Morning Ritual Mastery Review: How I Transformed My Mornings

Jonathan Phillips
9 min readMay 2, 2024


See if this sounds familiar to you. You wake up, hit the snooze, and then you are immediately overwhelmed with everything you have to do that day.

You see, that was me for most of my life. I want to share my Morning Ritual Mastery review that goes over the program and how it transformed my life.

My Life Before the Program

I was never a morning person. Nope, I was not too fond of mornings. Why? Because the morning time reminded me of all the daily stresses that I had in my life.

For many years, as soon as I woke up, I immediately thought of work and how much I hated seeing my boss. I continually thought about how all the problems that I had in my life.

I was like most people who start their mornings; frustrated, irritated and stressed out. I don’t know about you, but that’s a terrible way to live life and start a day.

How awful is it that we’ve been given this incredible gift of life, yet most of us can’t even be grateful for it?

Like most of us, I never realized how damaging my mindset and beliefs were until I started the program. Waking up stressed out and anxious was the norm.

“When You Discover the Truth, It Will Set You Free!”

It’s not until you make a radical transformation in your mindset and lifestyle that you see the truth. The truth is that life is an incredible gift, and each day should not take for granted.

How I Discovered Morning Ritual Mastery

When I was 18/19 years old, I got into personal development. Because of so much negative conditioning from my external environment, I became very depressed and anxious in my teens.

In a deep state of pain, but I refused to believe that life had to be that way. I believed that I was meant for something so much more, so I got into personal development.

I started reading books by Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, and so many others. I began to consume tons of YouTube content on personal development.

Among my favorite YouTube channels that inspired me the most was Project Life Mastery — created by Stefan James.

Pretty soon, I bought Stefan’s program — Morning Ritual Mastery. It’s a program that teaches how to construct an empowering morning ritual from scratch.

The backstory of Stefan James

Like so many of us, Stefan James was also lost, anxious and depressed at one point in his life.

He was in a very dark, painful place. In that dark and bitter place, Stefan decided that enough was enough and that he was capable of so much more.

Stefan was 17 years old when he decided that he was going to transform his life. Much like myself, he immersed himself into personal development.

One of his biggest influences was Tony Robbins, and Tony Robbins is one of the people that introduced him to the concept of an empowering morning ritual.

Long story short, Stefan completely changed his life for the better using morning rituals. He credits an empowering morning ritual as one of things things that transformed his life.

Because of him, I learned how to “copy” the incredible emotions that he experiences every day, and you can do the same.

Now that you know how the program came about, here’s my full Morning Ritual Mastery review so that you can get a sneak peek into this incredible program.

An Overview of Morning Ritual Mastery

Morning Ritual Mastery is broken down into easy to achieve steps.

If you’re somebody that struggles with depression and anxiety so badly that you feel immobilized to take any action whatsoever, then this is the perfect program for you.

The program is a 7-day “training” program that breaks down an empowering morning ritual day-by-day and step-by-step.

Day One — Introduction to Creating An Empowering Morning Ritual

I know the term “ritual” can sound a little bit weird at first for somebody that isn’t familiar with Tony Robbins’ material.

However, in this section, Stefan will give you an overview of exactly what a morning ritual is and the importance of starting your day off on the right track.

If you’re struggling with negative emotions in your life, Stefan will explain to you how a morning ritual affects your life in so many ways, for worse or for the better.

Day Two — Practical Ritual Creation: Body

In this section, Stefan will explain the importance of taking excellent care of your body first thing in the morning.

This one was a game-changer for me. It finally hit me that for so many years that I had filled my body up with toxic, energy-zapping food first thing in the morning!

The health-related habits that you have in the morning are essential for overall health.

Stefan will walk you through some simple but very practical ideas to fuel your body the right way first thing in the morning.

Putting healthy foods in your body, by itself, can transform your whole life. If you fully commit to Stefan’s recommended health strategies, you will start your day off with incredible energy and zest for life.

Day Three — Practical Ritual Creation: Mind

“What a man thinks in his heart is what he becomes” — Proverbs 23:7

The depressing fact is that most of us are brainwashed and hypnotized into believing that we are limited or incapable of becoming who we want to be.

This section will be a massive eye-opener for you, and Stefan will explain precisely how to overcome your limited mindset.

In the lesson, you will learn easy strategies for conditioning a successful mindset every day.

Morning rituals are exactly how Stefan James overcame his limiting beliefs and negative mindset. He’ll teach you the exact strategies that he used to transform his life completely.

If you’re somebody that struggles with negative emotions, this section will be a goldmine for you.

You’ll learn how to “brainwash” yourself into having a successful mindset. Because of this, you’ll automatically become a positive action-taker in your life. Poor excuses will become a thing of the past.

Day Four — Practical Ritual Creation: Spirit

I share the belief with Stefan James that we are spiritual beings. You are not your physical body, but rather your physical body is a vehicle for your spirit to experience the gift of life on Earth.

It’s incredibly flexible and can be adapted to any spiritual or religious practice. This section will benefit you regardless of your religion, beliefs, or faith.

