Powerful Prayer for my Children’s Protection

Sam the Christian
3 min readMay 26, 2020


Using a prayer for my children’s protection asks God to watch over them and keep them safe when you’re not always able to. There is no kind of security like the light of God and I use a prayer like this every single night to protect my children.

I’ve included several prayers you can use (and advice on using them) below but you can start with something as easy as this:

Dear Lord, you are aware of each strand of hair on my child’s head, you are his creator, you know all his weaknesses and strengths, protect his body, his soul and his mind from any corruption.

Would you like your prayer delivered to the holy land for you? Just submit your prayer here.

The most selfless relationship is that which a parent shares with their child. As soon as that little person enters your life you hold it more precious than your own life. Your child’s dreams become your dreams, his/her achievements and loss become yours. You want to do everything in your power to help your child achieve greatness.

What comes with loving someone so much is fear of any harm coming their way. Constantly worrying about your child’s whereabouts, when you can’t be around them, can be a source of anxiety for many parents.

You may use all the technological tools available to track your child, but you’ll never truly be satisfied unless you know they are under God’s special care.

Here are some prayers you can make for your children’s protection.

Lord, thank you for blessing me with the gift of life, my child, please protect all my children while they go to school or go out to play with their friends, protect them from forming any enemies and do not let anyone bully them.

Lord, let no evil befall my children, make them fearless, it is my humble prayer to you my lord to be around them all the time.

Using Prayer to Protect Your Children

You can use a specific prayer depending on your child (for example a prayer for teenage sons safety) or one from the examples here. As long as you’re asking then God is listening.

“St. Michael Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Cast them down beneath our feet driving far from us every evil, hatred and sin.

O mighty and chief angel of heaven, you who worship and serve the Immortal God before His glorious throne, become for us now our most powerful angelic protector, that we may never stray from the path of peace nor be separated from the love of God. This we ask by the power of the holy name of Jesus. Amen”

If you’d like you can have your prayer submitted to the Holy land for you. Just submit your name and prayer here.

