Studio Update: Week 6

Abigail Epstein
2 min readFeb 10, 2019


Travel notes from a creative journey.

Upcycled artwork in a jewelry kit (owl pendant)

Hello, I’m Abigail and I’m an early career visual artist in New York state with a full time job and a love of writing. I try to explore personal growth and nostalgia in my work.

2018 was The Year of Transition. And I did learn a metric overload in a year. I also had a migraine for about 8 weeks, discovered the joys of reusing old artwork, and met some amazing people. I thought through sharing my work I’d be able to communicate all that.

But you know what? Blogging exists for a reason.

I’m not sure what 2019 will be. The Year of Pretending I Know What I’m Doing? The Year I Admit I’m Really Freaking Tired? The Year of Reaching Out?

But I do know I want to do a better job of communicating.

What I’m excited about:

I found glass cabochon jewelry kits that are all owls. 100% owls. Just owl pendants all over the place. I’m excited to start assembling them with the ominous pile of watercolors that went wrong. Some paintings can be salvaged. Some are destined to be owls.

What I’ve learned:

It really helps me to have a deadline looming. In this case, I’ve been accepted as a vendor at FC3, and there’s nothing like the fear of not having enough blobbily spirits, unicorn manatees, and miniature mars landscapes to get a woman moving.

Also, morning pages and therapy are the bees knees.

I don’t know if anyone out there needs to hear this, but your feelings are valid and you have permission to go to therapy even if “other people have it worse.” Take care of yourself already.

What I’m working on next:

As soon as I can crack the window open for a couple days I’ll be testing out paste wax medium.

What are YOU excited about? Please reach out, and let me know. :)

To see of my work, please visit my digital gallery here.



Abigail Epstein

Visual artist, mental health advocate, silly soul. Join the mailing list for e-zines, coupons, and early access to available work: