Unleashing Your Superhuman Potential: 2 Simple Steps to Embrace the Benefits of Short Cold Showers

Tomas Janik
3 min readMar 22, 2023

I hate cold, and I am not a crazy Wim Hof guy either (just a regular crazy).

But there is something super energizing about short, cold showers. It’s easier than you think!


Let’s back up for a moment and soak in the why:

  1. Cold showers reduce inflammation and promote faster recovery. You should cool down first for 10 min, before getting into the cold shower.

This also speeds up the recovery so you can rock’n’roll the next day again!

I would go as far as to say it prevents and heals injuries by decreasing inflammation in tissues you stress during any workout, or even with no workout.

2. Loses fat. Cold helps to break down the brown fat cells in our body. Here is more on brown fat cells.

“Brown fat activates at colder temperatures, right before you start shivering. Some studies suggest turning down the thermostat, taking a cold shower or an ice bath could activate brown fat to help your body produce more to burn more calories.”

3. Reduces Stress/ Headache. Have you ever had a headache from a long day at work? Cold showers work like magic, decreasing inflammation (yawn, again) and promoting blood circulation in those brain cells.

I also experience a very pleasant calming effect, once my body realizes it is A L I V E.

4. Promotes Better Heart Health by stimulating blood flow.

5. Boost Immune System & Happiness. This is the secret, free dose of happiness. Sooo refreshing.

A study from the Netherlands found that people who took cold showers reported fewer sick days.

“Cold water also appears to activate the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that governs the fight-or-flight response.”

6. Increase of energy. If you are over 40 you know the game changes, and this is one way to get back on that energy horse. No BS red bull wings are needed.

7. Improves Your Skin and Hair. Here is an interesting article about it.

“Cold water tightens and constricts the blood flow which gives your skin a healthier glow.”

Now that we know why, let’s get to how to incorporate them easily into your daily routine.


It is easier than you think, and it gets easier.

1. If you haven’t worked out, and your body isn’t hot, start with a warm shower, and then transition into a cold shower. I suggest starting with the face and then the body.

2. Gradually ease into it by changing the temperature from lukewarm to cold. Stay in it for 1-2 minutes and repeat few times.

The point is if you start doing this regularly, it becomes a habit.

Especially if you know the big WHY, this will become easier. Pick one reason from above, and stick with it.


- FOCUS ON BREATHING and COUNT to 10 or 30, take a break, repeat.

I know I make it sound like a big deal, but to some it is. And I truly wish more people would discover the benefits and get over the silly ice monster.

Want to live a long life? Added swimming to supercharge your longevity!

Now, go try it! Here to a Happy and Long Life.

About the Author

Hi there! I‘m Tomas Janik, a European expat living in US. Real estate investor, developer, hospitality, and proptech enthusiast.

I love world travel and learning about new business ideas.

If you’re thirsty for valuable insights on world travel, healthy lifestyle, real estate investing, proptech, and hospitality trends, then buckle up and hit that follow button! Trust me, you won’t regret it.

I am the founder of RitzandHammock.com, an early startup focusing on converting vacant commercial spaces into cash-flowing assets.

Connect with me on Linkedin.

Happy reading, my friends!



Tomas Janik

European expat living in US. Real Estate Investor & Triathlete. Passionate about healthy lifestyle, development, hospitality and how to live fulfilling life.