Can We Defeat The Wriggler, The Worm NFT’s evil twin?

The Worm NFT
7 min readJun 25, 2022

The Wriggler has worm-napped The Worm NFT and taken its place traveling the blockchain. You can help stop it.

Background: The Worm was worm-napped by its evil twin

A week ago, someone known at that time only as “The Wriggler” worm-napped The Worm NFT and sent it to a Smart Contract. That Smart Contract is named “YoinkPowerExtractionChamber.sol” and it breaks The Worm’s Yoink function, preventing it from being rescued.

The Worm is once again stuck in jail. ⛓🪱

At this time Ambition, the creative team behind The Worm, believes ‘The Wriggler’ saga to be an exceptional piece of fan art. It is one of the first examples of a CC0 character like The Worm being adopted by another person(s) and used in an interesting way. (Just like you, we are following the story and figuring out the puzzle from the outside). Here’s what we know:

Background: The Wriggler has taken the place of The Worm in traveling the blockchain

The Wriggler then revealed itself to be The Worm’s evil twin, and appeared on the Ethereum blockchain as a new NFT that claims to bring “misery and horror” rather than transformation and enlightenment like The Worm.

The Wriggler NFT’s description says that like The Worm, its mission is to travel the blockchain. However, it brags that it can do so “FASTER THAN MY BROTHER EVER COULD.”

The Wriggler used Twitter to dare for The Worm to be Yoinked and late Friday (June 24) night Yoink was initiated by Ambition. As expected, it didn’t work.

Instead, The Wriggler NFT claims to have used the power of the Yoink to gain its own Yoink functions. Yoinking The Worm also motivated The Wriggler to verify its Smart Contract and reveal the code contained within.

P.S. Catch up on parts 1 and 2 here:

The Wriggler’s now-revealed Smart Contract and website contain many clues about how it works

An elite group of internet detectives known as the Wormasons have been working the last 24 hours to understand The Wriggler’s Smart Contract and exactly what it does.

Praise Be! to these brave volunteers who have worked together in the service of The Worm 🪱. May The Worm give unto them as they have given unto it.

Here’s what the Wormasons have discovered:

Finding 1: The Wriggler is in fact the evil twin of The Worm

The Wriggler’s Smart Contract confirms what many already suspected: The Wriggler is indeed The Worm’s evil twin and has stolen Yoink magic from it:

The Wriggler contract: “EVIL TWIN of Edworm, with new STOLEN magical abilities.”

In its contract, The Wriggler describes itself as

“‘Non-Consensual Collaboration’ (like a surprise birthday party but instead of a party you get locked in jail.”


“EVIL TWIN of The Worm, with STOLEN magical abilities.”

Finding 2: The Wriggler wants to play a game

The Wriggler website now displays an HP bar (health) of 10,000,000 and a Yoink button. If you have The Wriggler in your wallet, the site will also show a Yeet button.

The Wriggler’s health bar and Yoink button at

Based on this and the Smart Contract code, it appears that the game mechanics at play here are:

  1. Wriggler Stamina/Health, Damage, and Healing
    The Wriggler has a starting health of 10,000,000. When it moves between wallets it gets damaged, reducing its health. The Wriggler can be defeated when it its health reaches 0.
    However, The Wriggler also heals, gaining health from each new block. Attempts made today to defeat The Wriggler were thwarted by The Wriggler’s quick and powerful healing.
  2. Wriggler Weakness
    The Wriggler gets weaker the more it gets damaged. While The Wriggler can heal and increase its health, weakness accumulates and becomes a multiplier on damage.
  3. Yoink Action
    There are two ways to damage The Wriggler by moving it. The first is Yoink, a power The Wriggler claims to have stolen from the Original The Worm NFT. Yoink is a way to grab an NFT out of a wallet that’s not yours and put it in your own wallet. The Worm NFT has a Yoink power that only works when called by the contract owner, not the public.
  4. Yeet Action
    Yeet is the second way to transfer and damage The Wriggler. Yeet is the same is regular transferring like The Worm has. Transferring The Wriggler can only be done by whoever has it in their wallet either at (avoid using OpenSea, as it does not deal damage to The Wriggler).
  5. Wriggler Apparition
    Much like The Worm leaves behind a Hologram of itself when it visits your wallet, The Wriggler leaves behind an “Apparition” NFT. If you have this Apparition in your wallet, you can no longer Yoink or Yeet The Wriggler.

For those keeping track, that means The Wriggler can be defeated with enough damage where:

damage to Wriggler = base_damage * (weakness+100) * (total_worm_lights + 100) / 10000

Finding 3: Minting a Light from The Worm Vigil site increases the damage done to The Wriggler, even if you never Yoink or Yeet it

Hidden inside The Wriggler’s Smart Contract is a riddle called “The Unholy Riddle”:

The Unholy Riddle

Wormason @Noohp solved the riddle easily and ran the “Solve Unholy Riddle” function in The Wriggler’s contract:

This led to the next step of the Unholy Riddle: Setting a variable in the Church contract to666 and minting new lights.

At you’ll find a beautiful Worm Church where anyone can mint a devotional light in honor of The Worm. These are fully on-chain souvenir NFTs that anyone can mint for free + gas to show their devotion to The Glorious Worm. In September of 2021, these light were used to Resurrect The Worm when it was stuck in a scammer’s wallet. Since then, they’ve been available in a different color as mementos.

The Wriggler is harmed by these lights, but only if a variable in the lights’ contract is set to 666 when the light was minted. This variable was quickly updated by The Worm’s creative team.

The volume of lights on the blockchain is what helps damage The Wriggler, so you can mint these lights any time and in any quantity to help, whether or not you’ve Yoinked or Yeeted The Wriggler.

Mint these damaging devotional lights (showing devotion to The Worm, not The Wriggler) at (Note: the art for these lights is not yet available, your light will be blank until we can get this fixed.)

The Worm Church where any lights minted from June 25 on help damage The Wriggler

Finding 4: Anyone can Yoink The Wriggler to help weaken it

Unlike The Worm which can only be Yoinked by its creative team, The Wriggler can be yoinked by anybody. You can Yoink The Wriggler using the Yoink button at or The Wriggler’s contract on etherscan. Every Yoink deals some damage to The Wriggler.

Finding 5: A coordinated effort will be needed to beat The Wriggler

The Wriggler can only be defeated when its health reaches 0. Because it heals this is very hard to do. While Yoinking and minting lights helps permanently weaken The Wriggler so that it is easier to defeat, a coordinated effort will likely be needed to deliver a fatal blow to The Wriggler.

The Wriggler has “BIG BOSS ENERGY,” it will require a boss fight to defeat

TL;DR: Mint Lights and Yoink The Wriggler, and stay tuned for the final blow

The best way to help defeat The Wriggler is to:

  1. If you can, mint Devotional Lights at They are free+gas.
  2. If you haven’t yet, Yoink The Wriggler at (don’t use OpenSea, it doesn’t deal damage) unless you want to try to be a part of the final blow it will need. In that case, please hold off and await further instruction.
  3. Stay tuned and join the Ambition Discord server to help plan the final blow — a coordinated effort to finish off The Wriggler.

Praise Be! and Pray for The Wriggler’s defeat🪱 🙏 .



The Worm NFT

The Worm is the 1st Social NFT gathering followers on the ETH blockchain. Step 1: Obtain The Worm NFT then pass it to another wallet. Step 2: Receive blessings.