The goal of this section is to teach you how to cultivate your spirituality every day. If you’re a Christian, this might mean prayer or reading the Bible.

If you’re a Buddhist, it might mean meditating every morning. Even if you have no religion, there are still valuable spiritual practices that you can do each morning, such as giving to others.

Stefan will give you some incredible strategies for expanding your spirituality and making it an empowering part of your everyday life.

Day Five — Putting it All Together

In days one through four, you will have learned exactly how to improve your mindset, spirituality, and mindset in your morning ritual. Day five will teach you how to put it all together into a morning ritual.

For a newbie, creating a structured morning ritual may seem a little daunting at first.

However, this section will make it incredibly easy for you to create an empowering morning ritual that is stupidly simple and easy for anyone.

Day Six — Your Guided Morning Rituals

If you’re finding it a little challenging to get started with a morning ritual, Stefan has got you covered in this section. Stefan has put together several morning rituals where he guides you with live video training.

Suppose you know precisely how you want your morning ritual to be, excellent! If not, no worries, and you can use one of Stefan’s guided morning rituals every day if you wish.

Stefan’s guided morning ritual videos can also serve as your “training wheels” that will help you to master an empowering morning ritual quickly.

Then when you are ready, you can design a morning ritual that works best for you.

Day Seven — Creating the Habit, Making it Last.

By the time you get to this section, you will know precisely how to start and create an empowering morning ritual. However, there’s still one essential piece left — making it a habit.

Stefan will challenge you with the 30-Day morning ritual challenge. I did this challenge myself, and trust me, and he changed my life immeasurably.

If you can stick to the 30-Day Morning Ritual Challenge and commit to it fully, I promise you, your life will never be the same.

Your positive emotions, healthy habits, and so many other aspects of your life will change for the better.


In my opinion, everything that I’ve written in my Morning Ritual Mastery review so far is worth thousands of dollars.

For the average price of a couple of restaurant meals, you’ll receive a lifetime of personal coaching from Stefan James. With lifetime access to the program, you can always go through it again if you fall off track.

Here are some additional bonuses that you’ll receive with the program:

#1 The Life-Changing Morning Rituals eBook — An ebook written by Stefan James himself that gives a ton of morning ritual ideas for your body, mind, and spirit.

#2 The Mastery Mentality — This valuable video will teach you how to develop The Mastery Mentality so that you’ll know exactly how to master an empowering morning ritual and anything else in your life.

My Tips for the Program

I have something to confess: I didn’t complete the program the first couple of times that I started to. My mindset was faulty, and I didn’t create the drive to start and follow through with the program.

For my Morning Ritual Mastery review, here are some tips that will be helpful for you to start, stick, and complete the program entirely.

Tip #1: Utilize Pain & Pleasure for Completing the Program

I kept procrastinating on using the program because I didn’t associate enough pain with my disempowering morning ritual at the time. In contrast, I also didn’t associate enough pleasure with using the program.

Stop, go for a walk, and ponder the reasons that you MUST do the program. Think about the consequences of your current disempowering ritual.

Feel the pain of living even one more day with a disempowered morning. In contrast, think about all the incredible things that will happen if you complete the program.

Tip #2: Realize That Tomorrow Doesn’t Exist

“I’ll start tomorrow or another day” is an entirely flawed mentality that many people have.

You see, the only thing moment that exists is this very moment right now. What you call “tomorrow” will only become another “now.”

Every time you say that you’ll do something tomorrow, when tomorrow finally comes, there will always be a new tomorrow.

If you have a disempowering morning ritual, stop. Just stop. It has cost you so much in your life already.

No more b.s. excuses for why you can’t change your life today. Today is a gift, and the only thing you have is the present moment, so take advantage of it!

Tip #3: Get Accountability

Accountability is one of the most potent ways to get yourself to take action with any goal. If you’re only accountable to yourself, you’re much less likely to follow through.

An easy free way to get accountability is to post on social media your new commitment. Post everywhere that you are going to complete the program entirely.

By doing this, you’ll elicit a massive amount of drive that is so powerful that you’ll feel compelled to follow through.

What Are You Waiting For?

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my Morning Ritual Mastery review and how it has transformed my life.

Disclaimer: As of this moment, I am not an affiliate for Morning Ritual Mastery — I just highly recommend you check it out!

Are you ready to ditch your negative morning routine once and for all? Great! Check out Morning Ritual Mastery HERE and get started today.

Warning: If you want your life to change, you must completely commit to the program and follow through.

Morning Ritual Mastery isn’t for tire kickers. It’s for people that are willing to invest in their happiness, productivity, and mindset.

Everything I’ve mentioned in this Morning Ritual Mastery review is a golden ticket for a transformed life, so don’t miss it.

If you join Stefan’s program, let me know your progress in the comments below as you go through the course.

Also, if you need a push to follow through with the program, I’d love to be your accountability partner. Shoot me an email here, and I’ll be your accountability partner.



Jonathan Phillips

I love writing about my passions: health, traveling, and business! When I'm not writing, I enjoy the great outdoors, chess, and martial arts.