Biomimicry sea spray can save our Beaches

Thomas Reis
2 min readDec 1, 2022

The Thwaites Glacier is rapidly calving off and when he is off, there will be no more Sand Beaches. Read my lips, no more Sand Beaches, anywhere in the world and many more dire consequences.

Sea Spray can cool down the Poles

We have failed to halt our thirst of energy, so Emissions will keep rising. All we can do is to hope that some venture capitalist is waking up and will implement some feasible cooling techniques.

One Idea is to use air lubricant for Ships for Ocean Albedo Enhancement. Another is to use sea spray to generate more brighten clouds. They act similar like ship Aerosols also called the Twomey effect.

Sea spray are aerosol particles formed from the ocean, mostly by ejection into Earth’s atmosphere by bursting bubbles at the air-sea interface.[1] Sea spray contains both organic matter and inorganic salts that form sea salt aerosol (SSA).[2] SSA has the ability to form cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and remove anthropogenic aerosol pollutants from the atmosphere.[3] Coarse sea spray has also been found to inhibit the development of lightning in storm clouds.[4]

As supposed in the Guardian article, ships are very big and expensive. Stefen Salter one of the first Marine Cloud Advocates suggested using the power of waves to power the distribution of the sea spray as cloud condensation nuclei(CCN).

Salter using the power of waves to make sea spray for marine cloud brightening

Why building such big apparatuses? We now see the construction of Gigawatt Scale Buoy Power Plants.

Buoy Wave Power to power Marine Cloud Brightening

We can use these the power of the inertia of the deep sea and surface to pump up cold water, spray sea water and make bubbles. All with a small cost of the purposed ideas. Maybe we can make them small or even in Nano Scale, but this must be researched, yesterday. Until we came up with some climate restoration, be kind to your human and non human neighbors.

