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3 min readSep 12, 2018


Only a clear vision of project development can lead to a positive result. At this stage, we are pleased to announce that the project is moving forward within the road map.

The idea of ​​the project originated and was formed in September 2017. Since that time, a strong team has started to form, which conducted an analysis of competitors and consultations with specialists in different fields. Already in October 2017, began the development of the economic model and the preparation of White Paper. In the first quarter of 2018, began the development of the project’s site with account profile, as well as registration in social networks. While developing the site, we tried to make it as minimalistic and user-friendly as possible. In parallel, we prepared all the necessary legal documents. We thought and hosted a bounty company, also conducted Airdrop. We created a community where, at the moment, each of our social networks contains more than 10,000 followers. All the key aspects necessary to conduct a full-fledged Crowdsale are ready.

“I bought first bitcoin in 2013 and over the past 5 years. I have seen many people lose their money due to the high volatility and manipulation of the market. I wanted to contribute to the risk of investing in cryptocurrency. And I came up with the idea to create an exchange with compensation for losses where you can trade safely and are not afraid to lose your money. Until the cryptocurrency sphere becomes transparent and secure, people will not invest in it, so the task of my project is to make it safe!”

— CEO of Andrey Topilskiy.

Now the project is fully focused on working with the community. We answer a huge number of questions. There is development of external relations with funds, angel investors and other market participants who care about the development of blockchain technology. We stick to the policy of maximum openness. With all our team members you can chat in LinkedIn. Information about us can be found in many ICO calendars, media resources and other open sources, like bitcointalk. We work with project’s social networks every day. To be aware of news related to, we recommend subscribing to us on Twitter, Facebook, and also become a member of the official telegram chat. Every day in Medium we write articles about the product. We do everything possible to make the upcoming ICO as successful as possible.

ICO starts on September 19 and ends on October 17. Immediately after the fees, we plan to start developing the beta version of the exchange. Already in the 1st quarter of 2019 you will be able to try out some of economic ideas from Then, a few months we lay down to test the work of the platform. At this stage, it is important to create a truly safe and sustainable product. After debugging the work of the platform, we will run the full version, which will contain almost all the functionality stated in White Paper. Closing our plan sheet will be social features and a prediction system. team still have many plans project’s development, but so far the ideas have not been finalized, we can’t announce them, because the quality of the product is our priority. After the platform starts working, we will present a voting system, due to which the project will be developed taking into account the opinions of users.

Our goal is to change the notion of crypto-exchange markets. Given all the shortcomings of competitors, we create a truly safe, ergonomic and socially-oriented product. Our unique economic model removes all kinds of barriers when entering the crypto-currency market. Each user of the exchange will receive additional opportunities in making a profit.

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