Following this rule will immediately change your life

Uday Thakur
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


George set out to change his life and take control. It won’t be easy but it is a journey he must travel, you only live once so why not live it the way you want?

Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

Imagine 100 people are prescribed a drug, one-third won’t get the prescription filled, and the remaining 67 percent fill it but will miss doses or not take them in the first place.

Imagine an old man and his dog, both need to take medicines, a study by thehill shows that people are more likely to care for their pets than themselves.

Statistically, the old man is more likely to feed his dog its medicine than remember to take his. The physicians and doctors blame their patients for not sticking to their courses and question that they do not want to improve.

But why would someone intentionally sabotage their recovery?

These facts alone prove nothing but how people might care more for their pets than themselves, how horrible is that?

To treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping is to understand what would be truly good for you, not what makes you happy.

Giving candy to a child makes the child happy, does not mean you only give the child candy, it is your responsibility to make sure they brush their teeth, or when it's cold they wear a jacket even if they might not prefer wearing one.

To treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping is about willingly taking on the responsibility of doing the best for yourself, irrespective of how it might make you feel temporarily, it is choosing a healthy meal over an unhealthy one, it is getting up early to go for a run over sleeping an extra hour, it is choosing a career where you will be challenged and feel productive, than finding something with less effort.

Every time you choose something with less effort you're choosing to put less effort into yourself, this presents a statement to your brain about how valuable you are, and what is you worth, it sets an image of how you see yourself.

When people see this statement of you they choose to treat you the same way you treat yourself, with less effort and value, as you might remember from If You're 18 or Older here's How You Can Change Your Life.

People will believe what you tell them.

Unfortunately, as the statement is continuously presented to your brain with small losses like your choice of meal, how clean you keep yourself, or how you draw boundaries in relationships, it becomes harder for your brain to start treating itself better.

It believes you're not worth the effort and the more you put off the change the worse and harder it gets.

The good news is you choose how you treat yourself at the end of the day, small losses can become small wins and small wins can become great victories, you don't have to be an overnight success, each drop in the bucket counts. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

That’s enough motivation for today😂

I hope you will use what you learned in this blog as a trigger to break this depreciating cycle. Because at the end of the day, you must treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.

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If you wish to read the book these rules are derived from, check out 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos. Be sure to leave a comment and like if you enjoyed reading, to never miss out on the latest blogs, click on the email icon beside the follow button below.



Uday Thakur

Hi, I'm Uday. I've been studying psychology, tech and history for years, most of my content is a combination of what I researched, studied and applied.