Tree Of Life Designs
4 min readMay 9, 2024


Welcome friends and family of the Dero network and to all those seekers out there that value good old fashioned privacy, spiritual connection, fund raisers and creative ways to share and express through the medium of artistic creativity.

The world is a very dynamic and quickly evolving place in these times we live on planet earth, where people are seeking connection and to keep their head above the water in what sometimes feels like a sinking ship.

We are constantly being faced with the double edge sword of right and wrong and striving to find balance, love, integrity and peace through the many storms of polarized narratives created by the minds of humans where we are challenged to find the right path, to learn be the light and to keep shining bright no matter how dark or shadowed things seem to be on the world stage.

It is all about how to create unity even in the face of intense division as together when we synchronize our actual weight and size evil will be trembling as the force of love prevails on this planet. The systems of corruption will crumble in the sinking sand created by the creation of fear.

Revelations are the time we live in and we must be prepared for many things to be Revealed at a fast pace for the great unravelling of Truth hidden from our eyes and from hue — manity. To remember there are only two forces in the Universe love and fear and are both the exact same electron. Is all a choice and a growth in consciousness to break the shackles and chains of ancestral transgressions that bind us in the density of epigenetic pain and trauma. Every nation has its pride and shame and so does every human.

What we sow is what we shall reap in this terrestrial and cosmic garden of the soul so keep calm and choose Love, choose to bless this world and find ways to support the causes and help grow the beauty and the projects that we believe in, to keep the spirit and brilliance of human potential and the ancient wisdom alive and find the ways to uplift the human spirit and protect the earth and her people.

We must learn to have faith and keep our payers and sights on helping the divinity of the human journey on earth to thrive.

I am happy to present this collection Dero Tree Of Life NFT’s to find a creative pathway to help support us on this journey and project with the blessing of consciously using technology offering a way to fund the continuation of evolving and the flowering of our healing work.

For a recap or if you are a first time viewer please check out medium our first article

If for any reason you feel compelled to support our fund raiser further and want to help our project, feel free to offer more than the NFT listed price or by making a donation to our dero wallet. We would greatly appreciate any help.


We would greatly appreciate any help.

It has been a long journey of 1.5 years since the original conception of the idea of DeroTreeOfLife with many different stages, elements and forces coming together to finally get to the final stage of minting and the upcoming Launch date. This is very exciting for us. Due to the fact that we spent(d) a lot of time off grid and continuing our healing works this was a miracle in the making and give thanks for all the support especially to key members of the Dero community for making all of this possible. You know who you are. Your efforts are deeply appreciated. Thank you again for this opportunity to spread and share this visual healing activation and help us find a way to fulfill our mission.

DeroTreeOfLife is now visible on

Everyone can now feel free to browse the collection and check out all the different Themes/Emblems, Glyphs and background colours of the multitudes of visual vibrational medicine with the unique visual transmission and message within each design.

Infinite Gratitude for your support

Love & Blessings

Mr. T

The launch discounts are in effect during the pre launch phase.

Pre Launch discounts :

  • The discount is 10% off for the first 20 NFT’s offers selected from the 64 Rarity score category @ the discounted price of 64 Dero.
  • All other Rarity score NFT Categories are NOT available for discount bidding
  • Friday May 10th is opening date for the pre launch discount offers.
  • Only precise value offers will be honoured. Closing date for offers is Friday May 17th.
  • When the pre-launch phase closes Friday May 17th, the pre-launch offers will be filled.

