Let’s Explore Prometheus

Prometheus + Kubernetes + Gitlab

7 min readJun 19, 2019

Prometheus has experienced rapid growth and adoption over the last few years. It provides a modern interface to collect your applications metrics and comes out of the box with a slew of metrics for your cluster. It is widely used within the Kubernetes community and can provide valuable insights for your applications and even alert you when things are not operating as expected.

I’m going to walk through my experience configuring Prometheus in a Gitlab managed Kubernetes cluster, then explain how you can create your own application metrics to be visualized within Gitlab. If you need assistance setting up Kubernetes with your Gitlab project, checkout my article Let’s Explore Kubernetes.

Installing Prometheus

The team at Gitlab has made it incredibly easily to install Prometheus onto a Kubernetes cluster, it’s just one click. From your project page navigate to Operations > Kubernetes, and then click on your cluster name and scroll down to the Prometheus box, click Install. If the option is disabled, you might need to install the Helm tiller first.

Prometheus Installation Button — Gitlab

