Crypto Philosophy Part 3: Leveling the Field — Crypto and the Quest for Equal Opportunity

Thomas Faber
2 min readJul 4, 2023


Welcome back to our “Crypto Philosophy” series, a voyage unraveling the intriguing intersection of philosophy and crypto. In the previous episode, we delved into the overlap of trust and decentralization, exploring their role in shaping the crypto landscape. Today, we’re setting out to explore another important theme: crypto’s role in creating equality of opportunity.

Equal opportunity is the fundamental principle of democracy.

Asa Philip Randolph

Equality, a beacon that guides many societal constructs, now comes into focus in the crypto landscape. The key inquiry at this juncture is: Can crypto and blockchain technology be a catalyst for enhancing economic equality of opportunity?

At the heart of this proposition of equality lies the notion of decentralization, a fundamental attribute of blockchain technology. The idea of facilitating peer-to-peer transactions, free from the influence of conventional intermediaries, points towards a democratic revolution in the financial landscape. This decentralization could effectively dismantle the barriers set up by traditional financial gatekeepers, allowing greater accessibility to financial services.

The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.

Mark Caine

Imagine a world where every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic origins, has the ability to access financial services, own digital assets, and participate in global economic activities. Blockchain and crypto have the potential to unlock this reality, fostering a more inclusive financial system characterized by equal opportunity.

However, as we stand on the precipice of this potential paradigm shift, we must not overlook the hurdles that dot our path. Achieving widespread crypto literacy is still a goal to be reached, and the inherent volatility of crypto assets presents a significant risk. Additionally, issues around regulation, infrastructural limitations, and the persistent digital divide pose substantial barriers to mass adoption and the attainment of economic equality of opportunity.

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Malcolm X

Realizing the promise of equality of opportunity embodied in blockchain and crypto isn’t automatic; it’s a potential yet to be unlocked. It requires concerted efforts in education, bridging the digital divide, and crafting a regulatory framework that discourages misuse while encouraging innovation.

Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents.

David Samuel, 3rd Viscount Samuel

In this evolving narrative of the financial ecosystem, the quest for equality is not just about providing equal access — it’s about ensuring equal opportunities. By removing barriers and democratizing financial services, blockchain and crypto can potentially ignite a world where every individual, irrespective of their circumstances, has an equal chance to participate, to grow, and to shape their economic future.

As we journey further into the philosophy of crypto, we are reminded that principles like equality and freedom are not mere destinations but ongoing pursuits.

