My Happy Boots

3 min readMay 13, 2022
Black adult wellington boots and pink child size ones.
Photo by Timpoa

Wellington Boots with Superpowers

I published a story here a few days ago about the Wedding Boots I had as a child. Those boots gave me a superpower which I have recently found again. This story is about my current boots, which also have superpowers! These are the Happy Boots!
My granddaughter has a tiny pair of pink Wellingtons, and on the side it says Happy. My wellies are black and they don’t proclaim their happiness in flowery lettering, but despite the lack of decor, they bring happiness with every step.

Adult and child wellington boots.
Bogs and Pink Wellies by Timpoa

I bought my Bogs, (or gum boots as they call them here), at Easter last year. I was feeling down. My daughter and granddaughter had gone away to Wellington for Easter, and the house was too quiet. The boots were my treat to cheer me up. Cheer me up, they did, and the effect grew with every step.
It poured down for a couple of days after I got the boots, but on Easter Day I took them for their first outing. Oh, the joy! Sloshing through puddles and sodden leaves. No ankle rubbing, comfy inner soles, easy to get on and off, the perfect height, and dry, non-slip feet! I fell in love with them pretty fast and the love has grown every day since then.
I am an early riser, a…




Cancer sun, Cancer rising, mostly water. Mother, writer, vegan, poet, dreamer. A Brit learning to embrace her fears at the bottom of the world.