The bots are coming: a guide to trivisk’s friendly robots

4 min readMar 14, 2019


Welcome back, friends!

We have talked about the major features of trivisk already, including all the objects and trophies you will be able to find throughout the game. Today we have an excellent article about the 3 bots or robots you can find in trivisk.

First thing first, these 3 robots are not evil, they don’t want to smash you (at least not right away) and are here to help you gain experience and become part of the fun.

How can you play against the Robots in the game?

Here they are! Ready to play against you!

We have talked about this before in the types of games. However, here is a short and sweet explanation.

Open trivisk and press the play button. Once you are in the games section, click in the filter’s tab. Inside the pink tab, go to the fourth option and move the big dot to your left. Now you have selected the “Bots Mode,” meaning you will only play against our Robots.

Anytime you want to play against real people from anywhere in the world or your family and friends, go back to the filters tab and select the “Humans Mode.”

Now that we got that out of the way let’s get started with the presentations!

Bert: The Expert

Bert is a brilliant robot, created to develop and advance in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The bulb in its head allows him to recharge energy quickly and make difficult decisions in the shortest time possible. He doesn’t like to lose since he isn’t used to it, so even though he is a lovely and affectionate robot, if he loses, you will have to deal with his bad temper.

Bert loves to train every day to be the best one in the game

Bert belongs to the family of experienced Robots with hundreds of hours of training behind their backs. His skills and abilities will make players need high-level characters to compete with him.

If your character is still in the lower levels, chances are Bert is going to crush him or her badly… so make sure to choose him when you are ready to win.

Clink: The Freedom-Chaser

Despite his angelical face, Clink is a brave and resilient robot trained to win. It can compete without any problems with players in the low levels, it will continue to beat the majority of players in the intermediate levels, but things can get tricky for him if he challenges players in top levels.

Clink takes every free moment from the training to fly and feel free

Clink likes to compete, but he is also passionate about many other things like flying, the stars, and the sea. His robotic arms allow him to be free in the sky and fly for at least two hours without the need to recharge. He is a perfect friend of Bax and is usually chosen by Koko to be his snack. Luckily he can fly and escape, almost always…

Lu: the speed lover

Lu was created to serve as an efficient and fast helper in labs and factories. Her wheels give her the mobility she needs to carry heavy packages and utensils fast when urgent.

Lu enjoying her day!

Since she opened her eyes for the first time all she could think about was running as fast as possible. These thoughts and dreams let her into rigorous daily training to become the fastest robot ever.

Lu has been promoted several times thanks to her speed and ability to ensure the safety of anything she carries even when close to the speed of light.

Lu loves to race and has spent a lot hours of training to be the best at the annual robot races.

She rarely loses. Her love for velocity and her inability to accept defeat keep her grounded and ready to become better every day.

To defeat her, players will need to be really fast answering. They won’t see her coming.

Bax: The Sweet-Heart

Bax is the sweetest and most loving of all the training robots so far. Bax comes from a family of robots mainly designed to be a companion bot.

When humans stopped remembering basic things, he joined Tink to help his human owner return to normal and prevent him from forgetting things.

Bax is the cutest of all. He doesn’t care much about winning,he just loves to play

He doesn’t care about winning or losing. Bax loves to play, and that is enough for him, he usually confronts first level players without any problem. However, playing against players from higher levels makes him nervous and uncomfortable, because he knows he will end up in Koko’s clutches. He has been through that many times already and doesn’t like it at all.

Thankfully Koko and Bax are friends and although he tries to eat him from time to time, Bax always returns in one piece and without a single scratch.

Those are the stories of our, for now, 3 amazing robots. Which one is your favorite?

To learn more about the game don’t forget to visit our website!

We will be back with more info about trivisk soon!




A unique and refreshing game is coming! Here we will tell about the story and characters of the game.