Thrive Public Sale FAQs

2 min readMar 6, 2018


Is KYC necessary to contribute in public sale ?

KYC is not needed for public sale due individual cap set up to 3 ETH.

What is the price of a token?

The token price during the public sales is € 0,25 each.

What is the minimum contribution ?

Minimum contribution is 1000 THRT ( 250 EUR or 300 USD equivalent). In you personal account you find a calculator to know exact amount in ETH, BTC and LTC.

There are GAS and GWEI limit ?

There’s no limit for GAS and GWEI. We suggest 21000 GAS and 12 GWEI.

There’s an individual cap ?

Yes, individual cap is set up to 3 ETH. Don’t exceed this limit.

Which payment methods are available for token sales?

Ethereum ETH, Bitcoin BTC and Litecoin LTC can be used for payment during public sale.

Can i send contribution from exchange ?

Yes, we accept all kind of address for contribution.

Where I have to send my contribution ?

The only and official address, unique for every contributor, will be available only in your Thrive personal page. Thrive Team will NEVER send the official contribution address by email or in Telegram.

Why I can’t see tokens purchased in my dashboard ?

You have to wait up to 2 hours after contribution to see them. If you still not to see tokens, sign out and sign in back.

When do I get my token?

THRT tokens will be distributed at the end of ICO to ERC20 compatible address you provided in your personal profile.

When Thrive hit the exchanges ?

After the end of ICO. We cannot mention exchange name, everyone knows the rules. Majority of exchange doesn’t allow mentioning before official announcement.

For the definitive guide check here:




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