My struggle with alcohol and my dream of being rich

Thomas Morison
7 min readMar 27, 2023


I was browsing YouTube one summer day back in 2019. I had just declared bankruptcy two years earlier. Nevertheless, I was browsing videos on credit card rewards. I was curious and wanted to learn more.

I came across a video by a YouTuber who goes by the name Graham Stephan. His video explained which credit cards in his opinion were the best for cashback rewards and free travel. I was intrigued by the video.

Being curious, I decided to search YouTube for “how to become a millionaire”. I found another Graham Stephan video where he gives his advise to become a millionaire. He suggested not selling your time for money. He also mentioned his personal favorite investment strategy which was real estate.

After watching the video, I thought to myself “what kind of idiot doesn’t want to be a millionaire?” From that day forward, I decided I wanted to buy a penthouse in a high-rise condominium building.

At the time, I didn’t have a lot of money. I was addicted to cigarettes and alcohol and smoked and drank a lot. Regardless, I gave a feeble attempt to follow his advise. I was working at a recycling factory and I was making DoorDash deliveries on my bicycle. I talked to my bank and they suggested I open up a Tax Free Savings Account or TFSA. I managed to contribute $25 a week into that investment account.

Throughout 2019, I continued to watch Stephan and other financial YouTube videos. I opened another TFSA with Wealthsimple and started buying REITs and index funds.

In November of 2019, my mother bought me a gaming PC. At first I thought I didn’t need a computer and asked her to invest the money in index funds. She refused this request and I got upset. As I was thinking about it, I realized I could buy a gaming PC and learn mining. So I took the computer and learned how to mine on Windows.

Then, the pandemic hit and I lost my job. I also decided delivering DoorDash wasn’t for me. I resumed studying web development. Granted, the entire time I was doing so, I was drinking quite a bit, which impacted my performance.

About after a month of that, the Canadian government announced Covid Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB). The government gave every Canadian $2,000 a month to whoever applied for it. It was only for people who made $5000 in 2019 or more, but a lot of people who didn’t make that ended up applying. The governments rational was people lost their jobs and they needed money.

At this point, now that I suddenly had a significantly higher income, I only drank more. I also started buying more expensive cigarettes. I also spent $4000 on travelling to other parts of Canada. I was guilty of increasing my spending after my income increased, something Stephan clearly states not to do in his videos.

In late 2020, I checked myself into a detox centre, I had done this several times throughout 2020. Each time I left the detox centre because I couldn’t smoke cigarettes and I wanted to smoke, so I left. I know, I shouldn’t have done that but I did. I took myself to a hospital emergency room later that year to get committed into a psychiatric unit and detox there. I was then referred to a treatment centre.

After being discharged, I went a day without drinking and then I started again. I somehow managed to put 0.2 ETH into an Aave account as well as stake some of the Ethereum I had on a staking pool. When Ethereum was minable, I managed to save a bit.

At this point my mother was sending me $40 a day. My grandmother left me an inheritance for me when she passed away. For a while, I managed to live with this $40 a day mean. This is probably the only reason why I didn’t sell my Ethereum earlier.

It was my turn to go to the treatment centre I was referred to. Unfortunately, this specific centre was not a good fit. I was not allowed to use my laptop there, just my phone. It has occurred to me after doing this several times that when I sober up, I become more eager to go and do web development. Since that treatment centre was too old fashioned, after a month I discharged myself. I began drinking again three months later.

Honestly, the only progress I made to becoming a millionaire that year was buying a second gaming computer as well as buying the parts for a eight GPU mining computer. I continued to mine Ethereum and as usual, as soon as I got any Ethereum, I would immediately sell it to go buy alcohol and marijuana.

By the middle of 2021, since I was not on CERB anymore, I started withdrawing funds from my TFSA to go buy more alcohol. At this point I was drinking a 40oz bottle of rum every day. I also sold my index funds and other stock just to fund my addiction.

In the rest of 2021, I asked my mother for Amazon gift cards (since she didn’t trust me with cash) to buy the rest of the parts I needed for the eight card mining rig, and in January 2022, since I have a medical condition impacting my fine motor skills, I asked my friend to build the rig. I learned HiveOS and began mining.

I decided to try a different treatment centre. I went to my mental health team and got an addiction counselor. She referred me to a facility that specialized in both mental health and addiction. I got the news I was accepted a few months later. I had to wait for eight months before it was my turn to get in.

I now had three mining computers and I kept buying GPUs. I knew mining was ending soon, but I read a post on BitcoinTalk which said I could sell my GPUs before the Ethereum merge happened. I decided to keep these cards however, because I get free electricity.

I probably don’t have to tell you what I did with the Ethereum. When I got it, I would sell it to go buy alcohol. This alcohol thing was seriously getting in the way of becoming a millionaire. Ethereum mining ended and at this point I took my Ether off Aave and the staking pool and drank it. At around the same time Ethereum mining ended so did the $40 from my mother.

It was around this time I started panhandling to pay for my beer and cigarettes. My situation was not good. I was getting into fights with other panhandlers and I got dirty looks from the people I solicited from.

This continued until mid-December 2022. The only assets I had after almost four years of deciding to become rich were my mining computers. Looking back, probably the only reason why I didn’t sell those computers was that I struggle with people pleasing. I didn’t want to sell my computers because I didn’t want to get less than what they worth. I struggle with standing my ground. I am glad I didn’t sell because the future of GPU mining is looking better now.

It was my turn to get into the other treatment centre. Because it is also a psychiatriac facility at the same time. I knew going in I would have no choice but to stay there. In the first month, I was on a locked unit. I could only go out for smoke breaks at certian times. I engaged in the program and within a month, I got moved to an unlocked unit.

The urge to “go code” hit me again. This treatment centre was more modern and they allowed laptops. I didn’t have much money, so I googled “free computer” and I found an organization that gives out subsidized laptops.

Not sure how I was going to pay for the laptop, I got an email from a crypto exchange that I thought stole some bitcoin I bought from them. They said they had liquidated my bitcoin and they wanted to give me the money. They sent it and I was able to buy the laptop.

After receiving the laptop I began coding. I learned Tailwind CSS and I created a website asking for help. I thought to myself I’m a pretty good writer, and I thought if the layout was nice and I published some good articles, there’s a chance someone will donate to me.

And that leads me to today. It has been three months in the treatment and I have six more to go. I am doing well here. I go to three groups a day and I also have time to work on my website. I still have those mining computers, however because I’m not at home to monitor them, buy building shut them off. I figure when I go to my new housing I could mine there.

My future is looking good. I continue to learn skills to remain sober. The doctor also put me on a medication that reduces cravings. I now can stop myself from drinking.

As for becoming a millionaire, all I have to do now is stop smoking. I continue to work on a website and I’m begging to form a plan to achieve my goal. I plan to use any of my donations to buy REITs and index funds again. And no, ‘m not going to sell them for beer money.

While I kind-of-sort-of been working on my millionaire goal for almost four years now, I only really started when I came to the treatment centre. I have achieved a lot more in the last three months out of the entire four years I have been at this. It’s been a struggle, but now I’m in the perfect place now to break my addiction to alcohol forever.



Thomas Morison

Hello my name is Tom. I'm interested in finance and computers. If you would like to learn more about me, visit my website at