What Is the Tuduka Method?

3 min readAug 26, 2023


Hi, I’m Jason Comely, and I’m a recovering stress eater.

I’ve resolved the issue thanks to a system I developed called the Tuduka Method (here’s more on the name Tuduka and what dukkha means). It has so completely changed my perception of food and stress that I’m able to consistently keep within my caloric budget.

Now I want to introduce the Tuduka Method to you.

How to Do the Tuduka Method

In a nutshell, the Tuduka Method combines the effective psychology of the to-do list with a toolbox of easy-to-implement self-mastery skills. It consists of the following five steps:

1. Set the intention to be aware of negative feelings that arise (dukkha) and clarify your motivation. Write your why at the top of each Tuduka list (you can download and print off a foldable booklet).

Here’s how to set your intention and keep it strong.

2. Before dukkha (a.k.a. craving, aversion) arises, select 3–4 self-control techniques from the Tuduka blog (many are forthcoming) and write them on your Tuduka to-do list in sequential order. This is the essential step for the success of the method, so it’s important not to skip it!

More on constructing your counter-strategy against craving.

3. At the first sign of dukkha, try to get out of the situation so you are no longer tempted and your willpower is not tested.

Read how dealing with dukkha is like driving.

4. If dukkha persists, do the first self-control technique on your Tuduka to-do list, then the next, until the intensity of your desire has diminished. If you can, check the items off as you do them (it’s advantageous to do so).

Get dopamine from delayed gratification in this critical step of the Tuduka Method.

5. Jot down any insights and feelings in the “Outcome” section (if you use the Tuduka todo booklet). Save the completed Tuduka booklets in an index card holder or photograph your pages and store them in a note-taking app. You can use this information to help you build even more effective lists in the future.

Learn more about this final step of the Tuduka Method.

How Can You Benefit from the Tuduka Method?

The Tuduka Method can help you make better choices anytime dukkha arises. Use it to delay gratification, stop impulsive behaviour, regulate emotions, and develop patience. It can also help you plan and organize better. If you struggle with:

  • nicotine cravings
  • anger
  • stress eating
  • viewing porn
  • alcoholism
  • impulse buying
  • substance abuse
  • or any behaviour where you feel like you’re not in control…

Then it’s high time to develop the skills to resist unwanted temptations and suppress those desires that might lead you down a path to heartbreak and self-destruction.

When you’re ready to change, subscribe to Tuduka and be sure to download the Tuduka printable pdf todo.




Get control of yourself, one urge at a time, with the Tuduka Method.