LOTTERY + 1 500 000 TOKEN REWARD! Vote for Ubcoin on Indodax Community Voting for 300+ votes and get UBC and win one of 29 prizes in ETH!

Ubcoin. Cryptocurrency reimagined
Ubcoin Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2018

(read in Bahasa Indonesia below!)

If UBC wins, UBC will be listed on Indodax immediately and it will raise liquidity of the token!

Vote for UBC on for 300 votes MINIMUM and receive UBC guaranteed!

300 VOTES = 90 UBC, 1000 votes = 300 UBC, 3000 votes = 900 UBC guaranteed! Less then 300 votes = 0 UBC.

You can vote one time for 300 votes or MORE and fill the form one time. If you decide later to vote again with 300 votes or more — please fill the form again.

In addition to UBC — the lottery:

5 prizes of 3.5 ETH for those who voted for Ubcoin 3000 votes and more!

4 prizes of 2.5 ETH for those who voted for Ubcoin 1000–2999 votes!

20 prizes of 0.3 ETH for those who voted for Ubcoin 300–999 votes!

RULES: To receive UBC and participate in lottery:

  1. Vote for UBC on and make a proof of how you vote (video or the screenshot — we need to see the screen). If video — upload it to Youtube. Vote for 300 votes minimum
  2. Post link to this post on your Twitter or FB account (you need to post this link:
  3. Join our TG channel and chat
  4. Fill this form:

UBC will be distributed to ALL who voted for 300 votes and MORE counting as 1 vote = 0,3 UBC. Lottery prizes will be distributed randomly in ETH.

If UBC wins this round, lottery prizes + reward tokens will be paid after September, 25. If UBC doesn’t win this round, we will participate in the next round. Lottery+airdrop will be paid after it (even if UBC doesn’t win).

VOTE FOR UBC NOW till November, 12!

NOTE: Token reward is limited to 1 500 000 UBC.


  1. You should have Indodax account. If you don’t have, please register here:
  2. You should apply for KYC to get your account verified.
  3. Make sure you have funds to buy TEN tokens (0.1 minimum) which are required for voting.
  4. Vote for Ubcoin here: and record the video/make a screenshot of how you vote
  5. Fill this form:


Ubcoin Market is global peer-to-peer Ebay-like marketplace for exchanging real goods (laptops, iPhones, art objects, etc) to cryptocurrency and back. The Ubcoin Market app is launched.

Ubcoin closed a public token sale with success. It has raised several million dollars from private investors, the Inventure fund and the Singapore-based Amereus fund. Circulating supply is limited — 342 mln tokens.


Rules in Bahasa Indonesia — translation


Ubcoin di Indodax Community Voting

Vote untuk UBC di dengan MINIMAL 300 vote dan dapatkan jaminan UBC! 1 vote = 0,3 UBC.

Jadi 300 vote = 90 UBC, 1000 vote = 300 UBC, 3000 vote = 900 UBC dijamin. 250 vote = 0 UBC.

Sebagai tambahan:

5 hadiah 3,5 ETH bagi mereka yang memberikan 3000 votes dan lebih banyak lagi

4 hadiah 2,5 ETH bagi mereka yang memberikan 1.000–2999 vote

20 hadiah 0,3 ETH bagi mereka yang memberikan 300–999 vote

Untuk menerima UBC dan berpartisipasi dalam undian:

  1. Beri suara untuk UBC di dan buktikan bagaimana Anda memberikan vote (video atau screen shot — kita perlu melihat layar). Jika video — upload ke Youtube. Beri vote dengan minimal 300 vote
  2. Bagikan tautan ke pos ini di akun Twitter atau FB Anda (tautan —
  3. Bergabunglah dengan saluran TG kami dan obrolan
  4. Isi formulir ini:

UBC akan didistribusikan ke SEMUA yang memberikan minimal 300 vote dan lebih banyak lagi. 1 vote= 0,3 UBC. Hadiah undian akan didistribusikan secara acak di ETH. Anda dapat berpartisipasi berkali-kali.

Jika UBC memenangkan putaran ini, hadiah undian + token hadiah akan dibayarkan setelah 25 September. Jika UBC tidak memenangkan babak ini, kami akan berpartisipasi di babak berikutnya. Undian + Airdrop akan diperpanjang untuk putaran berikutnya dan akan dibayar setelahnya (bahkan jika UBC tidak menang).

VOTE UNTUK UBC SEKARANG hingga 12 November!

CATATAN: Hadiah Token dibatasi hingga 1 500 000 UBC.


Ubcoin Market adalah pasar peer-to-peer global seperti Ebay untuk bertukar barang nyata (laptop, iPhone, benda seni, dll) ke mata uang kripto atau sebaliknya.

Ubcoin menutup penjualan token publik dengan sukses. Penjualan token tersebut berhasil mengumpulkan beberapa juta dolar dari investor swasta, dana Inventure dan dana Amereus yang berbasis di Singapura. Circulating supplynya terbatas — 342 juta token.


  1. Anda harus memiliki akun Indodax. Jika Anda tidak memilikinya, silakan mendaftar di sini:
  2. Anda harus mengajukan permohonan untuk KYC agar akun Anda diverifikasi.
  3. Pastikan Anda memiliki dana untuk membeli token TEN (Minimalnya 0,1) yang diperlukan untuk melakukan voting.
  4. Vote untuk Ubcoin di sini: dan rekam video / ambil screen shot bukti anda memberikan vote
  5. Isi formulir ini:



Ubcoin. Cryptocurrency reimagined
Ubcoin Blog

A unique crypto-goods exchange. A blockchain-based smart ecosystem for easily exchanging real goods for cryptocurrency and vice versa. Website —