How Starting a Medium Publication Can Help You Earn More

Writing Tips
4 min readJun 8, 2023


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

In today’s digital world, content is king. As a writer, you might be looking for ways to stand out from the crowd and generate income from your work. One of the best platforms to achieve this is Medium, and starting your own Medium publication can offer you numerous benefits. In this article, we’ll dive into the specifics of what a Medium publication is, how it can help you build your brand, and how it can lead to earning more money as a writer.

What is a Medium Publication?

A Medium publication is a collection of stories or articles under a shared theme or topic. It acts as an online magazine or blog, where multiple writers can contribute their work. This allows readers to follow the publication and receive updates when new content is added.

Publications are an excellent way to organize your content and connect with like-minded individuals. They can help you establish your brand, reach a wider audience, and potentially earn more money.

Why Start a Medium Publication?

1. Building Your Brand

Having a well-defined brand is crucial in today’s competitive writing landscape. A Medium publication can act as a hub for all your content, showcasing your niche expertise and unique style. By creating a publication, you’re able to develop a branded space for yourself and your contributors, making it easy for readers to identify and follow your work.

2. Curating and Showcasing Talent

A publication allows you to feature the work of other writers who share your passion and interests. By selecting high-quality, engaging content from contributors, you can elevate the collective impact of your publication. This can lead to increased visibility, attracting more readers, and ultimately, more earnings for everyone involved.

3. Expanding Your Audience

When you start a Medium publication, you’re not just limited to your own network of followers. Publications can be discovered by readers with similar interests, expanding your reach beyond your existing audience. Additionally, by collaborating with other writers, you can tap into their readership and grow your publication’s following.

4. Increased Earnings

Medium operates a Partner Program, allowing writers to earn money from their content based on reader engagement. By starting a publication, you can boost your earnings potential in several ways:

  • Growing your audience: More followers can lead to increased engagement, resulting in higher earnings.
  • Featured articles: Publications often highlight selected stories, potentially increasing views and engagement.
  • Collaborative efforts: Team up with other writers to create content that appeals to a broader audience, increasing the chances of earning more.

How to Create a Medium Publication

Step 1: Sign up for Medium

Before you create a publication, you need to have a Medium account. If you don’t already have one, sign up at

Step 2: Plan Your Publication

Determine your publication’s focus, target audience, and goals. Consider the following:

  • Niche: Identify a unique and specific topic to focus on.
  • Audience: Understand your target readers and their interests.
  • Design: Develop a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate layout.

Step 3: Create Your Publication

Once you have a clear vision, navigate to the publications page and click on “New publication.” Fill in the required details and customize your publication’s appearance. Be sure to create a memorable and descriptive title, as well as a concise tagline.

Step 4: Invite Contributors

Reach out to other writers who share your passion and invite them to contribute to your publication. You can use Medium’s built-in invitation tools or approach writers through social media or email.

Step 5: Promote Your Publication

Share your publication on social media, email newsletters, and other channels to attract readers and grow your audience.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Medium Publications

These publications showcase how starting a Medium publication can lead to success:

  1. The Startup: With over 700,000 followers, The Startup is one of Medium’s largest publications focused on entrepreneurship and startups. It features articles by various writers, providing valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  2. Better Humans: A publication dedicated to self-improvement, Better Humans has amassed over 300,000 followers. It offers readers articles on personal development, productivity, and health, featuring the work of multiple writers.
  3. Towards Data Science: This publication is a hub for data science enthusiasts, featuring content on machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data visualization. With over 400,000 followers, Towards Data Science demonstrates the power of niche publications in attracting a dedicated audience.

In conclusion, starting a Medium publication can be a game-changer for writers looking to build their brand, expand their audience, and increase their earnings. By creating a well-defined, visually appealing publication that showcases engaging content, you can set yourself apart from the competition and achieve success in the world of online writing.



Writing Tips

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!