Crypto Philosophy Part 2: Trust in the Chains — Decentralization and the New Age of Trust

Thomas Faber
3 min readJun 26, 2023


Welcome to the next installment of “Crypto Philosophy,” our journey into the philosophical heart of the crypto universe. Today, we’ll unravel the complex interplay between trust and decentralization, the twin pillars that stand tall in the realm of blockchain technology.

As we dive deeper into the digital age, our existence becomes entwined with the internet, bringing along a novel set of risks. The specter of cybersecurity intrusions, data exposure, and identity theft continually tests our sense of safety and trust. Thus, the critical concern emerges — how can we construct a digital sphere that ensures both trust and security? The potential solution could reside within the decentralization offered by blockchain technology.

Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Trust is the invisible glue that binds our society together. It’s the silent agreement that allows us to interact, cooperate, and build relationships. However, the traditional financial systems centralize this trust, placing it in the hands of a few powerful institutions. These entities act as guardians, verifying transactions and ensuring security in our exchanges of goods and services. Yet, this leaves us with a question: are these guardians infallible?

Blockchain technology disrupts this paradigm, decentralizing the process of trust. It spreads the responsibility across a network of computers around the globe, each verifying transactions in a communal consensus. This system bakes trust into its very architecture, eschewing the need for central authorities. The trust in blockchain is not placed; it is computed, verified, and spread throughout the network.

The promise of blockchain technology echoes the wisdom of Ronald Reagan’s famous phrase, “Trust, but verify.” By allowing every participant to verify transactions independently, blockchain fosters an environment of trust rooted in collective collaboration.

An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.


Blockchain’s inherent decentralization helps combat the imbalances often present in centralized systems. Through fostering peer-to-peer transactions, this innovative technology carves a path towards a fairer financial system. Here, power isn’t hoarded by an exclusive few, but is disseminated among the masses. Yet, shifting from a centralized to a decentralized structure is not a hurdle-free journey. Critical questions emerge: Can a decentralized network process the transaction volumes that centralized structures currently handle? How can the protection of transacted data be assured? What does widespread acceptance look like, and what is the strategy to achieve it?

Every individual is urged to step up, comprehend, and contribute to this technological shift, while remaining vigilant about their digital holdings. It is a transformative shift from passivity to active engagement — a redefinition of our role within the system.

The philosophy of decentralization and trust in the blockchain landscape is an exploration into the concept of shared power and mutual verification. It challenges the traditional hierarchies of trust, proposing a more democratic, transparent, and accountable alternative.

And herein lies the philosophical essence of this shift. It isn’t just about technology — it’s about challenging and reshaping societal norms, structures, and systems that have existed for centuries. It’s about envisioning a world where trust and power aren’t a monopoly but a shared resource.

In the grand scheme of the crypto movement, trust and decentralization aren’t just technical features — they are philosophical stances. They’re about believing in the power of collective effort and shared responsibility, envisioning a world that is more balanced and less concentrated in power. And at the heart of it, it’s about freedom — the freedom to verify, to participate, and to trust. Bear in mind, our journey isn’t merely about embracing a new technology; it’s about pioneering a groundbreaking shift in perspective.

In our next chapter, “Leveling the Field — Crypto and the Quest for Equal Opportunity”, we will dive deeper into the implications of this technological shift on societal parity.

