Announcement: TraDove’ Blockchain Project to create a Global B2B Payment Network

5 min readAug 17, 2018


TraDove is immensely excited to announce the launch of its newest groundbreaking endeavor: our blockchain project to create a Global B2B Payment Network.

Global Partnership

Additionally, TraDove proudly announces a new global partnership we have signed with DG Investment Fund. This partner has a globe-spanning banking and business presence, which will help execute the successful adoption of our payment network. This partner will also contribute USD 5 million toward the development and completion of our blockchain-based B2B payment network.

What differences will there be from traditional blockchain payment networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Traditional blockchain payment networks are all node transparent, meaning that transaction blocks are stored in all nodes. This is less than desirable when dealing with B2B payments, as companies do not like their transaction records to be stored on other companies’ (or possibly even their competitors’) computers.

Traditional blockchain payment networks are anonymous and bear an inherent lack of identity management. This is also less than optimal in the B2B realm. Companies would like to know with whom they are doing business.

To remedy these issues, TraDove is developing a next-generation blockchain-based global payment network tailored specifically to the needs of the B2B industry.

Super Light: Transaction blocks will be stored only with transacted parties, making the network significantly lighter than any traditional blockchain network.

Super Fast & No Congestion: The transaction blocks will only need to be authorized through the consensus of transacted parties. This does away with the need for proof of work, proof of stake or 51% vote. Transactions between different transacted parties are not correlated. This will dramatically speed up the payment network in comparison to a traditional blockchain network and eliminate congestion during busy times.

Blockchain on Mobile: In taking full advantage of the network characteristics stated above, we will be able to build blockchain on smartphones — and are almost certainly the first company to do so!

Low Transaction Cost: The cost of transactions will be notably lower than any traditional payment network.

Building Trust: Smart contracts will replace Letters of Credit in order to guarantee payment for successful deliveries, and do so automatically!

Corporate Application: In addition to the general TraDove B2B payment network, intended primarily for small to medium businesses, larger companies can also use the network to pay sellers in their supply chain ecosystem.

Security: The TraDove payment network will remain highly secured.

Environmentally Friendly: We will have no need for farms of computers or servers to process the transaction blocks. In the TraDove B2B payment network, even a smart phone can process the transaction blocks. This ensures the payment network will be much more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

Identity Management: We will provide basic identity management and KYC within our TraDove-managed network.

How It Works

Usage Flow: The Buyer buys the token with fiat from TraDove on a 1:1 basis. He can pay the Seller with the token. The Seller can then sell the token to TraDove for fiat on a 1:1 basis.

Free Usage: Because of our superlight and fast blockchain architecture, TraDove will allow our users to utilize our network for free. This means there will not be any gas or mining fees to use our network. Buyers buy our token with fiat currency on a 1:1 exchange.

Huge Potential

How TraDove Makes Money: When the Buyer buys the token from TraDove, TraDove will issue tokens pegged to fiat currency on a 1:1 basis. The Buyer and Seller will incur no fees, however TraDove will also issue 1.5% to itself.

Huge Potential: The total volume in international trade is USD 20 trillion, not even taking into account domestic trade. We will have a chance to build the largest bank in the world by transaction volume.

Current Project Status

TraDove has assembled a team of 15 blockchain engineers in Ukraine and China and is already in development.

Rough Milestones

December 31, 2018: Prototype ready

March 31, 2019: MVP ready and pilot testing

December 31, 2019: Completion and rollout of final product

How Current BBC Holders Will Benefit

1. BBC will continue to be used as a payment method on TraDove B2B Social Network to facilitate B2B sales and marketing activities, a USD 76 billion yearly market which will generate very noteworthy corporate demand in itself. The addition of the new payment network will drive a significant amount of users into the B2B Social Network, which will increase the usage demand of BBCs considerably.

2. BBC is an Ethereum-based ERC20 token and is therefore slow and very volatile, making it unsuitable to be used as a payment instrument for any B2B payment network. TraDove will issue a fiat currency-pegged token exclusively as a B2B payment instrument. These tokens are not for investments. TraDove will make 1.5% for its service in these tokens. In 2019, TraDove will pre-mine some of the trading tokens as its fee and distribute them to BBC holders. TraDove will use 10–30% of earned tokens to reward BBC holders every year and on a quarterly basis. In the beginning, we will use a higher percentage to reward BBC holders and as the trading volume increases on our network, we will gradually reduce that percentage, however the total volume is only expected to go up.

We at TraDove look forward to venturing into this next stage with the support of our community and truly believe our B2B payment network can revolutionize the industry, helping to achieve our goal of allowing businesses to find, connect and trade with each other with ease, expediency and transparency.

TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide, offering blockchain payment to secure international trading.

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TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide.