Powerful Prayer For Failing Marriage

Sam the Christian
3 min readJul 2, 2020


The Lord teaches us the power and importance of the union of marriage. This prayer for failing marriage help can bring you both closer together in God’s love. God can bring you back towards where you both once were. I’ve included a couple of different prayers below but it really can be as simple as something like this:

Dear Lord our father, I pray that you bring us back together and hold us together with your love. We may have faltered but I want our love to stay strong.

If you’d like to submit your prayer to churches, prayer groups and shrines around the world click here.

Dear God,

Thank you so much for your ever-flowing grace and mercy. This is a prayer for failing marriage, for those who may be falling apart with their own marriage. I know that marriage is a sacred covenant in You, between husband and wife, and it’s something to be taken seriously. However, some marriages crumble for the reason that life gets in the way, or one side forgets the commitment they made to their spouse.

If there’s anyone dealing with a failing marriage in this moment, I believe in Your capacity to grant miracles. I know You can move mountains and do the impossible, especially for Your children who have faith in Your name.

For each person who’s heart is breaking because they’re experiencing their marriage fall apart, I pray that you give a breakthrough in their life. You are the God of miracles, breakthroughs, healing, and restoration. I pray for those who are on the verge of giving up on their marriage because they’re going through an almost impossible situation. I pray that you give strength to these individuals and give them the restoration and healing they need for their marriage to work. With this prayer for failing marriage, I hope that you breathe hope and light into them.

A marriage is the most sacred commitment of all, and I pray that you heal every broken and failing marriage right now. No matter what obstacles they’re failing, I pray that they choose love over their pain and devastation. I pray that you make them remember their love for their spouse in the beginning and have faith that their marriage will be restored in Your name. I pray that the days of sleeping angry with one another will be over, and I pray that they stop building a wall against the one who they promised forever with. Marriages aren’t easy- they’re the hardest thing in the world. I pray that you convict them of the truth that marriages aren’t always going to be perfect. As a marriage progresses, more obstacles occur but it’s in these obstacles that will test the love a spouse has for their partner.

Lord, I’ve seen you do the impossible and I know that You can do it again. I’ve seen you work miracles in people’s lives and bring healing to the sick and wounded. Marriage is sacred for You and I know that You will guide the marriages that are failing. Allow them to rise above their heartbreak and pain and may they choose faith and love instead.

Let those people going through rough patches in their marriage remember that love is and has always been a choice and through Your miracle, may they rise above their pride and selfishness in the marriage. I pray for restoration and healing for these marriages and make their marriage be filled with light and love once again. I pray that they never give up on their marriage and choose to trust in You and Your plan in their life instead.

I’ve also covered prayers for a broken marriage which might help as well.

