The True Reply TrueCoin Utility Token Sales Event Ends Soon…What’s Next?

True Reply
4 min readMar 29, 2018


The story of True Reply and TrueCoin is just getting started! As we approach the end of our TrueCoin sales event, I wanted to provide some insight as to recent developments and our plans moving forward.

First — we had an AMAZING month!

The platform technology expanded to allow for completely new market opportunities. We’ve begun implementing powerful functionalities into a new API which is currently in private beta.

Using the True Reply API, companies like On Star and SiriusXM now have the ability to push our automated, voice-based surveys to commuters in their cars for just-in-time, direct feedback via voice.

Also built into our API is the ability for media production companies, like Storybooth, who have already amassed large libraries of video and audio assets to push their media into True Reply and take advantage of True Reply’s cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP), emotion and sentiment analysis, open searching, filtering, and growing advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

We completed a huge update to allow for content publishing functionality. A function that allows for survey responses to be pushed out to personal websites and blogs with a click of a button.

On the healthcare front, True Reply was featured in Neurology Reviews in a special edition on rare neurological diseases. This was tremendous for our healthcare-based initiatives.

March also saw us donate our tech and launch campaigns for social good with Students for Changes and the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation. We also announced our work with Reclaim New York and their quest to reform New York State’s tax and healthcare situation.

This month we also added some very special names to our advisory board who we hope will be longterm fixtures of the future of True Reply. Namely Joel Comm and Travis Wright — legends in digital marketing but also hero’s of crypto, and hosts of The Bad Crypto Podcast.

We were able to add these names to our advisory board based on their recognition of the uniqueness and potential of TrueCoin and the value it plays within the True Reply platform today and the future.

Anyone can use TrueCoin to launch incentivized surveys via the True Reply platform for participation via any Amazon Alexa-powered device. This is a powerful opportunity for anyone in market research or content production. You can conduct your research at considerable savings by participating in our token sale.

From the community perspective, anyone can earn TrueCoin by participating in incentivized surveys via any Amazon Alexa-powered device. Presently this is limited to the U.S. but we are laser-focused on pushing out to international regions soon. Our near term goals are Canada, Europe, India, and Australia. As Amazon expands their reach within specific technology sets, we’ll continue to rollout.

Our goal is also to introduce other cryptocurrencies in the coming month to the cash out options — not just TrueCoin. We will likely start with the top 5 in market cap.

Where will we go next with TrueCoin?

Our goal with the True Reply TrueCoin token sales event has been both to create an entry point for platform utilization growth on both sides — practitioners and participants — and also to, through the sale of TrueCoin at the sale price, raise the funds necessary to execute our roadmap within the schedule we know we can execute on given the proper level of funds on hand.

Everyone can agree that 2018 has been, so far, one of the strangest and most turbulent crypto markets to date. This has been, in no small part, due to legislative uncertainties within the U.S., huge exchange breaches, ICO scams, and more. Even with all the GREAT news within the crypto space, it has yet to recover.

We would be fools to believe that this didn’t impact our True Reply TrueCoin sales event.

I am, however, extremely optimistic. I believe the second half of 2018 is going to see a surge and adoption rate of crypto the will come from stable technologies and not from crowd exuberance.

We are already seeing some of this brewing in all the favorable news that came out of the G20 summit, exchanges like Coinbase announcing support for ERC20 tokens, and recent SEC announcements and requirements changes. Changes that have prompted a larger and linear narrative away from Utility Tokens and into a more favorable Security Token scenario.

So what’s next?

First, our roadmap will be affected. Some items have happened early (like going live with earning crypto) while others are still on the to-do list. Many objectives on the roadmap, which depended on our raise amount, will be pushed out a bit.

As our TrueCoin sales event comes to an end in just a few days, we’re taking a step back to re-position.

If all goes as planned, with a minimum of 100 million outstanding tokens, we hope to conduct a much larger event which will see new and exciting use cases for TrueCoin.

Our target date, taking into consideration SEC requirements, will be July-August of this year.

Our belief is we’ll be facing a much more favorable cryptocurrency and token offering market with a much stronger narrative for True Reply. Ultimately, this will be a huge benefit to the True Reply community.

We have a LOT of exciting stuff in the coming months and we are excited that our community will be growing and joining us for the ride.

Stay tuned…stick with us…we’re just getting started!



True Reply

The automated, voice data platform for collecting and analyzing voice-based data at any scale across telephone, media, or your Amazon Alexa-powered devices.