TraDove Digital BizCard: Introduction & User Guide

5 min readDec 10, 2018


Introducing TraDove B2B Network’s Digital BizCard

With the release of TraDove’s mobile app version 2.0 in November, we were proud to include the newest feature to be added, a wireless digital business card, or the TraDove BizCard.

The TraDove app’s BizCard feature allows you to create and trade digital information cards containing your name, logo, contact info, position and company, as well as a short introduction. This information can then be viewed, sent, and received wirelessly by anyone within 100 feet or 30 meters.

Any BizCards received by your device can be backed up to TraDove’s private cloud storage, along with your own personal BizCard profile, and retrieved at any time. This includes retrieval on new or reset devices.

What’s more, this feature is free to use by all, whether a member of TraDove or not. The TraDove mobile app may be found at the App Store or Google Play.

How to Use

The BizCard feature is accessed via the TraDove app’s sign in screen. At the bottom of the screen is a tab labelled “My BizCards”. Push here to open the BizCard menu.

Select “My BizCards” to enter the feature

Setting Up Your BizCard

Edit BizCard

The first step to utilizing the BizCard feature is to create your own card to exchange with others. To do this, click “My BizCard” at the bottom right of the screen.

From here, you will be brought to an empty profile. You may click the stylus icon to edit your BizCard at any time.

Once in editing mode, you may add details such as your name, email address, contact numbers, company address and your job title. Please see below:

Using this same option, you may also add a personal headshot or your company logo.

Sending Your BizCard

Once your BizCard profile is complete, you may send or exchange it with any of your potential business partners. There are 2 ways to do this.

The “Send” Tab

By clicking the “Send” tab on the bottom left. You will be shown a list of all potential recipients within 100 feet of you. Here, you may select the users who you would like to send your BizCard to and then exchange them by pushing “Send My BizCard” at the bottom right.

The “Send” Tab

The “Scan” Tab

The Scan tab is found at the bottom center of the screen. Clicking here will open a QR Code which any other device may scan in order to receive your BizCard.

At the top right of the screen is the option to open your app’s own Scan QR Code feature.

The “Scan” Tab

Receiving BizCards

The “Receive” tab on the bottom provides you a list of all BizCards which have been sent to you by other users. From this list, you may choose to accept or decline any BizCards. Those you accept will be added to your BizCard collection.

Receiving BizCards

Viewing Your BizCard Collection

All BizCards you have chosen to accept will be stored and visible in the “BizCards” tab at the bottom.

This tab also gives you the option to organize your BizCard collection alphabetically, by date added, or company name.

Viewing Your BizCard Collection

Additional Functions

1) “Back Up BizCards to Cloud”
This button allows you to immediately store all your most current information, including your personal BizCard info and your BizCard collection, to TraDove’s cloud storage server. The most recent backup date is displayed on the right.

2) “Restore BizCards from Cloud”
Clicking this button will download your most recent backup made with the “Back Up BizCards to Cloud” button. It will overwrite any data that has been entered since your latest backup.

3) “Restore BizCards to New Device from Cloud”
This feature allows you to download a backup made from a previous device and sync it with your new device. This information is verified by a security code sent to the mobile number you backed up from previously.

4) “Create TraDove Account from BizCard Data”
By clicking this button, users of the BizCard feature who are not currently members of TraDove are able to automatically register for TraDove’s Business Social Network using the data they have already entered for their BizCard.

5) “Share TraDove App with Friends”
This button allows you to access your Address Book and send an SMS to your business contacts containing a download link to the TraDove mobile app.

TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide, offering blockchain payment to secure international trading.

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Written by TraDove

TraDove is the only business social networking platform that matches and connects relevant buyers and sellers worldwide.

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