AMA Recap Vol.114 — — NASDEX: Introduce NASDEX and Join the Product Beta Test

7 min readJan 13, 2022


At 2: 00 pm (UTC) on Jan 12th, Belinda Zhou, Marketing Lead of NASDEX was invited to be the guest of AMA in TokenHunter Official Telegram Group. During the AMA, Belinda Zhou introduced NASDEX and its unique advantages in detail. Belinda Zhou also shared their future plan in terms of user acquisition and token value accrual. Not only that, but she also answered many questions from users.

NASDEX is the first DEX focused on tokenized Asian equity, with potential to tap into global equity markets along with other offchain asset classes like commodities, bonds, and real estate. This is a 100 trillion USD+ market.

Belinda Zhou’s sharing knowledge points are full, and here we will sort out the essence of AMA for everyone to review.

Q1. Can you introduce NASDE briefly for the new audience?

Belinda Zhou: Sure so NASDEX is a DEX for tokenized stocks. The DEX will allow users the ability to mint tokenized stocks. You can also provide liquidity to stock long farm and short farms. If you want to take back your collaterals, you can simply burn the onchain stocks and close the position. So basically it is a user friendly platform where investors could buy and sell tokenized equity as easily as crypto with 24/7 trading, fractionalized share buying, and yield farming. I believe tokenhunter community is from everywhere. So on NASDEX, a user from Russia/ Turkey/ Vietnam/ Nigeria/ India can purchase stocks such as Alibaba and farm Baba/USDT pair to earn liquidity mining rewards and swap fees

Q2. This time you are coming to the AMA with a finished product. What are the exciting features on NASDEX?

Belinda Zhou: The most exciting thing is that NASDEX will offer the first ever Asian stock on-chain. At the same time, we open long farm and short farm for users to enjoy the perks of liquidity mining, which is never seen in traditional finance. The tokenization would allow users to expose traditional assets to the tech and building blocks that are only available on a blockchain. Such as building layers of capital efficiency across the whole product, at the top & bottom lines. That itself is pretty fascinating. As DeFi allows a lot of areas of finance to interact seamlessly with each other this can bring about never seen before advantages to traditional finance assets.

Q3. What can users do on your platform and how they can benefit from it?

Belinda Zhou: So the main activities on NASDEX are mint, trade, farm and burn of tokenized stocks as well as staking and LP of our native token $NSDX.

Specifically, users can deposit collaterals such as $USDC into a vault and mint tokenized stock either as long positions or as short position. And with these tokenized stocks, users can earn yield by staking it on NASDEX.

Here is quick screenshot of the page where users can earn yields.

As for how users can benefit from NASDEX. From a DeFi perspective, as your can see from the screenshots, it gives very decent returns with a relatively stable underlying assets. From portfolio management perspective, it helps users rebalance between crypto and stocks more seamlessly. Regarding accessibility, NASDEX actually is trying to be very web3 and allows everyone to get access to high-quality asset classes even though users are not from specific jurisdiction. So in a way NASDEX is pretty revolutionary and disruptive and can benefit users a lot.

Q4. You are working with big name oracles Chainlink and Band Protocol. What has been done with them so far in terms of integration? What are the biggest challenges?

Belinda Zhou: Right we are working with both Chainlink and Band to provide tokenized stocks on NASDEX. Both team have been professional.

The progress has been smooth and we have already tokenzied a few stocks that we will launch when our MVP is ready

The biggest challenges are actually with getting the permissions from the exchanges and the API providers to use the data. We spent countless hours explaining over and over again to the API providers what a blockchain is and what we plan to do with the data. Some providers continue to be uncomfortable, but luckily with the oracle’s helpe we were able to convince a few API providers to work with us and provide the necessary price feed for our tokenization. And we are in the middle of finalizing commercial agreements with a few key exchange and API providers

Q5. What’s your future plan in terms of user acquisition and token value accrual?

Belinda Zhou: In terms of user acquisition, we have a few campaigns brewing

Our product NASDEX V1 is about to go live

Currently we are running private beta tester program so users can get to test the product and provide feedbacks and help improve the product. At the same time, we are producing tutorials and educational content to learn about how to use NASDEX and benefit from it.

After the product is live, we will have airdrop campaigns for those use our product during a certain time frame. We are also organizing a NFT giveaway campaign called “STONK MINTER NFT” to reward those who use our product during the campaign period. (So please follow our Twitter nasdex_xyz since the exact time will be announced there). At the same time, we have partnered with Immunefi to run bug bounty campaigns so developers can join and help build NASDEX too. So there will be a lot of AMA sessions like this and workshops onwards to onboard more users! In terms of token value accural, it’s largely relevant to our trading volume. So the more users and the more trading volume users generate, the more revenue the platform receives. Specifically, revenues on NASDEX are generated in two ways:1.Through Swaps on #NASDEX 2.When Stock Collateral Dept Positions are closed. But the good news for users now is that at the first 3 months of NASDEX launch, there will be NO fees charged so as to allow users get exposure to the product. And then for those who are interested in becoming our private beta tester! Please try to ask good questions when the floor opens.

Or sign up via our campaign:

The questions from community question part.

Q1. What is the progress on the product launch? When do we expect the launch?

Belinda Zhou: The smart contracts for the MVP launch have already been fully built. The team is in the midst of stress testing all components of the protocols.

Private beta testing is ongoing as well.

We are still targeting to launch our MVP by end of Q1. We will update the community when we have a date fixed.

Btw- all community whose questions get picked will be able to become our beta testers

Q2. Would you share with us what kind 20 stocks that could be trade at Nasdex and how them got selected, what are the methods?

Belinda Zhou: good questions, so in the beginning we will only place 1 stock that we carefully select for the users and nasdex team will help bootstrap the liquidity

Q3. I read that Nasdex is calling for Beta testers for its new MVP. My question is, what are the requirements to be part of their tester network? Will there be a limit for users who want to participate? What benefits will these testers receive?

Belinda Zhou: Hey there is absolutely no requirement to be a product tester. As long as you apply, there is a high chance to get in. The benefit is that you get to help build a very useful disruptive platform that bridges Tradfi and Defi

Q4. I’ve found that NasDex includes several trading products, including leveraged and futures trading? If not, are you planning to incorporate it in the future?

Belinda Zhou: Hi NASDEX V1 currently offers minting, trading, farming and burning of tokeneized stocks as well we staking our token $NSDX.

In V2 better capital efficiency will be our focus. We will include interest bearing assets as our collaterals too.

Leveraged trading will also be included in the development

Q5. What needs to be done to ensure that users support NasDex in the long term, and not just for temporary profit? How do you plan to increase user engagement with your products and your project capabilities?!!

Belinda Zhou: 40% of the total token supply is used for liquidity mining.

So when our product is launched, you will be able to earn the juicy APY

Q6. In terms of your economic model, what is the revenue that the platform uses to provide value over time to $ NSDX? With the advent of its new version V1, what new forms of stability will it bring to keep Nasdex profitable over time?

Belinda Zhou: Token value accrual:

Revenues on NASDEX are generated in two ways:

1. Through Swaps on #NASDEX

2. When Collateral Dept Positions are closed

The revenue will be used to buy back nsdx in the secondary markets or distributed to nsdx stakers

End of AMA.

Let’s witness the future of NASDEX !

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Founded in 2019, TokenHunter is an investment research platform positioned in the research, analysis and evaluation of primary market projects.