How To Differentiate Among Knowledge, Skill, Experience, And Expertise based on Technology?

7 min readJul 8, 2023


Do you think the above terms are same? Let’s clear our ideas. I will analyze every point from the view point of my knowledge.

Actually knowledge refers to skills or experience and after passing a duration of work of a number of years someone can be skilled.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Again if someone is skilled, experienced, or knowledge-based it cannot be sufficient for him or her to be an expertise person. So let’s read the episode if you want to get the clear idea about the above terms.

This, the age of Technology. Strange! In this advanced age, people must try to be successful using technology but in real sense what we see? Some people are engaging in works that seem less worthy then they are. Don’t they use Technology?

So shouldn’t we exercise our brain before selecting any work as a profession and Can we do things avoiding Technology? So let’s be curious to follow the instructions of the story.

Look, what the quote says -

“If future generation are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of Technology. We must also have them a glimpse of the world as it was created not just as it included when we got throw with it”

— Lyndon B, Johnson, Former President of United States.

Let’s back to the story.

To manage the livelihood, don’t people choose the best job up to their capacity or worthiness, and mustn’t they think like an expert, try to earn their livelihood considering their knowledge, merit, capacity, experience, and expertise.

For every asking the answer will be a Big YES

So, I like to continue telling the story attempting to bloom a nice example that might be a story that reflects our real life.

One thing I like to ask that, should selecting a profession be as usual? (I mean at random).

The answer must be a Big NO

Then what should be the real way to manage the demands of life or bloom the beauty of life in which way the beauty of life reflectes?

Therefore, shouldn’t you try in those ways which will be the genius one to fill up the needs of life?

According to the flow of happeningss through the history and on the pages of books, it has been seen that the idle cannot position on places but the industrious, the knowledge based, the expert, the genius, talented one can fix their position by their attempts wherever they hope to settle themselves by proving their worthiness.

Isn’t it the successfulness? I cannot but have to clap for having their knowledge, skilled, experience, ambition, interest, smartness, awareness, and industry. You might be inspired watching the linked video that tells a remarkable and inspiring story highlighting a genius person you may recognise.

Challenging ways to be successful, people may avoid but chance for the Challenge takers-

Generally, a man might work in mills-factories or in his own shop to support his family or might be in orther ways that he selects as usual. In the above works, there might be no caricature to sound that he is a creatve person. Okay, let’s get inspired to be creative, right?

On the other hand, a person tries to learn, studies to be knowledge based and experienced. He researches, takes part in training to prove his expertise in different perspectives must be a person who is ingenious and worthy than the above traditional shoppers or other workers.

Working with tools and devices are really a unique aspect of reducing risk and work load to make some people smartly professional where the demand of life satisfies.

Okay let’s know how a man can be successful in life by proving his genius and creativity. So far, someone has to be knowledge based, experienced, and expert is the real strategy.

Knowledge -->Skills -->Experience

So, what he/she has to do for the smart execution of works.

Let’s grow up the interest and trend to create something great.

How to be knowledge based. Let’s read to learn -

A knowledge based person maybe technical or non-technical but has the depth of knowledge to create or perform anything complicated. A Knowledge based person can apply his knowledge to create anything new that hasn’t been before and might be incomparable, tactical and trending.

So, the devoted learners exercise their brain to develop their level of knowledge like a unique learner. Our doings to grow up the levels of knowledge -

  • Read books, newspaper, magazine etc
  • Watch television based on your interest
  • Visit different websites of companies.
  • Take a journey or adventure to whatever the place you like to satisfy your thrust of knowledge
  • Create an interest or trend in your mind to learn more or to do research work
  • Perform online courses based on your interest what you want to be or what you want to do to work like a professional.
  • Read assignment, articles of writers, engineers, superior persons, teachers, etc. At any of your convenient and possible time.

Again, you can meet with a writer, engineer, consultants, teachers, etc in person to sharpen and widen your knowledge and ideas.

How to be experienced:

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

To be experienced, you should be a unique person, so far what you must do to be so kind.

I like to offer above data what I have mentioned already. And these tips must be helpful and inspiring to change your motives to make you skilled or experienced.

So go through the list below for self awakening —

  • Skills (think how gathering knowledge becomes available)
  • Knowledge (be professional to gather skills)
  • Experience (be regular on practice For perfection by knowledge and skills)
  • Keeping a mentor and get proper guidance
  • Performing training
  • Seeking out opportunity for your personal growth by learning and developing your level of knowledge.

There are more options to clear your idea in regard to be an inspired person. So you can also follow the techniques below to satisfy your to be experiencing dream.

a) By presenting yourself in an interview technically that is in your unique way.

b) Rear a positive notion and positive mindset, c) By being curious and growing up your attitude and willingness that proves your potentiality.

Considering the above situations that clear your perfection and fitness for making your expertise mission successful, you may visit any experienced persons whom are known as Engineer, Teacher, Mentor, etc

How to be an expertise person


The world is full of expertise persons among these Expert when you want to be another Expertise, mustn’t you need to have high level of skills, knowledge, experience, and achievements?

To gain perfection on your professionalism, you must keep continue your practice on your interested subject. So, you can take a drive here.

As an expert like you, you must require to have genuine interest and passion to any particular subject, industrial work, etc. and at the same time, you must have commitment to invest time, and money to materialize your goal or target.

So be prepared to cope with the uneven adventure. The real strategy is to work like an expertise.

So, what I need to do?

The personalized uniqueness of the Expertises:

  • Select your real interest of doing a particular job
  • If you have selected your interest, focus on one task at a time
  • Start with a most interesting and trending subject that people really will love and you can cope with as a subject expert.
  • Set your mind and effort up to the topmost level of your capacity to gain most what you are expecting.

Though the ideas, guidelines, tips, and techniques I have mentioned up to my best capacity for clearing the term How To Be knowledge Based, Expert anod Expertise but at the final point I would like to highlight that the person who is expert must be a professional one.

And the Expertise Person has working experience of ages but one thing I like to highlight again that to gain knowledge or to be an experienced person is an attempt of number of years that refers to skills but to be an expertise a person should also conduct practice, acquiring knowledge, skills, training, and persistence.

Expertise= All by one

So, knowledge or skills or experience of years must claim for the necessity of growing up the knowledge levels. not to be an expertise On the other hand, an expertise person creating can never be hope without persistence, and regular practice.

So, to be an expertise one, what you need is practice, then practice, and then practice.

Lastly, I am grateful to you as you have kept attention and patience to read my blog.

Thanks so much.




Teacher, Developer with Google and Google AdMob, Member with Medium Love to read and write, and running with a mission to catch up the love of yours.