The Web3 Profile: A Comprehensive Tutorial

6 min readOct 13, 2021


Welcome to Profile, your one-stop-shop Decentralized Identity (DID) solution that conveniently stores all of your personal information across various different applications and platforms via the blockchain. With Profile, you’re in complete control of how you own, manage, and store your data.

To make it as easy as possible for everyone to familiarize themselves with and navigate through Profile, we’ve put together a tutorial on how to use the entire interface so you can maximize all of the benefits it has to offer. As a note, Profile is currently in its Beta version.

If you haven’t yet set up your Profile, you’ll need to do this first before proceeding with the features below. To learn how to create your very own Web3 profile, please navigate to our step-by-step guide.


Once you’ve logged into your Profile, you’ll automatically be directed to the Dashboard landing page. This Dashboard serves as the central hub for exploring the different Profile functionalities and tracking some of your key metrics.

When you’ve filled out information regarding your profile, click View Profile in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to see what it looks like.

Some of these key metrics include your verification status, tutorials completed, badges, profile completion, and external connections. Everything is accessible in one place, where you’ll be given an overarching view so you don’t miss a beat.

Profile Manager

The Profile Manager is where everything comes to life — you can begin adding details about yourself and truly customize the various elements of your profile. Let’s take a look at each component in more detail:

Profile Template Selection

You can choose from a select amount of templates we have available to customize your profile. Start by clicking on +Add New Template at the bottom.

Next, select your favorite out of the four available templates we offer. Click +Add to enable the template as a selection, then click back to the main page and select your preferred template. Once selected, click Save at the top to add the template, which will now be visible on your public profile.

You can upload your own custom photo for each template to add some more flavor— required image sizes are a minimum of 650 x 650 PX and a maximum of 1300 x 1300 PX.


Adding a profile image is quick and easy to make your profile stand out. Simply click on the placeholder image and you’ll be prompted to select a picture from your desktop. Once you’ve selected the image, make sure to click Save to enable this as your official profile avatar.

Please note that photos are required to be in either JPG or PNG format, and should be a minimum of 100 x 100 PX and a maximum of 250 x 250 PX.

Cover Photo

Your cover photo will be placed as a header on your profile, similar to LinkedIn’s interface. Click on the default image, select your preferred image, and click Save to officially add your cover photo.

Similar to before, photos that can be uploaded need to be in either JPG or PNG format. Your cover photo should be a minimum of 700 x 165 PX.


Now it’s time to fill in some information about yourself that you’re comfortable posting. Click +Edit to enter in your details, then click Save when you’re finished.

Social Profiles

Go to the Social Profiles section and select Manage Profiles. From there, you’ll have the option to add from the various supported social media platforms we support. Choose the ones you want to integrate and click Add — you’ll be prompted to enter your login information. Once complete, your social media profile will be added and integrated with your profile.


Add details about your education in the different fields, including your degree level, university name, duration, and a brief description if you would like. When you’re finished, don’t forget to click Save.


Fill in your work experience to show everyone your professional history and titles. Add your job title, company name, timeframe at the organization, and a description of your responsibilities. Once you’re done, click Save.

Manage Content Visibility

This section allows you to have full control of what you want to display on your public profile. By default, everything is deselected — click on the sections you want to be publicly visible to fully enable them.


The Connections tab is where you’re able to view and manage your followers, people who you’re following, and mutual followers.


Peruse through the world of Elastos DIDs within the Explore section. Here, you’ll be able to search through people and pages who’ve created a profile, where you can follow them and begin to build your network from the ground up. You can look through the available menu or search if you’re looking for something specific.

Account Settings

Through the Settings tab, you’ll be able to manage your account, receive help and support through our guides or by contacting us, and view your subscriptions and payments.


Through the Activities tab, you can track your actions and tasks on your profile in a cohesive and fluid manner. The user interface displays an activities timeline in chronological order that can be sorted by various parameters.

You can also view how many requests you’ve submitted, and the status of each one, as seen below.

Support Forum

If you’re still curious or have questions, or if you want to learn about some of our ongoing new features, you can visit our Support Forum where you browse through or search to find exactly what you need.

There’s plenty of guides and forums that offer solutions to common user questions and issues.



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