  2. Click on the “Login/Connect” button:

3. Select your preferred wallet and follow the prompts to connect.

Step 2: Stake Your $ETH

Once your wallet is connected, navigate to the Game page. This is where you will manage your $ETH staking.

  1. Click the “Play Now” button on the Homepage to go to the Game page:

2. Click the “Stake to attack” button under the window of one of the Factions:

3. Enter or choose an amount of $ETH that you are going to stake;

4. Confirm the transaction on the website and in your wallet. If the transaction is successfully confirmed, you will see a similar notification at the bottom right:

Ready! After the transaction is confirmed, the Faction’s attack will be increased and if the chosen Faction wins, these funds will be returned to your wallet along with the reward.

A small but very important hint: The potential yield from your staking in The Old Castle Defense depends on the specific round in which you initiate your staking. Engaging early in the staking process can be more advantageous, as it results in a higher reward coefficient during the distribution of earnings among stakers. However, it’s crucial to weigh the risks before committing your assets.

How to Stake an NFT

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Ensure your crypto wallet is connected to the TOCD platform to manage your $ETH tokens:

  1. Visit the TOCD Website;
  2. Click on the “Login/Connect” button:

Step 2: Stake Your

1. Click the “Play Now” button on the Homepage to go to the Game page:

2. Click the “Stake NFT” button in the center of the page:

3. You will see a window to select your NFT. Select the NFT and click on the “Stake NFT” to stake it for the duration of the Siege:

4. Confirm the transaction on the website and in your wallet. When the transaction is completed, NFT will appear in the Faction window:

Ready! NFT is locked for the duration of the Siege and will return to you regardless of victory or loss. Don’t forget to heal and level up your NFT, these actions will increase its attack, your rewards, and therefore the chances of victory for the entire Faction.

Tip for the NFT Owners: At the end of each battle, NFTs receive a game currency called $SPH(Sapphire). In addition to healing and increasing the level of an NFT, you can also burn an extra $SPH to increase your NFT reward multiplier after the Siege. If you do not have enough $SPH, you can purchase them from a Dealer for $ETH.

Remember to stay informed, strategize carefully, and enjoy the journey in TOCD’s captivating universe.

Game Session Duration

A typical siege in TOCD consists of 41 battles, each lasting approximately 2 hours. This means that one full siege session will span around 3.5 days, providing a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

How to unstake and $ETH and claim a reward

You can return your staked $ETH and claim your reward only if the faction it was staked in wins at the end of the Siege:

  1. Open the Wallet drop-down window at the top right of the page and click “Check Unclaimed Rewards”;

2. In the opened window turn on the “Only Unclaimed” filter and claim your $TOCD!


The addition of $ETH staking on the Base blockchain marks a new era for The Old Castle Defense, blending DeFi and gaming like never before. This feature enhances the gameplay experience and offers new opportunities for players to earn and engage with the TOCD ecosystem. Start staking your $ETH today and explore the exciting possibilities within the world of The Old Castle Defense.

Embark on your staking adventure today and may your strategic choices lead you to prosperity in the world of The Old Castle Defense: Join our Telegram.

Best regards,
Your Beloved Team of The Old Castle Defense

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The Old Castle Defense(TOCD) - High Yield Staking

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