Why being an expert is a problem

Thorbjørn Sigberg
3 min readMay 4, 2018

Shoshin is a concept in Zen Buddhism meaning “beginner’s mind“. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would.

Most of us are quite good at what we do for a living, because we do it almost every day. This knowledge and expertise comes with several problems. As agile practitioners, we know that one of the big problems with big, up front planning of projects, is that we don’t know what we don’t know. So our plans for the future can never be perfect. One of the big problems with being an expert, is that we’re not actively aware of what we do know either.

Who would you rather hire to solve some complex business problem: An expert in the field? Or a young, inexperienced person with no domain knowledge? The truth is, they can both provide valuable contributions. The beginner may ask strikingly efficient questions without preconceived judgement, turning the problem (and the solution) upside down.

But here you are. Unfortunately you’ve become an expert in your field. Jumping to conclusions and solving problems at an impressive pace. Now what?

Unfortunately you’ve become an expert in your field. Jumping to conclusions and solving problems at an impressive pace. Now what?

You need to practice having a beginner’s mind. Believe it or not, it’s actually a lot more fun. It’s also a bit scary. You’re used to coming across as the person who has all the answers. Now you will have to behave and feel like you don’t know much at all. The interesting thing about asking questions, is that you tend to get answers. Even when you think you know the answer already, it often turns out that you don’t.

The thing about beginners, is that they fail a lot. Even the very feeling of not knowing can feel like failure. You’re the expert, right? The cold stare of a boss or customer when you ask a question you’re supposed to know the answer to. I should know this. I do know this! This beginner’s mind bullshit is going to cost me my job. Then they answer.

And the answer isn’t what you expected.

You’re immediately kicked behind the knee by the feeling of surprise and (yet again) failure that you actually didn’t know. A second later, your feet barely touch the ground. New information floods your brain, mixed with the baffling realization that the you of one minute ago, knew far less than you do right now.

Suddenly you remember what learning feels like.

I know you’re an expert, but why would you want to stop learning? My youngest son is 3 years old. He fails a lot. He learns even more.

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Thorbjørn Sigberg

Lean-Agile coach — Process junkie, passion for product- and change management.