Big giant companies. Tools to solve problems.

The Software PR Pandemic

5 min readMar 22, 2020

Coronavirus is a great time for software companies to start helping by giving their software away for free.

Instead, we have a software PR pandemic, a lot of software companies sharing the same stuff over and over.

Problem solving is what these app companies are supposed to do.

They have tools that can be used to fight, save lives, and win!

How much longer until they start realizing this is their chance to shine?


Writing a narrative that paints your company in a good light, makes your CEO look great, and ultimately linking back to your products…

You can’t be a USED car sales person during a pandemic.

Let’s talk strategy.

( a few days after releasing this, I got an email from google stating their hangouts product is free during the pandemic, i’m not saying i caused this, im just saying it’s a good movement )

Software companies that are buying PR.

Software companies are having writers write content as their own blog posts.

This content is re-shared by employees OR they are purchasing PR.

PR means Press Release.

Every article, blog, or PR is the same.

They are written as if we don’t know about the virus, and it’s never written in a causal tone like the CEO is writing the letter.

It’s the writing team and revisions.

We know you know there’s a coronavirus, we know you know how to wash hands and we are glad you’re emailing us about how to wash hands.

Ultimately we know what’s happening and most people are not clicking on your content because it’s extremely low quality.

Glass legs are visible to most.

We know you’re only painting your product in a pretty light during a pandemic. We think this is bad for your brand but you don’t know that because “free” isn’t an option in your mind right now.

I hope after reading this blog, it’s in your mind.

I’m also a FOUNDER and here’s my help…

I’ve spent several weekends, nights, and weekdays building ETL solutions. Pausing my tableau consulting work and focusing on solving the data problem.

I’m a FOUNDER of a services company and knew my help would be a solution. I ENJOY offering data warehousing non-profit if it means I can save lives.

And by fixing data, making it more relevant, more available, more understand-able, I’m saving more lives than your “paid PR.”

I knew I would be able to provide a “next step” and never once thought about how it was going to drive more revenue to my business.

This allowed me to offer more than a PR release, instead I offered solutions to the problems.

ETL process cleaning up a github repo of coronavirus data.

I worked for free so that I could communicate problems with the coronavirus data pipelines publicly.

No hired writer or PR team needed.

I was able to offer remediations to the data pipelines. Data that is impacting billions of people who access this information across hundreds of news stations around the world. Helping others make better decisions related to all the pretty dashboards.

This can’t be said by any CEO making millions on software right now!

It’s okay that CEO’s don’t have the time to FIGHT the problem, but they do have the ability to FIGHT with us.

If these “concerned CEO” blogs or PR articles realized their “installer” could be free during this pandemic… AND their revenue will increase faster than it does today….

There’s an army of unemployed people and employed people who want your product but can’t afford the product, all of them want to FIGHT the coronavirus with your tools.

Why did I work for free?

Because that’s me giving away my product for free.

Because if I don’t the world is doomed.

Because I felt obliged to give away my services to render a solution to problems.

Legos w/ my son :)

What are software companies doing wrong?

Let me explain. Software companies are doing one major thing wrong. Repeating themselves over and over.

They are not considering their solution a weapon or tool against the coronavirus. They are forgetting their product is developed to solve big problems!

They are forgetting they have the power to fight against the coronavirus.

Or maybe, they don’t know how to use their product.

And if you don’t use your own tools, you don’t know the value.

PR about the pandemic shows me you don’t know the value of your own product during an important time in history.

This is the time to stop acting like a software sales company.

Wash hands, pandemic MAP, did you see this dashboard yet?

You’re open or closed, you kept kept employees or you fired your employees.

Maybe you shared data that everyone else is sharing too?

You have some wisdom your writer wrote for you?

We get it. Please hold.

How about, “Our software is free, let’s fight the problem with our tool!”

Give it away for free. Be the hero in a time of terror.

Give it away for free. We have one chance to fight the coronavirus.

  1. Give your software away for free during the coronavirus.
  2. Let anyone who isn’t a company keep the software for life.
  3. It will grow your army of problem solvers
  4. Your company will instantly explode, don’t pretend to know digital marketing, start knowing digital marketing.

ALSO… There’s an army of people who are trying to help fight the problem.

There’s a bigger army of people who can’t afford your products because they don’t have a job anymore. Now, you have your audience.

These people, humans, problem solvers, are eager to help and gain new job skills in the process.

Your software needs to become free.

Thanks for checking out my blog.

Software companies…

Software companies are buying PR and writing blogs.

Press Releases in a pandemic, and it’s not about your prices plummeting?!

This is a great time to build champions not press releases about nothing.
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blogging helps me learn, remember, and understand concepts., twitter = @itylergarrett